Gay Erotic Stories

Choices, Part 5

by Little Boi Blu
18 Mar 2002


Daddy’s list of short simple instructions for his boy was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning. Jared had read it several times the night before, wanting so much to crumple it up like the last one and throw it away. But his denial wasn’t as strong as it had been: his mind still searched for some way out of this situation, but the ground beneath his heterosexual feet had become like quicksand, slowly sinking him to his knees. The more he struggled, the more he felt like he was sinking. Unable to face the possible consequences of further disobedience, Jared had reluctantly completed the first task on his list. He called in sick to work that morning and was staying home. Now he was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom completing his second task, shaving his face. The note said Daddy liked his boys clean-shaven. He needed the shave anyway. After rinsing his face, Jared ran his hand over the patch of silky blond curls atop his tired little penis and wondered if Daddy meant more than what he thought. He examined the sparse amount of light hair on his balls and recalled licking Daddy’s clean-shaven sac of manhood. He put his hand over the razor on the counter in contemplation and his limp inch and a half stirred slightly. “Dammit,” he grumbled and withdrew his hand from the razor. He wondered how much this fear of exposure was going to control him. How far would it go before something drastic had to be done? There was an ever-growing sense that it was already too late. He wondered if maybe they would just get bored with him at some point and leave him alone. He stared disgustedly at his small member in the mirror and wondered how things might have gone differently for him if genetics and society had been as kind to him there as it had been to the rest of his body. “You simply are what you were made to be,” Daddy had told him. Society said bigger was better and he was a part of that society. “You were made to serve.” Daddy’s words and the events of the past few days and how he felt about them were scrambling his brain. He knew he was small, and he knew he had become somewhat obsessed with larger men, but he had always been confident that it was just a phase. It was something he would get over and then he would go on with his life as a happy, well-adjusted man; not some pansy gay boy who took it up the ass and begged for more. “A man,” he mused to himself. But what he saw in the mirror belonged to a boy and he wondered if it was just him that felt this way, or would any man with his size feel the same? Perhaps he was always a boy inside – Daddy’s little boy. Maybe having a small penis just helped bring it out quicker. He did his best to keep away from that particular thought. Jared closed his eyes tight and fought back the doubts that an embarrassing spanking session had brought to the surface. And then there was that equally humiliating jerk-off performance. Why did he let them do that? He kept asking himself this over and over. It didn’t just hurt his ass and his pride: it affected the very core of his manhood. But he had to keep reminding himself of the other option. How much worse off would he be if they had given out those videos? He almost wished he could let everyone see them, but then what did it mean to feel that way? Things were spinning out of control. He turned sideways just to distract himself from his thoughts, if only briefly, and studied the curvature of his ass. It looked like it had been sunburned, though it was much more pink than red now. The sight of it only made him think again, so he rubbed lightly at his tender rear and started to climb in the shower. But then he remembered Daddy’s list. He was not to shower until told to do so. Even though it was his ritual to shower first thing every morning, he reluctantly withdrew his foot from the tub and complied. Without any restraints, or even anyone present, Daddy’s hand was reaching out to his ass and he was obeying. He walked back into his bedroom and glanced at the alarm clock at his bedside. The list said he was to admit a visitor at 9:00am. His fear was that it would be someone new, someone he didn’t want to let in to see him like this, someone who knew him. With that in mind, he nonetheless slipped on his white briefs and put some socks on his feet and went out to the kitchen. The list also said that was the only clothing he was allowed to wear that day. Jared ate a piece of toast and sipped some juice, unable to maintain much of an appetite. Then he sat down in his recliner and stared at a blank TV screen, thinking silently about that tape in the VCR. His