Gay Erotic Stories

Choices, Part 6

by Little Boi Blu
26 Mar 2002


Jared lost track of time sitting there in the recliner with his legs spread wide. Though still apprehensive about Peter leaving the door unlocked, he had at least settled into a mild, sexual stupor with the images flashing before him on his TV screen. Either out of curiosity or attraction, he couldn’t stop watching them. He would try to turn away at times, but it was no use. A small, wet stain had developed in the seat of the chair where the tip of his penis would rest from time to time, alternating between semi-erection and full hardness. And every time he heard footsteps outside his apartment, he would find himself hoping and praying that Peter would return soon. Each scene in the video Peter had left for him to watch had a common theme to it: a large cock invading a smooth, round ass. Sometimes the ass seemed willing and eager, sometimes not. But none of them looked like they were professionally made and, in fact, some scenes featured Daddy’s own monster sliding in so deep, it made it look like the ass was impaled on a large, tan post. It seemed to Jared that the message was clear enough: His poor, straight ass was next. After nearly four hours sitting in his defenseless position, Jared finally heard a pair of footsteps that stopped right outside his apartment. When he heard a light tapping on the door, his blood went cold and his current erection quickly softened. He knew Peter wouldn’t knock and so he held his breath and hoped the volume on the TV was low enough to go undetected. “Hello?” the female voice said as the doorknob turned and the door opened. With his chair turned away from the intruder, Jared blurted out desperately, “Get out!” He didn’t recognize the voice, but that didn’t matter. It wasn’t Peter…and it was female. “I’m just gonna come in for a few minutes,” the voice said and Jared could hear her footsteps on his carpet and could feel the gust of outside air run over his bare skin as the door opened wide and then closed behind her. “Get out! Get out! Get out!” Jared yelled frantically, squirming and rocking in his chair. “You’ve got the wrong apartment! Get out!” “Stop yelling like that,” she told him. “Do you want the whole neighborhood to hear you?” Struggling vainly to pull himself free of his bonds and run to his bedroom and hide, Jared realized that raising his voice like that would only do more harm than good. But he continued to protest, begging her not to come in any further and to leave at once. It did no good, however. She removed her coat and laid it over the dining table. Then she strolled over to the chair and looked down at Jared as he struggled. Under normal circumstances, Jared would have found her very attractive and worth flirting with. She was young and slim and curved in all the right places, with the outline of her nipples pressed against her tight shirt. “Hi there,” she said with a curious grin. She looked him over as he strained every muscle in his finely tuned body, trying to move out of his position in even the slightest bit. The image of Daddy’s swollen cock was sliding around on the TV screen, slimed in saliva and milky-white cum atop a shuddering round ass. “Go away!” he begged over and over. But she instead put her hands between her legs and bent over and examined Jared’s shriveled penis as he squirmed. “Oh my gawd!” she gasped. “Peter was right. That’s the smallest one yet!” Nearing exhaustion from his futile struggle, Jared’s hands strained to reach at his crotch to cover his embarrassment and his legs could only shudder as he tried without success to move them together. “Please go away,” he pleaded with her. She eyed her way up his body and looked at him. Jared paused from his struggles when their eyes met, but then her gaze dropped slightly to the tag on his collar and he could see it on her lips as she read the number to herself. This woman now knew exactly how he measured up. “Peter told me you were the smallest one they ever got,” she said with a slight shake of her head. “I’m his girlfriend, by the way. My name’s Gina.” She smiled in a condescending way, like some mother talking to her little boy about how sorry she was he turned out the way he did. The tension in Jared’s body was wearing him down. There was nowhere to hide and no way out of this situation. His legs were spread wide open for her observation and she was looking him over quite thoroughly. He was slowly resigning himself from any hope of turning her away. When Gina reached in to pull his penis up with her thumb and forefinger, Jared used up the last of his energy trying to prevent it. But the only thing he could manage to do successfully was watch her as she raised it up and pulled at it curiously. “You know,” she observed, “I saw my little brother naked once, when he was thirteen. His was much bigger than this.” She laughed with amusement as she played with it like a delicate string. “Let go,” Jared said, not liking her comparison at all. He bucked his hips slightly as if that would convince her to release the pinch she had on his shaft. But this only seemed to amuse her