Gay Erotic Stories

Backfire (Max story)

by MaxBStories
18 Feb 2018

Discipline Fetish

Max is a version of perfection.

With his bright blue eyes, golden blonde hair, extremely handsome face, and toned, muscular body, 21-year-old Max was very much the ideal young man to many people. Perhaps his overly bulbous, big bubble butt cheeks would be a bit too much (too tempting, too homoerotically appealing) for some people to accept but Max rarely got complaints about those mega-buns of his.

Being around Max all the time made Brent (Max's best friend) feel self-conscious about his own appearance. Brent was just an average guy so he sought Max's help in getting him in-shape. Brent never liked working-out much but he figured that he'd feel better about himself if he at least tried.

Doing occasional work-outs with Max did help Brent feel more energized but there was something else to it....

Today, while working out with some weights in a spare room at Max's house, Brent loved any excuse to be physically close to Max. Brent didn't consider himself gay, or even bisexual actually, but the fact of the matter is that he found Max to be unbelievably sexy. Max was physically stunning enough as it was--just looking at him--but the "cherries on the cake" was the fact that toned, in-shape Max had such a massive, balloon-like pair of glutes that it seemed unreal. Brent was obsessed with Max's big, perfectly round butt cheeks.

How could anyone--man or woman--not want to fuck Max?

After one of their workouts, the boys headed over to a nearby convenience store to buy some beer. The day was humid and warm, but beautiful, so they decided to walk a bit rather than drive. Brent enjoyed being seen out in public with Max. They walked down the sidewalk in their tank tops and workout gear, two sweaty young men cooling down.

Max wore a pair of thin, bright blue, shiny, lycra-spandex tights that came down to his knees. His wife had bought the tights for him a while back because she too enjoyed looking at Max's deluxxxe posterior. The vertical seam on the seat of the tights dug severely up Max's deep ass crack, giving him an incredible wedgie. But it was no big deal to him. Max's massive bubble buns meant that he usually had a wedgie no matter what he wore. The workout had made Max all sweaty. The vertical back seam on the seat of Max's spandex was wedged deep between his butt melons and sticking to his juicy pucker.

After a little while, Max and Brent got to the store. The store was run by a scuzzy-looking guy in his early 50's named Phil (paunchy, balding, thick and ugly glasses, 5'2"). Phil had run his grungy, little liquor store in the neighborhood for decades and Max had been in there countless times. Phil wasn't exactly a family friend or anything but he had played card games a few times alongside Max's father, Blake.

Over the years, Phil had had the pleasure of watching Max grow up from being a child to being the over-the-top sexy specimen that Max was now. He thoroughly enjoyed watching that young man's keister become bigger and rounder and fuller as time went on.

"I hope to heaven that Blake beats that boy's incredible ass from time to time.....I know that I sure would," thought Phil every time Max came into the store.

"Hey there, Max," grunted Phil. "Just finish up at the gym with your friend here?" Phil didn't even bother making eye contact with Max since he was too busy oogling the young man's massive ass cheeks jiggling and glistening in those blue spandex tights. Digging so far up Max's crack, the spandex looked as though it was painted on.

"Yeah, hi Phil, yeah we were working out at my house but we're just gonna stop in for a moment. How are you?," replied Max.

"I'm great. It's nice to see you, young man. Tell your dad I say 'Hi'", said Phil in a neighborly fashion.

"You got it," said Max. Phil had always made him feel uncomfortable since he constantly leered at him whenever they crossed paths. Max's huge cakes bounced enticingly as he walked over to a nearby aisle to shop the beer selections with his friend.

Since going to the liquor store was Brent's idea, Max assumed that Brent would have been the one to bring the money for beer. But he hadn't.

"I thought that you brought some money," said Brent.

"No, bro, I thought that you had brought some," said Max.

"Oh shit, now we've gotta walk seven blocks back to your house. Damn," continued Brent, frustrated.

But Max had an idea.

"Just snatch a couple of the smaller bottles. This guy has terrible eyesight and the kids in the neighborhood always steal stuff from here. He's kind of a prick so I never feel bad for him. Next time we'll buy some extra beers but, for today, let's just say they're on the house. I never liked the guy," said Max, showing a side of himself that his best friend of many years had never seen. Brent actually appreciated the idea and liked this "bad boy" side of Max.

"OK!," chuckled Brent, "If you think that we can pull it off, I'm all for it. It's better than having to walk all the way back, right?"

"Exactly," answered Max. "I'll distract him, you grab two bottles, and walk out while I'm talking to him. I'll meet you outside in a couple of minutes."

While Brent figured out which bottles to steal (which ones would fit conveniently in his shorts pockets), Max walked to the other side of the store, over to Phil at the counter who was watching baseball on a crumby little TV by the register.