finger twitched at the remote and he resisted. If only it hadn’t been filmed, he thought. Maybe then it would just be their word against his and he wouldn’t be going through any of this. He’d be at work right now living his normal life. But then, his normal life included walking through shower rooms just to catch glimpses of other men’s flaccid rods. The doorbell rang shortly after 9:00, just as Jared was glancing at the clock on the wall to wonder if maybe he would get lucky and no one would show. Apprehensive, Jared went to the door and eyed the peephole. Unsure if he should feel relieved or not, he saw only the kid and no one else. He unlocked the door and hid his bareness as Peter came in. Peter ambled through with a gym bag strung over his shoulder. He was dressed much like he had been the previous night and he didn’t bother with any pleasantries. “Did you follow the list?” he asked Jared. Jared shut the door quickly as if he were afraid of the outside and turned the lock. He sheepishly nodded, “Yes.” Peter dropped his bag near the recliner and walked into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge like it was all his. “You haven’t showered yet, right?” “No, not yet.” While four years Jared’s junior in age, Peter had the advantage of position in this particular relationship. The lowly shame Jared felt from the spanking, and the fact that Peter witnessed the whole thing, had sucked away any sense of authority Jared may have felt otherwise in his own apartment, or anywhere else with Peter, for that matter. Though he lacked the commanding presence of Daddy, 19-year-old Peter’s orders still carried the same weight. He told Jared to go wait in the bedroom for him. And so Daddy’s little boy, still feeling the slapping hand on his ass, quietly complied. When Peter finally entered the bedroom, Jared was sitting on the bed waiting, wondering what was next. Peter had already undressed and was wearing nothing more than his white briefs and a gold tag dangling from the chain around his neck – something he always wore proudly. He was carrying a fluffy orange sponge in his left hand and a bar of soap in the right. “How’s your ass, boy?” the kid asked. Jared glanced up and saw Peter’s lanky, naked form and the comfortable, confident way in which he stood there. The curvature of the bulge in this kid’s briefs pulled at Jared’s gaze as he replied, “It’s better.” Peter nodded understandingly and turned away into the bathroom and told Jared to follow. Jared pushed down at his growing erection and got up. “What’s going on?” Jared wondered. “What are we doing?” Peter pulled him in front of the full-length mirror and set the sponge and soap down on the counter. Turning Jared to face his own reflection, Peter stood right behind him and told him to lower his shorts to his ankles. Jared hesitated nervously. “If you don’t do as I say,” Peter reminded, “Daddy will punish you.” And if Jared resisted punishment, then all his friends and relatives would see the video. It even occurred to Jared at that moment that they now had not one, but two embarrassing videos of him. Jared complied and slid his briefs down to his ankles and stood there bare-assed in front of the mirror, in front of this kid. Peter rested his chin on Jared’s shoulder and looked him over, grinning. “You’re getting hard,” Peter observed. He placed his hands on Jared’s hips and massaged his thumbs over the tops of his rounded cheeks. “Are you getting hard because you were staring at my crotch? Or are you getting hard because you like being controlled like this?” Jared couldn’t explain why he was getting hard. At least, he couldn’t explain it in a way that was acceptable for someone who was straight. It certainly did start when he saw Peter in his underwear, and when that swaying crotch dangled in his face. It was just envy, he thought – not desire. And he was getting harder now, with his briefs around his ankles and Peter examining him like he was. And the hands on his hips… “Maybe you like it when other men touch you like this,” Peter said as his hands slid around Jared’s waist and rubbed at his flat belly. Peter’s fingertips crawled through the blond curls of Jared’s bush. Jared could feel the fabric of Peter’s briefs and the fleshy hose inside it pressed up against his bare crack, and soon Daddy’s little boy was pointing his tiny rocket to the sky. Despite his penile reaction, though, Jared kept his hands and arms awkwardly at his sides, trying to seem uninterested. “I’m not gay,” Jared tried to explain calmly. “I have a girlfriend.” This had to mean something, he thought. He simply couldn’t enjoy this because he had a girlfriend. He had many girlfriends in his life. It