more. “You like to watch this stuff?” she asked as she glanced over at the TV screen. She continued to hold his penis up with her two fingers. “No,” Jared grunted. “I’m being forced to watch it. Now let me go!” “Your chair looks pretty sticky,” she noted. She dabbled a finger lightly in the small puddle of pre-cum on the seat and began rubbing it over the head of his stick. With Daddy’s cock taunting him on the screen and the cool, slimy sensation now greasing his sensitive skin, Jared’s erection took hold and his embarrassment grew with it. “Please,” he pleaded with her. “Please stop doing that.” Ignoring his pleas, she started rubbing his upper body with her other hand and commented on what a beautiful boy he was. And she kept using that word “boy.” “I’m not a boy,” he argued, unable to look at her as she played with him at will. He felt her pinch at his shaft, now hard from the wet massage. “Are you sure about that?” she grinned. He glanced down at himself as he squirmed and saw her two fingers on his little rocket and it did make him think of a little boy the way she held it there like that. Beyond his focus, he caught the glistening image of Daddy’s big penis hanging flaccid on the TV screen, swaying masterfully over the creamed ass it had just invaded, and the sight of it caused his penis to pulse for her and she laughed. “So, what do ya think?” came Peter’s voice from behind. Jared hadn’t even heard him enter. “You’re right,” Gina answered. “He’s cute. Small, but cute.” She finally released Jared’s penis, wiped her fingers off on his leg, and stood over him. “He’s a really good cocksucker,” Peter said. He came up behind Gina and put his arms around her from behind and gently rubbed her hips. “He sucked me off in the shower this morning. He’s pretty eager once he gets into it.” Jared gasped and squirmed and denied it to her but she only shook her head and asked him if he liked sucking her boyfriend’s cock. Jared grew silent as he watched Peter move his hands up under her shirt and caress her firm breasts. Gina acted as if nothing were out of the ordinary and even grabbed behind her and rubbed at Peter’s ass, pleased with his attention. “Did he deep you?” she asked Peter. “Naa, not yet. His Daddy will teach him how to do that.” “Did he swallow?” “Oh yeah!” Peter smiled. He slid his hands out of her shirt and walked around her and thrust the growing hard-on under his jeans at Jared’s face. “He couldn’t get enough of it.” Jared struggled anew with his bonds, desperate to keep Peter from telling this woman anything more about what he had done. But the heat and size of Peter’s bulge drew his face closer to it. “I think he wants to suck it right now!” Gina laughed. “At least he’s got good taste.” Peter turned and kissed her and thanked her for the compliment. Jared’s eyes were fixed on the long curve pressing against Peter’s buttoned fly and could feel his own member pulsing harder than ever and he hated it. He hated that he was feeling an odd sense of jealousy. He wished Peter’s girlfriend would stop looking at him and just leave. He wished he were alone with Peter, safe from female scrutiny. Then Peter would make him open his mouth and he would be forced to beg for another intimate moment with Peter’s long, slender meat. He wanted his privacy…with Peter. “Just promise you’ll save some for me after you’re through training him,” Gina told Peter between kisses. “I love sucking that big tool, too.” “Maybe later, you and this boy can share it together,” Peter told her. “Then he can show you how good he is.” She patted Peter’s ass lovingly and told him that would be fun. Then she kissed him one last time and told him she had to get going. “Good luck in your training,” Gina said to Jared as she slipped her coat on. She put her hand over Peter’s crotch and gripped at the long hose inside. “And take good care of this for me, little boy.” Then Gina and Peter said their good-byes and finally, Jared heard Gina exit. All at once, his body relaxed and he felt utterly exhausted from the tension of having a woman see him the way he was in that chair. “Why didn’t you lock the door?” Jared blurted out in frustration. Peter came over and shut off the TV and squatted down next to him. He patted Jared’s chest and smiled. “Because I didn’t feel like it, boy. And that’s none of your business, anyway. Your only concern is to do as your told and be happy doing it. Do you understand?” Jared wanted an apology. He wanted the whole incident erased from his memory. He wanted Peter to at least acknowledge whose apartment it was and whose money he had taken and whose car he had borrowed. But when he opened his mouth to complain, Peter leaned forward and slipped his tongue in and kissed him slowly and gently. Jared’s eyes widened as Peter’s lips and tongue pressed against his own and intertwined them. As Peter’s tongue continued to probe his mouth and his hands caressed his face, Jared’s startled expression softened and his eyes began to close. Unable to pull away, Jared melted into submission and found his own tongue anxious to enter into Peter, twisting and sliding and pressing to please