"It's been a while, Max," leered the clerk. "You've certainly become a very handsome young man, haven't you? I heard that you're working down at the amusement park as an actor or somethin'."

"Yeah, I play a superhero and take pictures with tourists, that whole thing," smiled Max who was slightly flattered that people were talking about him around town. While he was talking, Max bent over and pretended like he was retying the laces on his gym shoes, his overly-bulbous, shining blue lycra ass cheeks popping out in Phil's direction. He knew that those beefy buns would grab the man's attention.

"People say that the guy at the amusement park's got the most unbelievable rump around and, boy oh boy, they've got that right!" chuckled the creep. "When I heard that I thought to myself 'Yep, that's gotta be Blake's boy, Max, because he's the good-lookin' kid with the magnificent buns!' That's what I thought to myself so I figured that that was you," said Phil.

"Well, you guessed right," chuckled Max, hoping that this plan of his was going to be enough to snatch some beer so that he and Brent could head out and be on their way, no real harm done. After a minute or so of bending over to "tie his shoes", Max stood up and pretended to look at some of the shelves near the counter.

"Did you boys need help finding anything?" asked Phil.

"You know? No, actually, I don't think that we need anything today. Just looking," answered Max as Brent slipped out the store door, a beer bottle in each pocket. "We'll see you next time, I guess." Max nodded at Phil, turned around, and then began walking towards the door himself.

"Not so fast, Mr.," said Phil coldly. All of a sudden, he yelled towards the door: "Get the fuck back in here, moron! Don't you dare steal them bottles!!!!"

Brent sheepishly walked back in through the door, the color drained from his face. "We were planning to pay for these--I was just going to my car to get some money, seriously" said Max's terrified best friend.

"Don't give me that bullshit, you little bastard, I'm gonna call the cops! Wait right here!" said Phil as he reached towards his phone. Phil did have terrible eyesight but he was no dummy. He could figure out exactly what Max and Brent's plan was.

"Please don't call the cops, sir!" objected Brent. "We're sorry; I'm just gonna put them back...." Brent hoped that this would placate the situation as he put the beers back on the shelf where they belonged.

"That's a real shame, Max, a real god-damned shame. I didn't think that you were that kind of a guy," said Phil.

"I'm not," said Max, feeling bad about his terrible idea. "Look.....we're truly sorry. We're gonna go back to my house, grab some money, come back, and pay double, okay?"

"No, not okay," Phil responded. "Theft is a serious issue. I'm the owner of this god-damned store so whatever assholes like you steal from me comes from right outta my own pocket. You're a little asshole, Max. I'm gonna call the police and then I'm gonna call your dad too."

Max knew that his parents would be mortified to find out that their married, 21-year-old son was doing something as dumb and immature as stealing from a convenience store. This was such an impulsive and idiotic idea and Max knew it. He thought that maybe he could remedy this situation.

"How about we clean up the store for you or help you out in some way?" offered Max, desperately.

Phil thought about this for a minute. This was a great opportunity for a couple of different reasons:

1.) He could get these boys to never steal from him again.

2.) He didn't really feel like bothering getting the police involved on another small case of store snatchin'. Phil had done that many, many times already. It didn't help anything and was more fuss than anything else.

3.) His store could actually use a bit of a spit-shine, come to think of it....

and, most importantly,

4.) When else would he get the chance to teach Max a valuable lesson? Max had to pay for his mistake ......and the fee would be his own round, bubble ass.

"Alright. Fine. Just this once," said Phil oh-so-generously.

Phil handed a broom to Brent and ordered him to sweep around the dingy convenience store.

As for Max, Phil got a ladder out from the back room and had Max climb up it. He ordered Max to start dusting some upper shelves with a dirty-looking rag.

"That's right, young man, make this place clean. Maybe you boys trying to steal from me turned out to be not-so-bad anyway," chuckled the old pervert. As Max was standing with his feet planted a few rungs up on the ladder, this was the perfect level for Phil. Phil was holding the ladder as Max stood on it, Phil's face at the exact same level as Max's delicious ass.

"I don't need you falling off this ladder and suing me, Max, so I better make sure that it stays put," Phil said with his face about 1 inch away from Max's massive behind. Max could feel the man's breath on his butt when the guy spoke.

Max glanced over his shoulder, down the ladder, for a second to see Phil's face. Phil, smiling, had his face almost nestled between Max's puffy, round butt cheeks.

"You've got an A+ caboose on you, kid!" cackled Phil. "I gotta's not a terrible view from here."

In those shiny blue spandex tights, Max's perfectly round ass cheeks looked like glistening, over-inflated rubber balls. The back seam on the seat of the skin-tight lycra rode up between his buns--wedging deep in that sweaty crack-- and was firmly held in place by Max's sticky, wet, little sphincter.