just didn’t make any sense to him. Why couldn’t they see that he liked girls and girls liked him and that was the way his life was? “I’m not gay, either,” came Peter’s blunt but honest reply. The kid pressed his crotch against Jared’s soft cheeks a little harder and rubbed it around. His hands and fingers moved out to Jared’s inner thighs, spreading them apart slightly and drawing their bodies closer still. “I have a girlfriend, too. I even fuck mine from time to time.” Jared blinked rapidly when he heard this and looked up in the mirror at the kid who was breathing warmly on his shoulder. “What do you mean? You’re not gay?” “Weren’t you listening to what Daddy was telling you?” Peter spoke close to his ear. “I do whatever feels good…whatever I like. I like the touch and feel of a good, hard body next to mine. I like having my cock sucked by someone who’s going to treat it like it’s the greatest thing on earth. And I love rubbing my dick down the crack of a nice, soft, round ass. I like to be on top. You like it when big boys like me are on top of you? Does it feel good? Put your hands on my legs and feel them.” Staring oddly at him through the mirror, unable to figure out who or what Peter was, Jared slowly complied and placed his hands on the kid’s smooth, young legs. Peter, in turn, ran his hands up Jared’s body and stroked his pectorals as if caressing a woman’s breasts. “Now doesn’t this feel good?” Peter asked. Jared’s hands rested idly on Peter’s legs and he tried to ignore the way his hard-on pulsed and his nipples tightened. “It’d be better if it was a woman,” Jared mumbled as if by requirement, ignoring the fact that fantasizing about Sarah last night hindered him from reaching orgasm. He kept trying to convince himself that he wasn’t what they were saying he was. “A woman doesn’t have what you really want,” Peter moaned. Peter’s own tool was now pressing a bit firmer against the fabric of his briefs and Jared could feel its length rubbing along the crack of his ass. “Your little prick is hard as a rock, right?” “I was just saying…” “Remember the way Daddy handled your little cock?” Peter whispered seductively in his ear. “The way your legs were spread for his pleasure? And the way he rubbed you down and pinched your nipples until they ached? Remember how it felt to have your tongue sliding around on his beautiful cock and how it tasted – how you lusted after it? I’ll bet you can still taste his cum in your mouth. I’ll bet you wished he had let you suck him off again last night. How badly do you want to hold that thing in your hands and just kiss it and lick it and suck on it all night long? Just tell Daddy what you really want and he’ll give it to you.” Jared’s erection began to throb, causing his ass cheeks to flex against the poking pressure of Peter’s own blossoming hose. His chest heaved under the circular strokes of Peter’s hands and he could see the reflection of his brown nipples peaking. “Stop it,” Jared pleaded. “I’ll bet you’d like to just slide your hands up and grab my big, long dick right now, huh?” Peter continued. “Can you feel it rubbing against your ass? Are you wondering how big it is?” Peter could feel Daddy’s boy trembling and could see his little penis bobbing like crazy in the mirror. Peter loved the feel of Jared’s ass flexing spasmodically against the pressure of his manly curve. And the way Jared’s hands began creeping up his thighs towards his crotch was all the answer he needed. Before Jared’s hands could go very far, however, Peter stepped back and removed his probing fingers from Daddy’s little boy. Admiring the fullness of that pink, freshly-spanked ass once more, Peter put his bare foot on Jared’s briefs and told him to step out of them and over to the tub. Jared stood there for a moment with his hands reaching behind where Peter’s legs had been, staring at himself in the mirror and feeling empty and foolish. His penis was still bobbing up and down as if trying to beckon Peter back. After a slight pause, he reached around and covered his embarrassing stick, hoping Peter hadn’t noticed the wetness at its tip. Dejectedly, he moved over to the tub. “Take off your socks and climb in,” Peter told him. Jared couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at the length of shaft pressing itself up against the fabric of Peter’s briefs as he removed his socks and stood inside the tub. Once in the tub, he tried again to hide his stiffness. “Now get down on your hands and knees like a good, little boy,” Peter told him. Peter rubbed at his softening member and adjusted it down in his shorts, pleased at how Jared kept trying to steal glances at it. “But…” “Get down on all fours,” he ordered. Jared’s