him, losing all sense that this was another guy kissing him passionately and not his girlfriend. Jared’s little rocket was ready to blast off. Peter pulled away as Jared’s tongue continued to probe and he told Daddy’s boy that he was to be good and obey. Jared pulled his tongue sheepishly back into his mouth and licked his lips, wondering what had just happened and what it meant. He remained perfectly silent and perfectly still as Peter undid him from the chair and tugged at his leash. Aching a bit from sitting there so long and dazed from the kiss, Jared forgot all of his complaints and slid onto the floor and stretched his tired limbs. Peter reached into his gym bag and pulled out two short chains with clips on either end. With each chain, he clipped one end to a wristband and the other to a ring on Jared’s collar. This effectively left Jared sitting up on his knees with his hands trapped close to his face like a begging dog waiting to do tricks Not allowing Jared to stand, Peter pulled him slowly along into the bedroom, where Daddy’s little boy climbed awkwardly up on the bed as he was told to do. Peter rolled him onto his back and told him to stay there while he got undressed. While he lay there contemplating his new restraints that kept his arms bent up and his hands at his shoulders, he could hear Peter in the bathroom peeing a forceful stream into the toilet. When Peter returned, he was naked and smiling. He got up on the bed and straddled Jared’s chest and let his flaccid cock dangle forward in Jared’s face. Salty, bitter droplets hit Jared’s lips as he glanced upwards, mesmerized by Peter’s fleshy size. “Suck it dry,” Peter told him. Peter swung it playfully over his face and lowered the head of his curved cock to Jared’s lips and Jared quickly began sucking at the tip and licking off the excess liquid. In his mind, Jared saw no other choice. Peter pulled his curved pole out of Jared’s mouth as his erection grew and slid it down over Jared’s chest until he was lying flat on top of Daddy’s boy. Their two erections met and Jared felt dwarfed the way Peter covered him. All that Jared could do with his hands was rest them on Peter’s shoulders as Peter leaned in and gently kissed his lips. “Do you want to kiss me some more, boy?” Peter asked him. Jared felt Peter’s hands caressing his body around every curve they could reach. Things began happening quite rapidly, leaving no time for contemplation. Peter’s legs wrapped around the outside of Jared’s legs and hooked them together and he could feel Peter’s erection, extended over his abdomen far beyond his own, rhythmically sliding over him. Jared couldn’t remember the last time he had ever been that close, that intimate, that intertwined with another human being. Their two young, hard bodies began generating a heat that clouded Jared’s reasoning and led him to yield to a quiet, “Okay.” “Open your mouth,” Peter instructed. Jared felt the heels of Peter’s feet rubbing against the cheeks of his ass as their legs continued to mingle. He could feel Peter’s heavy sac of jewels rolling lazily over his own as the kid above him gyrated and he opened his mouth as if gasping for air. Peter grinned and let a small stream of his saliva ooze from his lips above and watched with amusement at how Daddy’s boy shuddered when it entered his mouth. Then Peter followed in after it with his tongue as Jared’s bound hands pressed against his chest. At first, Jared had told himself to just shut his eyes and imagine it was Sarah, instead. But the forbidden nature of it released an excitement in him that he had never quite known before. Their tongues were snaking around and pressing against each other without limits. When Peter paused to lick his way down Jared’s chin and unwrap their legs, Jared found himself anxious for the return of Peter’s tongue to his mouth. Peter reached down and guided Jared’s legs up and over his back. Soon, Daddy’s little boy had his legs spread open and wrapped around Peter’s lower back like he was clinging tight and not wanting to let go. Peter again formed a collection of saliva in his mouth. Seeing what Peter wanted to do, Jared obediently opened his mouth to it and felt the warm liquid wash over his tongue. Again they kissed, and Jared could feel Peter reaching down to massage his ass and run his hands up and down his legs. Then Peter began pushing Jared’s legs up closer to his head. Pulling his tongue out of Jared’s mouth once more, Peter slid down between Jared’s legs and slowly pushed and bent them up to Jared’s chest, spreading them a bit wider as he went. “What are you doing?” Jared gasped. He was still delirious from the taste of Peter in his mouth and the hot passion that had consumed him while his legs were being manipulated without resistance. “Whatever I want,” Peter responded. Jared squirmed a bit when Peter took hold of his ankles and began stroking his long, curved pole up and down between Jared’s legs, right down the crack of his full, smooth cheeks. Jared glanced up between his raised legs and saw the head of Peter’s hard cock poking its way over his own little balls and he squirmed a bit at the