"Why even bother wearing pants at all when you're wearing spandex that tight!? It looks like somebody painted them on you!" exclaimed Phil who had never had a more erotic experience in his life than the one he was having right now. Nothing turned him on more than having his face up close to Max's incredible rear end.

"Unibutt" was never a problem that Max had with his pants. His buns--which naturally came across as an exaggeration of the perfect male bubble butt--in their magnificent roundness, typically created a wedgie with his pants. Always two, huge, slightly seperated globes sticking out behind him--never a unibutt. Butt-crack city all the time, every day. And, yes, people couldn't help but notice that handsome stud and his stunning applebottom (melon bottom was more like it). Max had a difficult time finding pants that suited him due to his unusual physique: a trim waist and big, puffy butt. Sometimes he even had to resort to getting specially-made pants made just for him at a tailoring shop in town. Because of his oversized booty, Max had been dealing with wedgies all his life. What other choice did he have?

Max's wife, Kara, loved her hunky, young, blue-eyed, blonde husband......and what she loved about him the most was his unbelievably voluptuous man-ass. Sometimes she privately joked with her friends that she was "a gay man trapped in a straight woman's body". Because of the stretchy material, Kara typically bought spandex tights for her husband to wear during his workouts which is why today of all days (probably the worst day....) Max was stuck wearing thin, shiny, blue, second-skin tights on his lower half.

"I should have worn baggy basketball shorts today," thought Max to himself. The vertical seam on the seat of his spandex was riding up deeper and deeper into Max's ass crack, and sticking more and more to his dewy butt pucker, as the dusting duty continued. It was a humid day and Max had just done a rigorous workout with Brent less than a half hour ago. Plus, he was nervous about how this situation was going to play out. Max was aware that his spandex-encased bubble ass was sticky and swampy. He felt self-conscious about Phil's face being so close to his butt.

Phil was mezmerized by that big, shiny, blue butt in his face, wishing he could spread Max's glutes apart and slide up in there forever. As soon as Phil's thoughts were about to get much nastier (as a chubby little boner was becoming more obvious in the shop owner's pants), Brent ran out of floor space to sweep.

"I've swept all there is to sweep, sir," said Brent as he turned towards the other two men. At that moment, he saw Max on the ladder (dusting upper shelves as far as he could reach) with Phil's face practically motorboating Max's superb derriere. Phil was holding the ladder but he was also taking advantage of his position and that was clear as crystal. Brent knew then that Phil was nothing but an old pervert manipulating a situation but he had no idea how much further Phil was planning to go.....

Phil turned to Brent. "Sure, I guess that's good enough with the sweeping for now," said the shop keeper. "Enough of the dusting, Max. Come down so that we can figure out the best way to solve this problem you've caused for yourselves."

As Max stepped down from the ladder, Phil didn't move. The pervert made it seem as though it was an accident, as though he was too slow to get out of the way in time, when Max unintentionally lowered his colossal, jiggling buns right on top of Phil's face. Phil stayed in place for a second, rubbing his face between Max's massive ass cheeks, pretending (poorly) that Max was being reckless.

"Hey now be careful with that bottom of yours, kid! Somebody could get trapped in there!" said Phil with a barely concealed smile on his face, wishing that Max would sit on his face for at least a year straight. Max, who quickly stepped off from the ladder and was now standing on the floor with an embarrassed look on his face, turned his oversized rear towards the wall behind him. Today was one of those days when he wished that he didn't have such a hypnotic bottom that seemed to attract almost everyone and bring out the filthiest thoughts (and comments and actions) from them. Handsome, blonde Max, and his extra-special bubble ass, seemed to get into a lot of trouble.

"So which one of you came up with the idea of stealing from me today?" said Phil angrily.

Brent stood wide-eyed and silent.

"It was my idea," confessed Max. "Sorry. It was a dumb idea."

"It sure fucking was, boy!" exclaimed Phil. "And you got your friend here in trouble too! That's the bad thing about it. Some fuckin' friend you are, Max!"

Max just looked down at the floor, genuinely regretful.

"Well.....I'm going to be very kind to both of you, considering the sin, but I think that your friend here deserves to get some revenge on you, Max. So you boys come on back here so that you can get what you deserve," said Phil as he directed the two young men to follow him towards the back of the store where a long, wooden (and very worn-looking) sorting table stood against a wall right near an old, wooden chair with chipped orange paint flaking off of it. It was clear to Max and Brent that this table and chair had probably been there before they were born, just for sorting convenience store goods year in and year out.

Phil's convenience store had a few fruits and vegetables in a cooler towards the back exit along with a couple of shelves of essential kitchen supplies.

"You! What's-your-name, have a seat!" ordered Phil pointing at Brent.

"It's Brent, Mister," said Brent, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Okay, Brent, take a seat," repeated the shop keeper.