hands slid reluctantly away from his crotch and he cautiously got down on his hands and knees in the tub, not sure what to think of his new position. “What are you going to do?” he wondered. “Just gonna give Daddy’s boy a bath,” Peter said. Then Peter set the sponge down in the tub by Jared’s leg and turned on the shower. “I want you to stay like that and only move when I need you to.” Peter grabbed the shower nozzle from its perch and got down on his knees next to the tub and proceeded to bathe Jared’s body in warm sprays. As Peter applied soap and sponge to every curve and crack of his body, Jared’s head slumped down and he stared at the suds and water running towards the drain and had a better idea of what a dog being bathed must feel like. Peter complimented Daddy’s boy on the roundness of his ass as he soaped it down and ran both the sponge and his hands gently and deeply between the quivering cheeks. When he ran a slick finger around the tight sphincter, Jared let out a series of gasps, afraid of the possible insertion that never came. Then after sliding both of Jared’s boyish almonds around in his soapy grip until he squirmed, Peter snaked his hand down to his subject’s aching hard-on and rubbed it into a lather. As the soapy stroking sent fiery tingles up and down his back, Jared’s head grew lower and his ass seemed to rise higher, as if begging Peter to continue until he came. But Peter withdrew as Jared neared his peak and began rinsing the soap off his boy with the nozzle. Bending down close to Jared’s ear, Peter said quietly, “Little boys should only cum when they’re told to.” Jared blushed and raised his head slowly, wiping back the wet hair from his face, and became acutely aware of his ass protruding like a bitch in heat. He closed his eyes and corrected his posture as best he could and waited until Peter had rinsed him off completely and stood him back on his feet. His meager erection still bobbed and he again covered it with his hands in shame. Peter gave Jared’s glistening ass a playful slap and told him he was a good boy. Then Peter caught Jared’s eyes again when he slid his shorts off and stepped into the tub himself. Suddenly, Jared’s hands had to press even harder to keep down his prodding piece. Casually and without pretense, Peter set the nozzle back up on its perch, closed the shower curtain, and let the water cascade over his supple form, paying no attention to Jared standing next to him in awe. Immediately, Jared’s eyes were drawn to the long, slender hose that dangled between this kid’s legs. It wasn’t nearly as thick as Daddy’s, though it came closer in length, but it had a slight, upward curve, like a long banana, leaner at the base and fatter towards the end, with a small, perky pink slope of a head to it. As water began running down its length and streaming off the slope, Jared was reminded of all the men he had seen showering at the gym and how he fantasized about how it must feel and how big they must get. And here he was, standing in this enclosed space, feeling the heat of it swaying within his reach and secretly wanting to move his hands from his own crotch to Peter’s. Peter turned towards the nozzle, giving Jared a view of his smooth, well-rounded backside as he wet his face and rinsed the water through his hair and bent over to scratch his calf. Peter’s balls could be seen hanging low between his young cheeks, full and hairless in their dark pouch. “Okay,” Peter turned back and smiled. He spit some water from his mouth, which hit Jared square in the chest, and raised his arms up over his head. “Are you ready to wash me?” Jared looked up and saw the tag at the end of the chain around Peter’s neck. It was shaped like a military dog tag, but it was gold-plated and was engraved simply with the big, black number “8 ½” on it. There was no doubt in his mind what that number represented and it made Jared feel even smaller. “We’re just two guys taking a shower together,” Peter reassured him. “Just like at the gym, except more liberated. We can do whatever the hell we want and enjoy it. Don’t you want to wash my cock for me?” As Jared thought it out, thought about the “8 ½”, Peter told him to stop hiding his little soldier. “That one’s not worth holding,” he said. “Here,” Peter handed him the soap and sponge. “Wash me. Wash the parts you want.” Jared stepped closer and immediately noticed how his erection compared, so near to Peter’s sloping glory. Unable to stop himself, he sank to his knees as if in worship and started washing Peter’s thighs while watching his tool hang there. “Take it,” Peter urged. “You know you want to. Don’t you? Say it!” Jared told himself that he had to do it