Gay Erotic Stories

Island Resort Life

by Anthonio
03 Apr 2018


Louie Louie got off the boat from Brisbane, I didn’t know his name then, but I was attracted by his Mediterranean good looks, his 196cm height, his youthful 21 ish years and a bearing that conveyed plenty of self confidence, suggesting his work as a maybe a Model or just a rich boy from a regal family. No one could miss this young stud and pass without savoring his sexual potential, man or woman, he could do things this guy, causing in other people a feeling of either longing or jealousy. Dark, nearly black eyes, black fine eyebrows, a slightly pronounced but noble straight nose, high broad cheekbones, jet black finger length tight curly hair and a warm friendly smile exposing white even teeth. His frame was tall and lithe, probably about 80 kilos, muscled but with the skinny-ness that long limbs suggest and dark olive skin with fine dark hairs covering his long bare legs. His smoldering good looks was a message of raw sexuality. Who am I, Anthonio the Resort Manager, down to view and greet the arriving guests, a daily morning occurrence at the resort jetty when the boat comes in from Brisbane. A hive of activity for 20 minutes as guests come off and are greeted by the activities staff who take them in tow to register and guide around the Resort. The boat becomes briefly overrun with “Yard Boys” collecting Guest bags and freight for the Resort from mainland suppliers. Louie came off last, struggling with bags, a small vulnerable exposed television and a collection of cardboard boxes. Ah Ahh, new staff, looking around for some guidance as no doubt he’s been promised he would be met by the Department Manager he’s here to work for. It never happens! I introduce myself to tall dark and handsome and offer to help him get to Reception so that his Manager can be paged. I ride a Quad bike around the Resort so that I can get places quickly and we load his precious TV on the carrier and I double him to Reception. On the short trip he hugs me closely as if afraid to fall off but down at the base of my spine I can feel his manhood, probably soft in these circumstance, but obvious by the closeness and the size, bouncing and pushing against me. I don’t know if he is aware of what he is doing but it was hotly enjoyable and somewhat erotic from so young a stud up close. A pity the journey was only a couple of hundred meters as I was enjoying the sensation and was already futilely hard.

So I see Louie around several times a day now and he is a feast to my eyes, he is working in the Bar, not very experienced but enough to get away with it. He’s also very popular with Guests because he is confident in his own ability, possible over confident, but has a good rappor with the bar customers, especially the young girls for whom he enjoys the flair of mixing cocktails in a shaker, shaking like maracas over his head and pouring the cocktails with a flourish. He was always popular with other staff members, all similar aged, possibly from his easy confident chatter and simmering good looks. Because of his size his uniform was a bit tight but I like that on a boy, shows his body very well and such a beautiful full backside in tight black pants. Possibly because of the courtesy I showed him when he first arrived he always greets me by name with a real big smile and I always return asking him if everything is going OK, and is he settling in OK, everything OK with work and assuring him that if he has any problems I am always here to help .

As he settles into Resort staff life I start to see him along the beach, sunning his already dark body, or walking in the rippling wavelets as they dance up the beach. Trying his skills on the Resort Windsurfers, getting a dunking and struggling back on, only to be yanked back into the water by the fluky breeze. In his undressed state his chest is covered in fine tight black curls that straighten and gather together as they head like an arrow to a point below his waist line. His bulge was huge, lying dormant along the elastic hem leg of his dick togs at 45 degrees, nearly stretching up to the waist band, fat and thick and, even viewed from here, obviously uncut.

Naturally I became much more attracted to Louie, purely as eye candy, he knew he had a big dick and getting around the Resort out of uniform, often with the briefest of togs, he didn’t care who looked and admired, guys with either longing, wonderment or jealousy, the girls with obvious self interest. Friday night water sports, conducted in the well lit barside pool were always an attraction, staff against guests, who never had a chance to win against the regular participation of experienced staff, each set fought out valiantly with a lot of body contact. Staff against Management was always a no hold bars war which could get really rough, sort of a payback on both sides. Highly entertaining to onlookers and attending staff who could follow the personalities getting thrashed or dunked, a game in which scoring goals seemed of secondary importance to mayhem and retribution. All fought before the conviviality of the many yelling bar hangers on. It cemented good relations and was an outlet for the tons of testosterone that was always floating around. Louie received a lot of attention in these matches and with wet small dick togs not hiding his greatest endowment, I and many others would take great interest and involvement in these bodily combats.