Brent did as ordered, the chair making a loud screeching sound as it scrapped across the floor. Brent sat down, looking confused.

"Max, lie across his lap. You need to be punished. Brent, you're gonna spank Max for dragging you into this mess and you're gonna spank him good, you hear?," commanded Phil.

Max sighed.

It was as though a light lit up inside of Brent but he made sure not to show it outwardly. A small bead of sweat rolled down Brent's forehead as he looked over at his gorgeous best friend.

"Max.....let's just get this over with. Over my knee, buddy."

Max complied. He assumed the position, bending over Brent's lap, the palms of his hands planted against the dirty wood floor, and his huge, globular butt cakes sticking up in the air, shining right towards Brent's face.

"Thank you, God," thought Brent, wondering if he said it out loud (he didn't). What seemed like a stressful situation was quickly turning into one of the best days of his life.

Brent's hands were suddenly caressing Max's colossal, rounder-than-round ass cheeks. Rubbery and dense, Max's over-puffed glutes went far beyond what Brent was hoping for as he smoothed his hands all over those buns; Max's bright, shiny, blue spandex made the sensation feel almost slippery. In that bent-over position across Brent's lap, the seam on the butt of Max's tights dug deeper than ever between those XXXtra-sized buns. As Max wiggled to get comfortable (as comfortable as possible, considering the position he was in), he could feel a hard protuberance poking against his lower stomach. Brent had a major hard-on. With his face being relatively close to Max's massive, juicy ass, Brent could definitely smell faint whiffs of sweaty boy-butt. Brent found Max's scent intoxicating.

"I'm gonna have to spank your big butt, Max. Sorry to do this to you, buddy," said Brent as he gently patted Max's overly-full, spandexed rump which jiggled with every subtle swat.

pat pat pat pat pat pat

jiggle, jiggle, jiggle bounced Max's enormous ass cakes against Brent's palms.

pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat

Clearly Brent enjoyed touching/softly spanking Max's super-deluxe booty.

"Enough of that soft stuff! Take this and beat his ass! Do it good or none of this is gonna count and I'll call the cops to deal with you two idiots," snapped Phil as he handed a white, rubber kitchen spatula to Brent. Brent took the spatula, reeled back his arm, and started beating Max's rear with true gusto.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Owwwww!!!!! Fuck!!! That hurts!!!!" Max cried out, wincing as Brent continued beating Max.

"You're a bad boy, Max. Maybe this spanking is good for you," chimed in Phil.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! went the spatula, the huge buns bouncing as jiggling harder as the punishment progressed further. Brent's face was getting red from all the effort, sweat dripping into his eyes.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"No!!!! Stop!! I can't take anymore! Stop!!! Stop it, please!!!!" screamed Max as his tears plopped on the wooden floor beneath him.

Brent put down the spatula and placed it on the table next to him. He began to caress and soothe Max's spectacular derriere. Max's behind was very hot to the touch as heat radiated from it "He's had enough!" exclaimed Brent to Phil. "I don't want to hurt him anymore."

"You're going too easy on him! I think that those oversized buns of his could take some more whippin'. Pull down those tights! I want to see him bare-assed," directed Phil.

Brent slowly, carefully rolled down Max's spandex, relieving the wedgie-inducing back seam from out of Max's deep, wet crack. A stronger whiff of butt smell blasted Brent in the face as Max's sweaty, naked behind was brought into view. Brent didn't know which one was sexier: the musky, delicious smell from between those beyond-perfect, smooth cheeks or the bright pink color coating that incredible ass. The spanking had obviously been effective as both he and Phil could see for themselves. Incredibly, Max's massive glutes looked even more bulging, round, and full than they did encased in spandex. Max's ass was clearly the Mt. Everest of male bubble butts. It was a privilege to be even in the same room as that butt let alone be exposed to it in all it's magnificent glory.

Before allowing himself to be hypnotized by those jumbo-portion ass cheeks, Phil grabbed the spatula and walloped Max's nude, hot pink booty while the "whipping boy" continued to lay across Brent's lap.




"Fuuuuuccckkk!!!!!!" screamed Max.




Those hot pink globes turned a brighter red as the searing pain overwhelmed Max's behind.

"This hurts so bad," sobbed Max. Phil rested for a second which gave Brent a chance to gently rub and sooth Max's ass. Even stretching his entire hand across the expanse of one glute, Brent realized that Max's buns were so bulbous that a "handful" was not enough hand to cover one of Max's round cheeks.

"That's some prime meat, right there," thought Brent. "A whole lot of hot ass."

Phil leaned over, swatted Brent's hands away, and separated Max's massive, red ass cheeks. Both men looked down into that ripe, fleshy chasm to see Max's gorgeous, tight butthole. The dewy, puckering sphincter reminded Brent of the pink color of bubble gum.