reminder of the video. “Are you…are you gonna fuck me?” Jared asked nervously. Peter had his eyes closed, clearly enjoying the sensation of his cock rubbing against Jared’s smooth crack. He was pressing between both cheeks and feeling the reflexive tremble of Jared’s asshole. “I’m not into that,” Peter told him. “I just like jerking off this way.” Not sure what to think, Jared felt a strange relief, as if he was happy that another man liked rubbing his cock between his ass without actually penetrating. Peter’s lack of desire to penetrate his ass only made him more heterosexual in Jared’s mind. Maybe they were just two straight guys experimenting a little. Somehow, that seemed to make it more permissible. Jared found himself starting to help. He spread his legs even wider and pulled them back closer to his chest to accommodate Peter’s enjoyment. Peter paused momentarily to string Jared’s leash through a ring on each of the ankle bands and then he put the end of the leash into Jared’s hands and told him to pull. “You’re not gonna fuck me, right?” Jared asked again for clarification. Peter shook his head and so Jared pulled at the leash and effectively held his own legs up like a baby waiting for a diaper change. “More,” Peter instructed. Jared awkwardly fed more of the leash through his hands until his knees were bent and his feet were almost to his ears and his tight little asshole was clearly exposed and pointing straight to the ceiling. “Perfect!” Peter said. Then Peter leaned in and took the leash from Jared’s grip and tied it tight to one of the wristbands. Then he gripped Jared’s hindquarters with both hands and resumed his cock stroking over Jared’s crack, running the length of his erection up and down over the hole in a joyful rhythm. Jared only grunted and groaned at his slightly uncomfortable and very exposed condition that he helped manage. There was nothing left to say, no escape possible. But Jared found the look and feel of Peter’s long, stroking erection between his legs erotically pleasing. “Do you like having my big cock between your legs?” Peter asked and he rubbed it slowly. “Does it feel good?” Jared saw the curved, glistening pink head of Peter’s cock cresting over his own little package like a long canoe stroking its way upriver. Peter lorded it over him, waiting for a reply, and gave Jared’s ass a slap. Not knowing what else to say, Jared sighed as he marveled at Peter’s length and the feel of its silky shaft against his ass. “Yes,” he admitted. All Peter had to do was look at Jared’s little erection pointing straight down into his abdomen to see that Jared was fully pleased by it all. “Good boy,” Peter said with a smile. He slapped at Jared’s ass again and resumed his stroking. As Peter was rubbing his tool, Jared noticed a shadow appearing over them and he could suddenly smell the scent of leather. He glanced over and saw Daddy towering over the both of them and he gasped and squirmed slightly. Peter held him in place, however, by merely grabbing his ass and he continued stroking as if nothing had happened. Daddy was wearing his long, black coat and he stood there watching the two naked men on the bed with a look of satisfaction. Jared noticed that there were two other men behind Daddy. They both looked as young as he and Peter and they were both on their knees and were wearing leather wristbands and ankle bands and collars. On each of their collars hung gray, metal tags like his own. The one on the right was clearly labeled “5 ¼” and the other was an even “5”. Each of their collars was connected to a leather leash and Daddy held each of these leashes in his hand. And with the exception of the hair on their heads, they were both completely smooth and bare. “So, my little boy likes big cocks between his legs, huh?” Daddy asked bemusedly as he removed his coat to reveal the same leather outfit he had worn the first time Jared had met him. Peter continued to stroke his long member over Jared’s ass as if to prove the point. Daddy reached in and felt the hardness of his boy’s little rocket with a pinch and then unleashed his own, massive manhood from its nylon restraint. Daddy watched with pleasure as Jared began staring at his flaccid tool while Peter stroked away. Then Daddy tugged at the leashes in his hand and told his other two boys to get up on the bed and assist Peter. The two men responded immediately, almost in unison, as they replied, “Yes, Daddy.” Daddy’s other two boys climbed up on the bed and Peter told them to start rubbing their little boy sticks on either side of Jared’s ass cheeks while Peter’s much larger rod continued to grace the crack. Within minutes, Jared had three erections rubbing over his exposed, shuddering ass. “Have you been dreaming about sucking on Daddy’s cock some more?” Daddy asked Jared. Jared was speechless. The feel of Peter’s stroking and the other two little heads rubbing over his cheeks and the sight of Daddy’s long, fat member swaying near his face was enough to drive him into sensory overload. His intimate little moment with Peter had suddenly changed into something quite different. Not getting the