anyway. Somehow, he was being forced into it, and so that made it bearable to say, “I do.” Peter reached down and lifted up his semi-erection as if in invitation and Jared dropped the soap and sponge and began petting it with his hands. Once Daddy’s boy was stroking Peter’s curvy cock with both hands, Peter put his own hands behind his head and jutted his hips forward and purely enjoyed the massage. “Don’t forget to wash my balls, too,” Peter reminded Jared. Jared glanced up as he brought Peter to a full hardness. “Yes, Daddy.” “I’m not your Daddy,” Peter corrected. “I’m more like your big brother.” All Jared really knew was that they weren’t equals, no matter how much younger Peter was. It was only in this position on his knees, with Peter’s long, curvaceous erection pulsing in his hands, that Jared felt more comfortable with the notion that he was their little boy and couldn’t escape that fate. The idea that he had no better choice to make had made it easier to get to that point. Desire took hold as the water washed over Peter’s manhood and he kissed the pretty pink head and let his tongue run up and down Peter’s shaft, washing with his mouth. Every gym shower fantasy he had ever jerked off to was being realized at that moment. From tip to base, Jared licked and stroked, and then he held his hands under Peter’s smooth, bulging sac and kissed at his heavy balls as they rolled in and out of his palm. He was unable to stop himself from enticing Peter’s long, slender manhood to an inevitable eruption, and Peter wasn’t about to object. The feel of its silky hardness in Jared’s hands and on his lips was too overpowering. “Suck the head, now,” Peter told him. He reached down and put his hands on Jared’s face and guided his mouth back to the tip of his pole. Jared knew what it meant. Had he thought it out rationally, he would have objected. But just as he had done with Daddy, he parted his lips willingly and let it slide over his tongue, ready to accept what came next. He even massaged Peter’s balls as if to push them higher, milking them to yield. Shuddering, Peter sprayed the inside of Jared’s mouth repeatedly and Jared had to swallow quickly to prevent himself from gagging. It wasn’t until Peter’s spasms ebbed that Jared was able to really taste him on his tongue. At this point, Peter was slapping his softening member over Jared’s face and asking him if he thought his dick was clean enough now. “I was just doing what I was told,” Jared said, licking the stickiness from the corner of his lips. That was why he did it, he reasoned. He was forced to. Peter just smiled, knowing that he had only suggested it, and grabbed the soap and began running it over his body. A nice, hot blowjob was just what he needed to start his day. And it was made all the more pleasurable to have Daddy’s little boy do it for him. For the remainder of the shower, Jared stayed down there on his knees, tasting Peter’s cream on his tongue and watching the sway of that beautiful young manhood from above as Peter washed it. He wondered oddly what he was going to do about the weekend. After rinsing and shutting off the water, Peter stepped out to dry himself with a towel, and then he dried Jared as he continued to kneel there shivering in the tub. “Something wrong?” Peter asked him as he rubbed the towel over Jared’s back and hindquarters. He pulled Jared silently to his feet and raised his arms and patted him dry. Jared complied like some moveable action figure doll, lost in thought. “I was just thinking,” Jared finally answered. Peter nodded his understanding and patted him on the rear. “Let’s go in the bedroom and you sit on the bed and think some more there.” He patted the ass of Daddy’s little boy all the way into the bedroom and sat Jared down on the side of the bed. “Wait here,” he told him. “I’ve gotta go get some stuff.” Jared watched Peter turn and he stared absently at how round and smooth his ass was and how his swaying sac was just visible between his hairless cheeks. Once Peter had left the room, he sat there in silence, looking down at his nakedness and wiggling his toes in the rug and wondering what was next. Soon, Peter returned. He was shirtless in his jeans, with the gold flicker of that tag around his neck, and he was carrying a wad of leather straps and bands in his hands. “Be a good little boy and sit still while I put these on you,” he said. “What are those?” Jared wondered. But the answer was obvious and Peter didn’t reply. He just knelt down and took Jared’s wrists one at a time and fastened new, leather bands to them. Then he did the same with Jared’s ankles. Unlike the last ones he had had to wear, ones that he had tucked away hidden in a dresser