"Even though your butt cheeks are pretty much the size of basketballs, you've got a little stink winkle there, don't ya, Max?" chuckled Phil. Max hadn't received Kara's strap-on in at least a couple of months so it was true that Max's pucker looked especially virginal.

"I'll be back in a second," said Phil with a gleam in his eye. He let go of his grip on Max's glutes (which snapped shut with an alluring, rubbery jiggle) and skipped on over to a food cooler nearby.

"Now what?!" cried Max, humiliated, as he stayed bent over Brent's lap obediently.

"I don't know, buddy, but I promise that I'll get you out of here real soon," said his friend as he gently patted Max's sore butt cakes reassuringly.

Phil, with a huge grin on his grubby face, was back. And he was holding up a typically-sized zucchini that was moderately long.

"That zucchini looks like a dick," thought Brent correctly.

"Since you like taking stuff from my store, Max, I thought that you should have this zucchini. I'm giving it to you for free. Brent, spread Max's bubble buns. We're gonna shove it up his chute," said Phil with pure happiness.

"NOOOOO!!!! No! No! Please don't do that!" relented Max.

"I gotta do as he says, Max. Sorry, man," said Brent (somewhat) sympathetically as he parted his friend's enormous glutes, revealing that juicy, pink, tight hole again. Max could feel the cool air of the shop hitting his sphincter which made his hole clamp up even tighter.

With his hands gripping the massive expanse of Max's buns, Brent realized that those buns reminded him more of bowling balls than basketballs (like what Phil said). With their smoothness and extreme roundness, yes, Max's soft--but strong--ass cheeks seemed like skin-covered bowling balls to Brent as held them apart. This made him chuckle a little bit while his hard-on became more and more pronounced.

"Why are you laughing, man?" asked Max with a pout. "And I can feel that you've got a boner during all of this because it's hitting me in the stomach. Fuck you, Brent."

"I'm not laughing, guy, that was a cough," lied Brent. "And sometimes when I'm nervous, I get a chubby. I can't help it. It's just a weird reaction I get. Sorry." Another lie.

"You're getting a hard-on from this?" asked Phil to Brent as he was bringing one tip of the zucchini slowly closer and closer to Max's exposed butt hole. "You didn't seem like a fag when you walked in but I guess it's hard to tell these days."

"I'm not gay, man, I'm just nervous. This is really, really fucked up. Can we leave now, sir, please? You got your point across," answered Brent, becoming flustered. Sweat was collecting again on his forehead and his face was blushing as he continued spreading Max's ass for Phil.

"We'll be done when I say we're done," replied Phil who was concentrating hard as he pressed the end of the vegetable towards Max's juicy aperture.

"No, no!!!! Please don't! Please don't! Stop!" cried out Max when he felt the zucchini's tip pushing into his sphincter. "It's too big! It won't go in!" The humiliation of this scene was too much for Max to handle.

"Bull! This thing isn't any bigger than a good, healthy poop! I think it'll fit in you just fine. Neither of you are leaving here until this goes up that sexy butt of yours, Max, so you might as well take it like a man!" said Phil. He tried pushing the zucchini back into Max again but Max's hole was puckered tight, intentionally locking it out.

"It's not going to fit! It's too big! It's too big! Please just let us go!" cried Max. Max knew that, if he wanted to, he could absolutely take this object inside of him. He'd taken in bigger things before but Max was finding this situation especially traumatizing and he didn't want Phil sticking the zucchini inside of him. Max felt extremely vulnerable having his hole stretched open, even if the object wasn't extraordinarily big. As much as Max suffered in this situation, Phil and (secretly) Brent were enjoying every moment of it.

"Max, you're not leaving here until I stick this up your butt," said Phil matter-of-factly as he held up the zucchini. He brought the tip of the vegetable--the side that had rubbed against Max's asshole--up to his nose.

"Mmmmm....," said Phil, savoring the aroma. "Smells good to me. That's the smell of a healthy, stinky young man. I think we need to stick this in deeper."

"Maybe we need to lubricate it," chimed in Brent all of a sudden, trying to help.

"I don't really have anything in here right now to grease this up with," replied Phil. He was actually telling the truth about his understocked, grubby little store. Most of the shelves were lined with alcohol except for the pathetic fruit and vegetable cooler in the back which only held a couple of wilting lemons and, strangely, some zucchinis that one of the part-time workers had ordered on accident.

Phil thought for a moment as he looked down at Brent who still had Max over his knees and was still parting Max's epic ass cheeks, waiting for the evening's events to continue on.

"We're gonna have to use spit," declared Phil.

"You, mister," said the shop keeper pointing the zucchini at Brent, "you're gonna have to lean your head down and lick Max's stink winkle nice and wet. Got it?"