swift answer he was used to, Daddy pushed one of his boys out of the way and swatted Jared’s ass hard with the flat of his hand, sending shock waves into his system. Before he could give a reply, however, Jared felt another swat on his ass, followed by yet another. Realizing that Daddy wasn’t going to stop swatting his already tender ass until he replied, he blurted out, “Yes, Daddy!” SWAT! “Yes, Daddy, what?” “Yes, Daddy!” Jared frantically answered, fearing another emotional bout of crying in front of even more men. “Yes, I want to suck your cock some more!” SWAT! “Have you been dreaming about it?” “Yes, Daddy!” Jared pleaded. “Yes, I’ve been dreaming about sucking your cock!” Daddy rubbed his hand over Jared’s reddened cheek and then got up onto the bed on his knees. The other little boy quickly resumed his penis stroking on Jared’s ass. “I’m going to let you lick my cock until Peter and the boys are finished,” Daddy told him. “What do you say, boy?” Slightly confused and smarting from the swats on his ass, Jared answered cautiously, “Thank you, Daddy.” Daddy straddled Jared’s face and let his heavy sac of balls rest on Jared’s forehead. Jared stared straight up into the pee slit of Daddy’s soft, fat member and his envy grew into desire. “Say it again, boy,” Daddy told him. “Thank you, Daddy.” With those words, Daddy’s head touched Jared’s lips and he let the large snake slide into his mouth to meet the wetness of his anxious tongue. He took as much of it as he could into his mouth and Daddy never pulled out. While Jared’s identity disappeared suckling Daddy’s meat, Peter continued his stroking and telling the other boys not to come until he told them to. “Yes, sir,” both of them replied. “Did you do everything I instructed?” Daddy asked Peter. “Yep,” Peter grinned. “But he didn’t shave his bush.” Daddy reached down while Jared sucked obliviously and rubbed a finger into the silky blond hair between his new boy’s legs. “Yes, I see. He’ll be punished accordingly.” “Mmm…” Peter moaned. “Almost ready.” Daddy nodded and looked down at his boy and was pleased at how generously Jared’s tongue was dancing around his growing pole. Daddy collected a large amount of saliva in his mouth and let it all drop from his lips onto the base of his growing erection and watched it slide and drip its way down to Jared’s busy face. Aware of Daddy’s hot saliva commingling with his own, Jared could only continue to lick and suck and accept the growing wetness on his lips and face. Daddy continued to do this until the entire length of his 10-inch shaft was bathed in slickness and Jared was tasting and swallowing the excess. Then Peter began to shudder and he grabbed the length of his own hardness with both hands and stroked himself to a final climax. With Jared’s legs spread wide, he pointed the tip of his cock with careful aim and shot his streams of cum directly over Jared’s tight little hole. Spurt after carefully aimed spurt collected in a puddle over Jared’s pink boy button. Jared’s legs wiggled back and forth at the wet, tickling sensation that this caused him, as if trying to dislodge a biting mosquito from his sensitive skin. But Daddy held his legs still by the ankles and let another glob of saliva pour down to Jared’s lips. After Peter’s last drop of cum was squeezed out into the careful puddle he had formed, he pressed his thumbs within the crack of Jared’s ass just above his cream deposit. Ever so slowly, Peter started to pull the crack open wider, forcing the tight hole open until, at last, his slimy puddle began to ooze its way inside of Jared. Daddy could feel his boy attempting to buck and squirm away as Peter’s cum leaked into the opening fissure and he enjoyed the utter helplessness his boy was experiencing. Jared would have gasped had he been able to. Another man’s ejaculate was entering his ass in a very slow and unstoppable process and all he could do was lie there and feel it slide in while sucking another cock to fruition. When Peter’s creamy liquid had drained down so that Jared’s spreading hole could be seen again, the other two boys who had been rubbing their little sticks nearby asked permission to cum, too. Peter held his thumbs in place and even spread the tiny hole open just a bit wider. Peter gave his approval and both boys pointed their erections at Jared’s cream-stained gap and shot their loads. Again, Jared tried to squirm, still gagged on Daddy’s wet cock, and again he felt the slow, invading ooze of fresh ejaculate creeping into him like a slow, wet worm that could not be denied entry. Once enough of it had drained into his helpless boy to satisfy him, Daddy pulled his sopping wet monster from Jared’s mouth and told his boys to place their fingers where Peter’s thumbs were to keep the hole stretched and draining. Then he and Peter traded places while Jared gasped for air and choked on his words, trembling at what he knew was coming. Peter sat above Jared’s face and adjusted Jared’s body down to a more accommodating angle for Daddy. He helped to hold the boy steady by grabbing his ankles. Daddy rested his massive erection between the stickiness of