drawer, these looked a bit more decorative and substantial, as if meant to show a more permanent possession. Jared’s little rocket was again pointing upwards with nowhere to hide. “Does Daddy’s little boy like to be controlled like this?” Peter asked, amused. He glanced at Jared’s stiffness and smirked. For his part, Jared could only stare down at his little pleasure indicator and wonder. The taste of Peter was still in his mouth and he licked his lips in cowed silence. Perhaps the answer to that question was obvious, too. Peter playfully tapped at Jared’s stick a few times and then produced a new leather collar with metal rings draped all around it. He held it up for Jared to see and Jared obediently raised his chin and allowed Peter to secure it snuggly around his neck. Next came a small tag, much the same as the one around Peter’s neck. But this one was a dull, gray metal color and seemed colder and reminded him less of jewelry, more like property. It had a small hook and chain attached to it and he dangled it before Jared’s eyes so that he could see the black number “4 ¾” clearly and boldly engraved on it in black numbering, plain enough and big enough for anyone to read at a fair distance. “Daddy likes for his boys to know their proper place,” Peter explained as he attached the tag to the front of Jared’s new collar. “And he likes others to know it, too.” The last item Peter had was a short, leather leash and it also clipped to the front of Jared’s new collar. When Peter gave it a tug and told Daddy’s boy to stand up, Jared began to rethink things. Perhaps they weren’t going to get bored with him. Perhaps he was only going to get pulled deeper and deeper into Daddy’s world until he could no longer find his way out. Grabbing a pillow from the bed, Peter pulled his new pet by the leash and led him out to the living room. He tossed the pillow into the seat of the recliner and pulled Jared over to it and told him to sit. “I figured you might like the pillow after your spanking last night,” Peter explained. “Thanks,” Jared said as he sat back in his recliner and let Peter put him into a familiar position. Peter raised Jared’s taut legs over the arms of the chair and spread them wide open. He then got some leather cords out of his gym bag and crisscrossed them skillfully around Jared’s knees and tied them tight to the metal rings. He connected the rings on Jared’s wristbands to the rings on the armrests and again pulled Jared’s feet back by the ankle bands and tethered them with more cords. The leash attached to his collar rested lazily over the curves of his chest and abdomen. “Do I need to secure your head?” Peter asked him. “No,” Jared sighed. He would be a good boy and not fight it. Peter nodded and pushed the TV on its cart right up to the edge of the chair so that the screen was right in Jared’s face, right between his spread-eagled legs. “What are you doing?” “Just getting you comfortable,” Peter explained as he replaced the tape in the VCR with one he had in his bag. “I don’t understand.” Peter turned on the set and hit play on the remote. The screen flickered and an image of a long, flaccid, hose of a penis appeared. It was sliding like a snake between the cushioned ass of some guy who had his legs spread open and was moaning and groaning and bucking up and down, begging to be fucked by this monster. The long, fat tube glistened as though drenched in saliva and the owner of it kept slapping the other man’s ass cheeks and pulling at his balls. “Daddy made this tape for you,” Peter said. He looked down and saw that Jared was quickly getting another hard-on. “It’s got all sorts of good stuff like this for you to watch; about six hours worth, I think.” Jared tried to look up and ask Peter why, but he couldn’t quite pull his attention away from the screen. The man with the long cock was dribbling spit over the slick, smooth hole of the other man and he thought of his own ass over Daddy’s knee and Daddy’s finger probing him as he came in forceful spasms. His erection began bobbing and Peter chuckled and walked away to finish dressing. “I think Daddy was right about you,” Peter commented as he pulled a clean shirt over his head and slipped on his socks. “Of course, I don’t think he’s been wrong, yet.” Jared couldn’t hear him at the time. The picture on the screen was zoomed in on the tip of this long snake as it poked slowly at the entrance to the other man’s shiny wet button. Jared could feel his own, tight hole flexing and exposed between his spread legs and it sent little tingles up through his crotch. Jared barely noticed when the volume went down and something cold and hard touched his ear. And then he saw Peter standing