Brent froze for a moment, realizing the gravity of Phil's demand. Even in his wildest dreams (which were frequent), Brent never thought that he'd truly have a chance to rim Max. But this was his chance.

"Max," said Brent, looking down at Max's spread buttocks, "I'm sorry that I've got to do this to you."

Immediately, Brent leaned down and shoved his nose against Max's anus, huffing in the musk, while Max's puffy buns pushed against his face.

sniff, sniff, sniff

"It's okay that you're stinky right now, Max. You wouldn't be if I hadn't asked you to work out with me. It's my fault," said Brent in a swoon.

sniff, sniff, sniff sniiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffffff went Brent with his face buried in Max's crack.

"Ahhh....," sighed Brent.

"Okay, buddy, I told you to be licking that ass not just sniffing at it!" ordered Phil. "Get that tongue to work. I don't want you two dummies here all night. Lick that butt hole and lubricate it!"

And, with that, Brent began to slowly, romantically, swipe his tongue across Max's fragrant pucker. Instinctively, Max clamped his huge bubble cheeks against Brent's face but Brent was pushing them apart with his hands.

"Max, Max.....don't fight it. Just let me lick it. I'll make it feel real good.....I won't hurt you, I promise. Just open your butt up, please," whispered Brent blissfully.

"I can't believe that this is happening right now," said Max, slightly disturbed but, he had to admit to himself, Brent seemed to be a champion ass-worshiper. Max relaxed his massive, round glutes and allowed Brent to nuzzle deeper into his crack. Max stayed sprawled across Brent's lap and Brent--still sitting--leaned down and feasted in Max's bottom.

Brent kept his hands softly gripping and separating Max's buns while his face pushed in deeper and deeper into Max's crack. Max could feel Brent's cock growing harder, pressing more severely against his stomach.

Phil sucked on the zucchini--fellating it, lubricating it--with his mouth as he watched Brent eat out Max.

"Fuck, you taste so good, Max," moaned Brent, his voice muffled from between Max's ginormous, balloon-like ass cakes. He dragged his tongue down long, thick swipes from the top of Max's booty crack all the way, slowly, down to his Adonis-like friend's exposed balls. Then Brent would slowly work his tongue back up again, savoring the juicy, musky flavor and scent between Max's huge glutes. Brent sweetly kissed Max's pucker for a while before pressing the tip of his tongue as forcefully as he could against the opening, dipping the tip successfully into the aperture. The taste of Max's succulent behind was amazing, surpassing anything experienced Brent had before in his sexual life. "Phil, you scuzzbag piece of shit, thank you. Thank you for making this crazy situation possible," thought Brent. He licked all over the expanses of Max's glutes, tasting all over those big, round buns and enjoying them, licking them all over--the upper glutes, the lower portions, the deep, deep crack--and not just the pit between them. But then Brent realized that maybe he was taking up too much time and returned his focus back to Max's hole.

"Open up for me, Max," said Brent, barely audible, his face buried between Max's out-of-this-world butt bubbles. Max complied, relaxing his anus. Brent could feel Max relaxing and was slowly pushing the front part of his tounge, gently, into Max's sphincter. Max pressed his pink, spanked ass upwards towards Brent's face, helping his buddy get in there as his tight, little pucker would allow. As soon as Brent was truly making serious progress with getting his tongue inside of Max's hole, Phil interrupted Brent.

"I guess that his little brown eye is lubed up as much as it can for now. Let's get this zucchini in there. Keep those balloon buns spread, Brent.'s time for you to open wide and say 'Ah'" said Phil as he got down on one knee, holding the vegetable. Brent used his hands to part Max's oversized glutes. Max's sphincter was visibly pinker and juicier from the rimming.

Phil stuck the wet tip of the licked zucchini against Max's glistening anus and slowly slid it into Max's chute.

"Oooh, fuck, it hurts!" exclaimed Max as the object was pushing deeper inside of him, entering into his tight, muscular aperture and slipping into his rectum. "Oww, guys, fuck! Ouch!"

"Just take it, Max. You got this, buddy," said Brent, trying to cheer him on as the vegetable was sliding deeper into Max's ass. Brent was fascinated by the sight of the object silently disappearing inside of his friend's tasty chute. The fact that Max was helpless, and being dominated into this, turned Brent on like crazy; he could feel his boner getting harder to the point of being painful. He let out a quick gasp that Phil didn't notice.

"Just a little bit further, sliding it in as it goes, just a little bit deeper," said Phil in a sadistic, sing-song voice as he pushed the girth of the vegetable inside of Max's chute, leaving a 4-inch length of the zucchini protruding out of Max's hole.

"Oh, god, fuck!!! No more, please!!!" pleaded Max.