On Melbourne Cup Day the staff always put on a Fashion Parade for the Guests using beach gear and wrap around sarongs from the Resort Gift Shop. Only a couple of guys usually took part, self consciously walking the catwalk. The girls enjoying parading around in the latest beach gear, one pieces, bikinis, draped towels, sarongs, shady hats, putting on a swish of the hips and flick of the hair as they walked up and down a catwalk raised to eye level. Now as I said, Louie was very self confident and proud of who and what he was. This particular year he took part in the Parade. He showed that he was enjoying this exposure and did his rehearsed walks without a hint of embarrassment, shorts and Hawaiian shirt, straw hat, jazzy towel over the shoulder. Then he was off to put on another outfit, back amongst the girls, giving a hug and a cuddle, and back to the catwalk. His last outfit was the hit and the talk of the Resort. Out he strode as proud and as bold as you like wearing nothing but a towel over the shoulders as props and the smallest white bikini brief dick togs that I wouldn’t have thought he would fit his cock into never mind is beautiful ass and now obviously to be seen, his pendulous balls as well. The stretched white lycra material shown up so vividly by his dark olive skin. Loud cheering, whistling, screaming and waving accompanied him up and down the catwalk as his bulge passed at eye level of all that were present. I don’t think anyone looked at the rest of him, the sight was just too overpowering, and to me, very lustful.

It was at that time that I thought I would have to get to know him better.!

We had about 150 staff, mostly young, with whom, as Management, we tried to have friendly relations as we all worked and lived together on the same resort staff reserve. It wasn’t exactly a stuffy resort and staff were allowed to mix with guests, rules were quite relaxed, and this seems to suit the laid back guests, many of them quite young themselves, and some singles that soon hooked up with staff also. I don’t think any staff saved any of there wages because the bar was the place to be at night and congregating with the 300 or 400 guests made for some great times. As the night wore on, staff and guests would disappear two by two, out into the warm barmy nights, to walk the beach, see the dolphins swimming and catching small fish at the jetty in the powerful lights, or just head back to rooms and units, hand in hand, arm in arm. The 20 or 30 people that stayed at the bar till the small hours of the morning and after the bar closed would by now only be talkers, past the stage of being lovers, discussing weird and wonderful worldly subjects that would cure all our ills, none of which they would remember tomorrow.

I myself, under the influence of a couple of drinks was good at expounding various philosophies of how one should live their lives and often at bar shut time and not having enough???? to drink, as one does when half full, I would invite two or three back to my more palatial quarters for coffee, port, soft music and more talk. This must have been a secret plan of mine, that now I look back, I hadn’t even divulged to myself at the time, and the plan was to get interesting staff back to my place for more company and maybe more!!!!!! Yes I was gay, I didn’t shout it out and I am str8 acting, but staff were aware of my predisposition and I suppose if it worried them they didn’t have to attend my late night after drink drinks gatherings, and they didn’t have to stay after the lights went out.

You can learn a lot about people around the bar and it was a good feeling to get close in understanding of those around you. Our later little intimate parties tended to wind down after an hour as alcohol and tiredness took it’s toll, one by one drifting away to there various rooms scattered around the Resort. Often the last reluctant one to stay had other things on his mind and several times a young guy, feeling maybe a little homesick would seek to extend my company to talk privately. Sometimes so lonely the guy would seek comfort in my bed, possible for the family love and closeness he was missing from home. In these instances it may be just to cuddle naked, stroke, fondle, reassure, kiss and sleep till morning, sometimes the demand of me and my body was more. Guys are very sexual beings and often their need surpasses inhibitions and love.

One night the last remaining member was Louie, he wasn’t part full as he had only just finished work and had joined a few of us to “wind down” after the bar closed. Eventually all the tipsy ones finally departed leaving only Louie and I sitting in the lounge room. I think he was hanging back so that he could talk to me privately one on one. He had consumed a couple of drinks by this time but he looked not his usually perky self. It seems he was a little upset over the rejection of his advances by his latest girl friend Karen. I now look back and think that due to our first meeting, helping him off the boat, showing a welcoming and friendly attitude etc. he had adopted me as his father figure. The Spanish are very close as a family group and probably missed pouring out his troubled heart to his father, from who Louie said he got his looks and color and probably his sociable and friendly character, but with both his parents living in Sydney perhaps and I became the substitute Dad and adviser.

So he is a little agitated and frustrated and he wants to talk about girls!! So yes they love him, and yes he loves them, but they are all scared of his monstrous cock. He is in love with a nice little waitress as a permanent girl but she won’t even look at his dick, won’t touch it and thinks it’s horribly monstrous, to him it is his pride and joy and something any guy would be justly proud to own and would envy Louie and his endowment. Just what does one advise a half crazed horny good looking Spaniard who is having problems getting it off and is getting very sexually frustrated. Now he wants to show me just how big it is. I’m tingling all over with this revelation, butterflies in the stomach, what’s this about “Staff relations”, whew it’s getting hot in here. My thoughts are “Well this is interesting Louie, but where do you want this to lead? You or I will end up with lovers balls, well it probably won’t be him though if I have my way.