over him and realized it was the phone. “It’s for you, I think,” Peter grinned, and he pushed the button to answer the call. Jared froze. He hadn’t even heard the ringing. The soft, pink head of that snake on the video was pressing its way inside with agonizing sluggishness and he heard his mother’s voice in his ear. “Jared, are you there?” she asked. “I tried to call you at work…” “Uh…” he breathed. “Yeah…well…I…I just…I just wasn’t feeling well, so I thought I should stay home and rest.” He saw the pink head pop its way inside and the thickness of the shaft started spreading and invading and penetrating ever so slowly. His mother went on talking about how he should take it easy, then, and wondered if he had enough food and could she, perhaps, get him something? “No, no,” Jared insisted. “I’m fine. I don’t need anything.” Under no circumstances did he want anyone coming over for any reason. Now Peter was rubbing Jared’s inner thigh as he held the phone and the snake cock on the screen was still sliding its full length inside the widening ass of the man who was begging for it. “Yes…” Jared answered his mother. “Well, I don’t know…no, Mom…I think Sarah has plans…yes, I…well, I’m not sure…I might be busy.” That huge cock on the video that had plowed so slowly and so mercilessly into that tight little ass had finally reached its hilt and the ass swayed and ground and was slapped and spanked and then the snake began to withdraw just as slowly, inch by incredible inch. “Okay, Mom…okay…I’ll try to be there. Yes, I’ll ask her. I just…no…I just can’t promise. Things are just…” He glanced up at Peter and then down at Peter’s hand rubbing his thighs. “Things are just kinda complicated right now.” The greased hose on the video slid all the way back up and out and the pink head popped from the gaping hole and was rubbed around the ring of the sphincter until the orifice reached the point of full closure, and then the snake pushed its way back in, causing a new series of moans and groans of pleasure. Peter could hear the buzz of the voice on the other end of the phone line and he enjoyed the frustration on Jared’s face as he tried to carry on this conversation with a pulsing hard-on and some man caressing him and the images flashing before the TV screen. Finally, Jared got to the end of the conversation and said his good-byes and Peter pulled the phone away and disconnected the line. The snake was now sliding up and down inside the ass on the video and other angles showed these two large testicles slapping noisily against this man’s legs with every stroke. “What did she want?” Peter asked. Jared rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh of relief that it was over. “She just wants me to come over for dinner tomorrow,” he answered with a gasp, almost laughing at the absurdity. He looked himself over and considered his predicament and figured he wouldn’t have any time for something like that anymore. Peter turned the TV volume back up just enough so Jared could hear better and finished getting dressed. Then he walked around to see Daddy’s naked little boy sitting there with his legs open and his stick bobbing “I’ve gotta go out and run some errands,” he told Jared. “Just stay here and enjoy the show until I get back.” Jared noticed that Peter had his car keys…and his wallet. “You can’t take those. Those are mine,” he argued. The snake on the screen was alternating between fast and slow and the balls kept slapping up against the wet skin. Ignoring his protest, Peter added, “If you feel like calling for help, just yell real loud. I’ll leave the door unlocked in case someone needs to get in.” Jared quickly forgot his possessions and frantically begged Peter not to do that. But Peter continued to simply ignore him. Instead, he brushed back Jared’s blond strands of hair from his nervous face and kissed him on the forehead and told him he’d try not to be too long. Jared continued to beg Peter. He begged him not to go. He begged him to lock the door. He begged and begged until the door finally opened and shut and no clicking sound of the lock could be heard. Soon, he could hear the sound of his car revving up in the parking lot and he listened carefully as it sped away. The large cock on the video shuddered deep inside the ass and withdrew after some grinding. Gooey strands of thick, milky cum followed it up and glazed the crack of its moaning victim. Jared sat there and watched scene after scene of large cocks dominating their subjects, wondering nervously who might come through the door next and see him sitting there with his legs open, watching these videos and oozing pre-cum. To Be Continued... Comments and Correspondence to:


More Gay Erotic Stories from Little Boi Blu

Choices, Part 1

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part 2

Jared awoke slowly as if the whole night had been a dream. He had a dull aching in his jaws as he began to realize that he was seated in his recliner. Worse yet, it was quite apparent that he had been relieved of all his clothes. His discovery of what had become of him since blacking out was a rapid process that can only be described as step-by-step His mouth was wide open, as if

Choices, Part 3

Jared sat at his desk with his elbows resting near his keyboard and stared blankly at the screen. The day had been like any other. He woke up. He showered and dressed. He ate some toast and drank some orange juice and drove to work. And throughout the day, he wandered around the office smiling and chatting and doing his work as if nothing were out-of-the-ordinary. The girls at work

Choices, Part 4

When Jared arrived home from work the following day, he found a small package at his doorstep and his growing sense of security quickly evaporated. He picked it up and glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Then he ducked inside and nervously examined it. The outside of the envelope had his name printed on it in big letters and under his name, it said: FOR PRIVATE USE

Choices, Part 5

Daddy’s list of short simple instructions for his boy was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning. Jared had read it several times the night before, wanting so much to crumple it up like the last one and throw it away. But his denial wasn’t as strong as it had been: his mind still searched for some way out of this situation, but the ground beneath his heterosexual feet had

Choices, Part 6

Jared lost track of time sitting there in the recliner with his legs spread wide. Though still apprehensive about Peter leaving the door unlocked, he had at least settled into a mild, sexual stupor with the images flashing before him on his TV screen. Either out of curiosity or attraction, he couldn’t stop watching them. He would try to turn away at times, but it was no use. A small,

Choices, Part 7

The beat was pulsing through his mind. It consisted of heavy breathing and gasps of seeming pleasure and sounds of sticky wetness, like a salivating tongue painting the length of a large candy cane, over and over again without end. Hidden beneath it all was a voice, whispering words he couldn’t quite understand, but he knew they were there. He knew they were speaking to him and

Choices, Part 8

All the way home from work, Jared listened to the tape Daddy had provided for him on his car stereo. It gave him an instant erection, which he sported throughout the ride. At intersections, he would sit at the light and glance around nervously to see who might be watching, unaware of how his hand was stroking at the gearshift. Unable to bring himself to lower the volume, he made

Choices, Part 9

Jared awoke from his sexual stupor the moment his apartment door was opened and he was led out into the cool evening air. Leaving the safety of his own confines, his heart began to race nervously as he followed behind Daddy and his other two boys. They had washed him up and dressed him and now he was being led out in public to places unknown and he was in a panic. The worst thing

Choices, Part I

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part10

The Kitty Hawk is an exclusive club on the outskirts of town that was originally constructed under the guise of being a small supermarket to accommodate the nearby college campus. However, once the structure’s skeleton was complete and the walls went up, the supposed investors pulled out, allowing the true owners to developed it as they originally had planned. Issues of zoning and

Choices, Part11

Jared sat in a corner booth of the Kitty Hawk club staring down at the table, averting eye contact with all of the men who had watched him being led in by a leash. There was a pulsating techno beat filling the air. Beyond the tables and chairs, young men were gyrating on a colorfully lit dance floor. Voices were buzzing with conversation and waiters in their white sailor suits were

Happy Halloweenie!

The Halloween partying had started early on campus. It seemed like every dorm had something special going on and there were colorful postings on all the bulletin boards begging students to go to this gathering or that gathering. By the time darkness settled in, Ryan and his new freshman catch, Jennifer, had hopped through five different dorm parties and Ryan was anxious to get to his final

Master Builder, Part 1

I was one of those kids in school who was always making fag jokes and calling other boys gay. I was the bully who made other lives hell. My favorite target growing up was a kid named Sydney. Sydney was a Latino with tanned colored skin and a slim build, one of those kids who was always quiet and shy and tended to have more gentle mannerisms, by nature, which made him look girlish.

Master Builder, Part 2

I didn’t realize right away that the man I was calling Master, the man whose cock I wanted to hold and suck, was Sydney, the same boy I tormented through sixth grade. I had teased him for being gay and ruined him socially. I had called him a little faggot boy and got all the other kids to do the same. Now he was standing over me, holding my balls in his hand and grinning with

Master Builder, Part 3: Conclusion

After Master finally pulled out of my quivering ass, he inserted a very wide plug that my gaping hole eventually swallowed with some effort. I squirmed and bucked as Master’s warm liquids sloshed around inside me, occasionally feeling like they were going to be expelled at any moment, but the plug sealed me up tight and I couldn’t have forced it out even if I had wanted to. Before


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