"That's as deep as I want it to go," said Phil, smiling and satisfied with his work, as he took in the vision of Max's big, round butt spread open with a zucchini sticking out of the pooper.

"Brent, make sure that Max gets a good fucking with that thing. I want you to drive it in and out of him, make sure that it really stays up in there. I think that that's what he deserves for being a little asshole. If he wants to act like a little asshole then we're gonna do somethin' to his little asshole, right?" ranted Phil.

"Whatever you say, sir," replied Brent as he grabbed the protruding end of the zucchini--using it as a handle--and began plunging it in and out of Max's hole in a rhythmic motion while Max sobbed over his lap.

in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.....

Brent's boner, pushing against Max's stomach, was shaking and swollen. A feeling of panic swept across Brent as he realized that he might cum in his pants, right then and there.

"That's right, just like that," said Phil as he nodded, watching Brent giving Max his just desserts. "You just keep on sticking it in there so that I don't have to do the same thing to you! You got that, moron?"

But Brent ignored Phil.

in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.....

Brent continued fucking Max with the vegetable, humiliating his beautiful friend, tormenting the most vulnerable part of his body. Max's ass was magnificent and Brent couldn't believe his fortune in being able to taste, smell, and--now--penetrate the boy's incredible, bulbous behind.

Max's glowing, wet, hot pink butt bubbles jiggled and shook as his buddy fucked him with the zucchini. Max sobbed softly, accepting the object penetrating him, resigned to his punishment and taking it.

A wave rose inside of Brent and a cascade of sensations. His whole body shook as he felt cum gushing out of his cock and creaming the inside of his basketball shorts while Max layed across his lap. The cum just kept on squirting shot after shot and shot. Brent felt like this may have been the most extreme cumming that he ever had.

Max could feel his buddy shaking followed by spot of hot moisture expanding against his stomach. Brent was cumming from torturing Max and now Max knew it.

Brent continued pushing the zucchini in and out, in and out of Max's ass, attempting to hide the orgasm that he just had.

"Enough!" barked Phil. "Push that thing so that it stays firm up inside of him but leave a little bit poking out, got it?"

"Umm.....uh.....," stammered Brent, still coming down from his explosive orgasm, shorter less intense shots still gushing out of him and flooding his shorts. "Yeah. Got it."

"Max, stand up and keep that zucchini in your stink hole," ordered Phil with a grin. Max slowly, carefully got up from off of Brent's lap, putting one hand to his ass, making sure that the vegetable stayed in place. Brent stood up too.

Phil looked over at Brent's extremely apparent stiffy and saw the pool of white goo seeping through the young man's shorts. A glob of cum dripped onto the wood floor beneath Brent. Brent, not knowing what to do, did nothing but stand there looking dumb and shell-shocked.

"I see that you enjoyed yourself there, huh Brent?" Phil commented. "I'm glad that you got something out of it. Y'all need to leave before you get jizz and butt juice all over my god-damned floor. I don't have time to be cleaning up after you, that's for fucking sure. How ya feeling, Max? Did that gigantic bubble ass of yours get a good workout today, huh?"

"Yeah," replied Max, in a quiet voice. " really hurts."

"That's what punishments are for, young man. You boys said you drove here, right? So now, Max, you have to sit on that and keep it inside of you on the drive home and get your stupid selves right the fuck out of here before I decide to call the cops anyway," laughed Phil.

Max, sore inside and out, stood silent. This was the most intense punishment he'd ever received from anyone. The most painful. He just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

"We, uh.....," spoke up Brent nervously, "We walked here, actually, so....I guess we'll just walk back now...."

Brent began walking towards the door. Max following him as he slowly and carefully tried pulling his spandex tights up over his sore mega-cheeks. He wasn't able to pull them up, however, because of the 4 inches of zucchini protruding out of his hole. It looked like Max had a tail, like he was a puppy dog. He just stood there with his blue, shiny spandex pulled down down below his butt as though he was trying to moon people.

"That's just too bad," said Phil, noticing Max's predicament. "You're gonna have to walk home like that whether you like it or not. Oh well."

Max and Brent walked towards the exit of the store, silently, turning left on the sidewalk outside, heading on their way back to Max's house. Max's massive bare ass (with the zucchini sticking out of it) was bulging out from underneath his gym shirt, the balloon-like cheeks bouncing with every step.

"This is too humilating. I can't do it, man," said Max.

"The quicker we go, the sooner we get back to your place, Max," Brent responded.

When they were a few yards away, they heard a familiar voice calling back at them.

"Hey, boys!" called out Phil. "Don't even think about pulling that out and covering that butt until you get home. I can see Max's huge, rosy ass from a long distance away and I'm gonna watch you until you disappear. Or I'll call the cops. Unless they stop you on the walk home because of Max's full moon shining out at everybody. And, yeah, you can see that vegetable poking out of you, Max!!! hehehe Adios, boys, have a nice journey home! If I ever see either of you coming into my store again, I'm gonna beat you with an electrical wire and cram the entire produce department up both of your wazoos! Fucking morons!!!"