Now isn’t it funny that as much as you want this, you are scared of altering a good friendship and start to back away from the whole proposal. This is just a face saver as now the consumed alcohol kicks into your inhibitions and they fly out the proverbial window. Come into the bedroom Louie, we don’t want anyone walking into the lounge or looking thru the window. Who am I kidding, it’s 3 am and everyone else in the whole silent Resort is asleep by now or up to their own activities. So he sits on the side of the bed, legs wide apart and unlaces his runners to make himself comfortable. He next unzips his jeans and wriggles them down his thighs and steps right out of them. Uhm, white sport socks, long brown downy legs, white jocks with his now well known cock in it’s languid sleeping position. So he doesn’t think it sexy undressing to expose your self to another man? No! this is clinical, he just wants to show me the size…………. Well it works for me, my cock is standing too attention just in anticipation of this huge hitherto unseen member making it’s private entrance to my eyes, and I am finding my cock very uncomfortable, pressing hard against the constrains of my jeans.

So sitting on the bed, he lays right back and in one quick movement he now throws is crotch up and forward to relieve himself of his jocks, whipping them from under his backside and down his legs, lifting his feet to be rid of them completely. I must say the speed of all of this had taken me by surprise and I would have liked to savor this over a longer period, maybe me taking off his trouser and pants, maybe me exposing his most impressive tool, maybe me pushing him back onto the bed, maybe maybe, maybe!

He sits back up on the edge of the bed, so there it is, brown like the rest of him, maybe darker with the skin still slack, 6 inches, thick as your wrist and hooded. Now it was lying down between his legs, resting over the top of his 340 gram egg size balls. “Go on, touch it” he says seriously, “the girls have a problem with it and I just wanted to talk to you about how I feel”. So I very tenderly slide my hand under this magnificent cock and just let it rest across the palm of my right hand. I use my left hand to cup and weigh his magnificent balls, seeming very heavy as I heft my hand slightly up and down. These indicators of good breeding stock, these ever moving testicles that are the very existence of mans drive to strive and propagate, were warm and beautiful and I could only gently cup them along my palm. I look close at the soft velvet sheen of the skin covering his long shaft, it seems to glisten with a silver green hue, overlaid on the rich creamy brown of his natural color, the fine veins threading up and around, feel the warmth of his blood pumping through, I gently pull back his foreskin revealing a shiny rose pink corona with a vaguely seen eye, tightly closed. I tell him it’s beautiful and I gently slide my hand up and down it’s still slack length, holding the loose covering skin so that I can feel the ridges of his shaft through the soft skin, it shivers and rises slightly as his blood pumps in, rises in small jumps as he gets to semi hard, jutting straight out from his groin, leaving the resting place of his balls but still the furrow where it lay, like a cradle for this changing , growing gland.

As it rose it started to look out of its covering cap, first the eye, then surrounded by the pink head, so much in contrast to the now lightening brown of the shaft itself. Now that it didn’t need support I took my hand away and added it to the other to cup each pendulous, warm and slightly furry ball in each hand, The balls moving up closer to his body as his erection grew, warm and gently moving as the cock, still extending, took up more silky skin to stretch to its ultimate glory. The balls slowly moving and turning as if they were alive and were settling themselves into a more comfortable position nearer the body that owned, but didn’t control them. Louie was now lying back on the pillows with his eyes closed. His soft smooth belly fully stretched and exposed, a line of hair running from his chest hair and disappearing into the crinkly jungle of his pubic mound, his now nine inch phallic cock pointing up his body, hovering over his stomach, pulsing slightly without support, mirroring the beat of his heart. A drop of clear pre cum lubricant appearing gently at his slit, which I rescue with my finger and slide between my lips, the sweet taste of this pure clear viscous liquid erotic in the extreme, knowing that it is the precursor to excitement and climax and the act of delicately tasting someone’s sweet juices adds tenderness of the moment. He was anticipating the next sensation he had come here to experience, someone else’s hand other than his own touching his cock. It jumped and hardened perceptively as I touched it, although expecting the caress it still seemed as a surprise, then relaxed again as only gentleness followed, I gently pulled back on the foreskin that had only half revealed the beautiful, smooth, now dark pink corona of his dick, I needed to drink in the sight of it whole, and reveal all of the pink body hiding there. I touched the eye with my tongue and collected another drop of nectar, I put my lips to his throbbing cock. I could feel his pulse through my lips, drum, drum, drum, an erotic sensation knowing that it came from his heart, not his cock. I took it further into my mouth and he sucked in his breath in surprise, he lay knees wide open, feet partway drawn up, body and head thrown back, his balls still in my left hand and half his cock in my mouth . This is just ecstasy!!!!