Jared’s crack and began rubbing himself up and down between the trembling muscles. As if understanding their role completely, both of the other boys leaned in and began spitting all over their Daddy’s tool. Peter leaned over and spat on it as well while Daddy continued his stroking rhythm. Unable to admire Peter’s flaccid package resting on his forehead, Jared could only stare down between his own open legs and wait nervously. He whimpered, “Please don’t, Daddy. Please don’t,” but this only excited Daddy more. Jared was on the verge of squirting himself in the face with his own shots of cum. “Beg Daddy to fuck your ass, boy,” Daddy told him. Jared gasped and trembled at the mere thought of that huge, slimy pole invading his ass. He could still feel the slick and slimy cream already inside him, and now the warm saliva was oozing its way in, too. “Beg me to fuck your ass, boy, and I’ll do it nice and slow,” Daddy explained. “But if you don’t beg me right now, then I’ll ram it in mean and hard.” Jared knew he only had seconds to reply, and neither of his choices seemed logically desirable. He felt the tip of Daddy’s head dabbing at the pool of draining liquids over his hole with nothing to stop it from entering. He closed his eyes tight and began his plea. “Please, Daddy,” Jared gasped. “Please…please fuck me. Fuck me in the ass. Please, Daddy.” Daddy spat a large glob of saliva over Jared’s waiting hole and pressed the tip of his dick a little harder at the orifice. Jared gasped again and his begging became more profuse. “Please, Daddy! Please fuck me in the ass! Fuck your little boy in the ass! Please, Daddy! Oh please, Daddy!” “That’s what I like to hear,” Daddy said with a smile. Daddy pushed the head of his cock slowly into Jared’s stretched hole. Once the entire glans had popped its way through, Jared’s breathing became more rapid. Daddy paused and told his boy to keep begging. He wanted to hear his boy begging to be fucked by Daddy until Daddy was all the way inside him. The two other boys released their hands from Jared’s ass and began spitting on Daddy’s wide shaft as Daddy made another slow thrust deeper inside. All at once, Jared screamed out, “Oh, Daddy!” as his sphincter muscles tried to contract around Daddy’s penetration and his own little rocket drained itself uncontrollably over his chest and abdomen. Daddy paused and delighted in the spasms gripping at his cock. He grabbed Jared’s little balls in his hand and squeezed them tight, telling his boy that he was not given permission to cum and would have to be punished later. But Jared was oblivious to future punishments. He instinctively wanted to pull away from the anal invasion and close his legs up tight. However, he was unable to budge from his position and had to lie there and let this man squeeze at his balls and feminize his ass at will. “Keep begging,” Daddy told him. “Daddy can’t hear you begging.” Wracked with erotic spasms, Jared grunted out more begging and felt Daddy’s long, slimy snake spread his hole even wider, forcing back the straining sphincter muscles. Daddy pulled back slightly to let his boys contribute more saliva and then inched his way forward again. Further and further he slid inside until Jared felt he might just burst. And then Daddy passed a certain threshold that opened up new sensations within his boy. “Please fuck me, Daddy!” Jared cried. He cried out of pain. He cried out of obedience. He cried out of sheer confusion, unable to fathom how he had come to this moment. And in the midst of it all, there was a trace of pleasure, an unexplainable, hidden desire to please this man who seemed to be able to control him so completely. “Please fuck your little boy, Daddy!” Jared begged, unaware, now, of the words coming out of his mouth. “Please fuck me!” Daddy withdrew a bit and the boys on either side again spat on the large drill mining its way down into the little hole. After each inch, Daddy would do this until he reached a point where he could slide the remaining inch in up to the hilt and his balls slapped up against the small of Jared’s back. Fully impaled and impregnated with Daddy’s massive snake, Jared looked up with tears in his eyes and saw his Daddy smiling down at him. He could feel every hot, slimy inch of that penis inside his body and all he could do was mutter over and over, “Please fuck me, Daddy. Please fuck me.” With excruciating slowness, Daddy withdrew himself from his boy’s ass until the tip of his cock popped free and rubbed against the rim of Jared’s gaping hole. The other two boys and Peter all spat profusely into the hole as it began to flex shut and then Daddy reinserted himself and began a long, slow pumping action that rocked Jared into a sexual stupor. Seeing that Jared had somewhat adjusted to the feel of Daddy sliding his monster in and out of his helpless ass, Peter rubbed the wet tip of his own flaccid member over Jared’s lips until the boy licked at the stickiness and resumed sucking cock. “He’s not going to be able to beg very well with your cock in his mouth,” Daddy commented between thrusts. “I was feeling left out,” Peter grinned. “Besides, you