After listening to Phil's final taunt, Brent and Max picked up the pace and walked as quickly as they could (considering Max's predicament) back to Max's house. It felt like a very long 7 blocks with that vegetable up Max's chute. Luckily, street traffic wasn't busy and only a few drivers let it be known when they saw Max's bare ass (with the zucchini sticking out of it) bouncing down the sidewalk. Brent counted only about 10 different car horns blaring at them in either disgust or celebration.

When they finally got inside Max's house, Brent had Max bend over the kitchen sink so he could carefully pull the zucchini from out of Max's hole. Max felt a huge relief when the object slid from out of him. His massive buns were still sore from his spanking and his chute felt thoroughly fucked.

Max, exhausted, stripped down naked and collapsed face-down on his bed, with his huge, round, pink bowling ball buns sticking up in the air. Brent sat on the bed next to him. The overhead fan on the ceiling whirled above them.

"You saw every inch of my ass already today, so do you mind if I air it out? The cool air feels good," said Max, regaining his confidence.

"It's okay, man, no problem," said Brent who was more than happy to look at Max's bare, oversized behind.

"Sorry that I got us into that mess today. I feel bad about it. If I had any idea that he'd freak out like that, I wouldn't have had you try and steal those beers from him," apologized Max. "Things got pretty weird in there. Phil's a complete creep."

"It's okay, buddy," said Brent. "Nobody died or anything. And he didn't call the cops, so.....I guess it wasn't all bad."

"Jesus, my ass hurts right now! Fuck! Ouch....." exclaimed Max, feeling the soreness both on the outside and the inside of his super-sized rump.

"Let me kiss it all better for you......" said Brent as he leaned down and kissed one of Max's enormous buns.

"Don't do that, man," said Max.

"I was just joking with you, Max! Relax," said Brent. He wasn't joking at all but hoped that, perhaps, Max would allow another round of ass-worship. No dice. "I'll see you later. Call me the next time you're around for a workout. I can't wait to workout again, you know?" Max turned his head and saw Brent wink at him before leaving the bedroom and exiting the house.

Max didn't know what to do. He just continued laying face-down on his bed with his huge, round, and very sore behind sticking up towards the ceiling. Hopefully his wife wouldn't be interested in ass-play tonight.....but Max wondered what he would do when Brent wanted to play with his butt for a while.

Would Max let him? Would Brent even want to? Was Brent secretly gay?

Max asked himself these questions as the cool air from the fan above soothed his punished booty as he drifted off to a late-afternoon nap.


More Gay Erotic Stories from MaxBStories

Backfire (Max story)

Max is a version of perfection. With his bright blue eyes, golden blonde hair, extremely handsome face, and toned, muscular body, 21-year-old Max was very much the ideal young man to many people. Perhaps his overly bulbous, big bubble butt cheeks would be a bit too much (too tempting, too homoerotically appealing) for some people to accept but Max rarely got complaints about those mega-buns

Being Bad (Max story)

It was late June. Max was off from his job at Fantasy Point Amusement Park for this day and his wife, Kara, had the day free too from her job at the bank. Today was the day for Kara's family's annual BBQ reunion and Max and Kara were obligated to attend. Max and Kara had been married for a little over a year. Her family thought that Max was a nice young man but what they enjoyed most about

Deep Inside (Max story)

Blue-eyed, blonde, tall, big-butted, 20-year-old Max was going to be late for work. His wife Kara always dropped him off at his job at Fantasy Point Amusement Park which was 15 minutes away from the bank where she worked as a teller. She picked him up afterward in the afternoon. This morning, Kara (a pretty, petite brunette) was helping her friend Mindy over the phone, dealing with another

Max Gets Promoted (Maxiumum Buns, Story 2)

Max B., our white bubble-butted 20-year-old cutie (blue eyes, sandy hair, toned body) and the hero of our tales, has been called into Mr. Gregg's office at Fantasy Point Amusement park.The office--stylish, modern, air-conditioned, and expensive--is located on the northern end of the park away from most of the crowd foot traffic. Fantasy Point--an exceptional attraction on the

Max's New Sidekick

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Meet Max, a 20-year-old guy with an amazing bubble butt (Maximum Buns Introduction, Story 1)

Max is a 20-year-old bubble-butted white guy who lives on the East Coast of the USA. A nice enough young dude, he always seems to be the center of attention due to his massive butt cakes which stick out like a pair of perfectly round, bouncy, delicious globes. It seems that no one can resist his

The Cherry-Popping Doctor's Office (Max story)

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The Toy Box (Max story)

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