He asks me to get undressed as he doesn’t want to feel the only one vulnerable in this scenario he has engineered. I quickly divest of my clothes, my cock slapping against my belly as I drag down my pants and climb onto the bed on my knees, kneeling between his wide open legs, crouching now to again to take as much of his cock in my mouth as I can.

I pull the loose skin with my lips, I run my tongue around the head, I lick and suck down the side of the full 9 inches of his shaft, it’s nearly too big to put in my mouth and I only give it sucking love bites. Louie is bouncing around in ecstatic pleasure, these new erotic sensations waving over him, sensations he has never had before and ones that he is enjoying and that he signifies by the little squeals and grunts he emits. I head down to his nuts, not so loose now with excitement mounting, they are more defined. Sucking one nut in along with sack skin, roll the enclosed nut around with my tongue, make it nice and warm and wet, then pop that one out and suck in the other. I go below the balls and chew softly on the root of his cock, a mounded extension of his cock, half lost between the joining of his legs, a short raised highway that leads to his hole, firm and chewable from the side, he raises up on his heels and shoulders to let me further to his hole, but this only clamps the hole shut, but his bum cheeks are very nice and furry as I squeeze them and hold him up with both hands on his buttocks, working my fingers in a grabbing motion, sucking and wetting his balls, licking up the shaft as I lower him down and eventually leaning over his stomach to take in his cock with my mouth wide, hot and wet.

I now sit between his legs to concentrate on his gorgeous cock, I study it as I work my hand up and down, it seems the reflective sheen on his skin as it moves over the ridges actually returns rainbow colors’ and I use his ample skin as a slide inside of which is encased the hard, ridged and vienous pipe of his cock, a study in perfection. I again take it in my mouth, he gasps at the soft warm wet sensation, I raise up higher to enable his cock to slide lower down my throat, I can’t take it all but it’s a great sensation as Louie wriggles and squeals, now holding onto my shoulders as I can feel the final swelling in my mouth. This is it, it’s coming and he can’t stop now, pure driving sexual lust has taken over from his experiment, he jerks up and down, pushing with the rhythms of my mouth, faster and faster until …… Aaarrgggg OHhhhhhh Ohhhhhhh, God, giving involuntary thrusting jerks into my mouth to unload all of his sweet, young, creamy seed.

I gulp and gulp, my mouth full of hard cock and not much room for anything else, some seed spilling from my mouth onto his dark brown belly. He’s spent now but I hang on as his cock as it starts to shrink, it’s still large but soft and malleable, sort of chewy and still very sensitive, so I have him jumping around as I squish his cock between my palate and tongue, squeezing out the last of his juice. It flops from my mouth, still six inches, still brown but now wet and slick looking. I must gather what has fell on his stomach, I stroke his soft and slightly hairy belly skin with my cheek as I head for the cleanup mission, licking my way to his sweet tasting juice, picking it with my tongue, lizard like into my mouth, satisfied now that I have devoured part of this man and have eaten of his seed also. I was satisfied, and I knew Louie was spent. I did not expect more of Louie, I would not expect him to sully his experiment with wanking another man, that’s not what he was after, he was chasing something that girls wouldn’t give, not a quick pull, a tentative touch, a recoil in horror, a look of disgust, not led on and left. He wanted something whole, start to finish, more than titillation, he wanted sensations that would not be left in the air, he wanted arousal from someone else, hardness, exploration, pleasure, excitement and climax all in one act, without guilt.

So we spent the next couple of hours lying naked together in bed, talking about uncomplicated sex, our individual needs, the difference between the sexes in wants and needs, about gays, bisexuals and straights, how fine the margin of differences are, the shades of grey in all the human spectrum, that night we became uncomplicated mates, with an openness of each others sexuality and understanding of our different needs. Louie would often broadcast this understanding to me whenever we met around the Resort, with a hooded glance, a secret smile, a recognition and understanding that didn’t need words. I liked Louie a lot, we did lots more on the Resort as time went by, he was never “Gay”, never will be. He liked the sensations of completed and exhausting sex, he liked the no nonsense approach of not having to cajole or plead, he liked to get his rocks off sometimes slowly, sometimes quick, he didn’t want to kiss and canoodle all night just to get a lovers dick. He liked to talk, to understand people and use his huge dick as often and uncomplicated as possible. Yes, I had lots of good times with Louie.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Anthonio

Island Resort Life

Louie Louie got off the boat from Brisbane, I didn’t know his name then, but I was attracted by his Mediterranean good looks, his 196cm height, his youthful 21 ish years and a bearing that conveyed plenty of self confidence, suggesting his work as a maybe a Model or just a rich boy from a regal family. No one could miss this young stud and pass without savoring his sexual potential, man or


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