can already tell he likes you fucking him like that.” “He’ll never be able to walk straight again,” Daddy laughed. He slid his erection all the way into Jared and held it there as he reached out and slapped the soft asses of the two humbled men beside him. “Just like these two here. Right, boys?” Both boys obediently answered, “Yes, Daddy.” Then they each leaned in and began licking Daddy’s erect, protruding nipples. Daddy swatted each of their asses forcefully. The two boys responded by sticking their plump, young rears out further for Daddy’s pleasure. Daddy went on sliding his monstrous cock in and out of Jared while Peter enjoyed the pleasure of the tongue worship. By the time Daddy’s balls began to tingle with expectation, Jared was receiving another helping of Peter’s cum. Finally, Daddy reached his peak. After completely pulling out of Jared’s ass one last time to admire the way his hole now gaped, wide open and waiting, he slid all the way back in and pulsed with gushing shots. Peter pulled his dripping cock out of Jared’s mouth just in time for Jared to gasp at the incredible sensation of hot liquid shooting up into his boy canal. “Oh, Daddy!” he squealed incoherently. “Oh fuck! Oh Daddy! Daddy…fuck!” Inserted to the hilt, Daddy shot stream after stream of his sticky hot juice into his boy’s ass until Jared felt as if his whole body were being filled with hot cum. Daddy held his cock in until the very last drop had spurted out of his fire hose and he was satisfied that he had given Jared everything he had. After he had caught his breath, Daddy slapped Jared’s ass a few times and told the boy on his right to get the plug. The boy quickly slid off the bed and went out to the living room on all fours and retrieved a short, cone-shaped plug with a small chain attached to the wide end of it. Daddy then took the plug and slowly pulled his softening cock out of Jared’s ass and poked the tip of the plug into the gaping hole. Jared felt the plug sink deeper into him until the wider part of it began forcing his sphincter open beyond what Daddy’s erection had done. “Oh, Daddy,” he moaned. “Daddy, please.” “Daddy wants you to keep his gifts inside your ass all night,” Daddy told him as he worked the plug deeper into Jared’s straining hole. “Tell Daddy how grateful you are.” Between moans and groans, Jared thanked Daddy for fucking him. He thanked Daddy for filling his ass with hot man juice. He thanked Daddy for all that he had done and for anything else Daddy wanted him to be thankful for. As the widest part of the plug finally slid its way past the sphincter muscles of Jared’s asshole and the orifice began to suck it in and close around it, Jared gasped and shuddered and thanked Daddy for sealing his hot cum inside his ass for the night. While Jared’s ass continued to adjust to the plug lodged within his boy canal, Daddy and his two boys got down off the bed. Daddy thanked Peter for his good work and then led his two boys by their leashes into the bathroom so they could clean him up. Peter moved back around to Jared’s ass and saw the small little chain from the plug hanging out the closed hole. He gave it a few playful tugs and laughed when Jared nearly peed on himself from the pressure. Then he carefully untied the leash holding Jared’s legs up and eased those muscular limbs back down to a prone position. Jared’s ass felt pregnant with the plug lodged inside of him and he felt even less of a man for having that large mixture of juices sliding around inside him. Daddy left it all there to remind him that he was just a boy, a toy to be played with and a vessel to service the desires of other men with much worthier cocks than his own. Peter rubbed Jared’s thighs and told him he had been a good boy and was on his way to understanding his true place in life. When Daddy emerged from the bathroom, his two boys were on all fours to either side of him and each of them were licking their lips as if in memory of something they had just tasted. Daddy’s nylon pouch was again housing his large package of manhood and he slipped his long coat over his body and tied it shut. “Stay with him tonight,” Daddy instructed Peter. “No problem,” Peter nodded. “I’ll get him cleaned up and fed and then we’ll cuddle for awhile.” Daddy looked Jared over from head to toe and brushed the blond hair out of his tired eyes. “Can you feel Daddy swimming around inside you?” he asked. Jared looked up at him briefly but couldn’t make eye contact. He slowly nodded. “Yes, Daddy.” “Good boy. Peter will give you your instructions for tomorrow. Be a good boy and do as Peter says.” Again, Jared stared blankly at Daddy’s leather legs and replied meekly, “Yes, Daddy.” Daddy leaned over and kissed Jared on the forehead. “Pleasant dreams, little boy.” Then Daddy led his other two boys out of the room and after a few moments of shuffling around in the living room, Jared heard the front door open and close and they were gone. Jared closed his eyes and wondered about who he was and what he was becoming and whether he had any choice in the matter at all. To Be Continued... Comments and Correspondence to:


More Gay Erotic Stories from Little Boi Blu

Choices, Part 1

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part 2

Jared awoke slowly as if the whole night had been a dream. He had a dull aching in his jaws as he began to realize that he was seated in his recliner. Worse yet, it was quite apparent that he had been relieved of all his clothes. His discovery of what had become of him since blacking out was a rapid process that can only be described as step-by-step His mouth was wide open, as if

Choices, Part 3

Jared sat at his desk with his elbows resting near his keyboard and stared blankly at the screen. The day had been like any other. He woke up. He showered and dressed. He ate some toast and drank some orange juice and drove to work. And throughout the day, he wandered around the office smiling and chatting and doing his work as if nothing were out-of-the-ordinary. The girls at work

Choices, Part 4

When Jared arrived home from work the following day, he found a small package at his doorstep and his growing sense of security quickly evaporated. He picked it up and glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Then he ducked inside and nervously examined it. The outside of the envelope had his name printed on it in big letters and under his name, it said: FOR PRIVATE USE

Choices, Part 5

Daddy’s list of short simple instructions for his boy was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning. Jared had read it several times the night before, wanting so much to crumple it up like the last one and throw it away. But his denial wasn’t as strong as it had been: his mind still searched for some way out of this situation, but the ground beneath his heterosexual feet had

Choices, Part 6

Jared lost track of time sitting there in the recliner with his legs spread wide. Though still apprehensive about Peter leaving the door unlocked, he had at least settled into a mild, sexual stupor with the images flashing before him on his TV screen. Either out of curiosity or attraction, he couldn’t stop watching them. He would try to turn away at times, but it was no use. A small,

Choices, Part 7

The beat was pulsing through his mind. It consisted of heavy breathing and gasps of seeming pleasure and sounds of sticky wetness, like a salivating tongue painting the length of a large candy cane, over and over again without end. Hidden beneath it all was a voice, whispering words he couldn’t quite understand, but he knew they were there. He knew they were speaking to him and

Choices, Part 8

All the way home from work, Jared listened to the tape Daddy had provided for him on his car stereo. It gave him an instant erection, which he sported throughout the ride. At intersections, he would sit at the light and glance around nervously to see who might be watching, unaware of how his hand was stroking at the gearshift. Unable to bring himself to lower the volume, he made

Choices, Part 9

Jared awoke from his sexual stupor the moment his apartment door was opened and he was led out into the cool evening air. Leaving the safety of his own confines, his heart began to race nervously as he followed behind Daddy and his other two boys. They had washed him up and dressed him and now he was being led out in public to places unknown and he was in a panic. The worst thing

Choices, Part I

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part10

The Kitty Hawk is an exclusive club on the outskirts of town that was originally constructed under the guise of being a small supermarket to accommodate the nearby college campus. However, once the structure’s skeleton was complete and the walls went up, the supposed investors pulled out, allowing the true owners to developed it as they originally had planned. Issues of zoning and

Choices, Part11

Jared sat in a corner booth of the Kitty Hawk club staring down at the table, averting eye contact with all of the men who had watched him being led in by a leash. There was a pulsating techno beat filling the air. Beyond the tables and chairs, young men were gyrating on a colorfully lit dance floor. Voices were buzzing with conversation and waiters in their white sailor suits were

Happy Halloweenie!

The Halloween partying had started early on campus. It seemed like every dorm had something special going on and there were colorful postings on all the bulletin boards begging students to go to this gathering or that gathering. By the time darkness settled in, Ryan and his new freshman catch, Jennifer, had hopped through five different dorm parties and Ryan was anxious to get to his final

Master Builder, Part 1

I was one of those kids in school who was always making fag jokes and calling other boys gay. I was the bully who made other lives hell. My favorite target growing up was a kid named Sydney. Sydney was a Latino with tanned colored skin and a slim build, one of those kids who was always quiet and shy and tended to have more gentle mannerisms, by nature, which made him look girlish.

Master Builder, Part 2

I didn’t realize right away that the man I was calling Master, the man whose cock I wanted to hold and suck, was Sydney, the same boy I tormented through sixth grade. I had teased him for being gay and ruined him socially. I had called him a little faggot boy and got all the other kids to do the same. Now he was standing over me, holding my balls in his hand and grinning with

Master Builder, Part 3: Conclusion

After Master finally pulled out of my quivering ass, he inserted a very wide plug that my gaping hole eventually swallowed with some effort. I squirmed and bucked as Master’s warm liquids sloshed around inside me, occasionally feeling like they were going to be expelled at any moment, but the plug sealed me up tight and I couldn’t have forced it out even if I had wanted to. Before


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