Gay Erotic Stories

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin (final)

by Absguy65
26 Sep 2008

Super Heroes

Robin was forced to execute workouts which further abused his own manhood. To worsen the suffering, the thugs also kept on pounding his already battered bod. They truly humiliated him with various types of mental and physical tortures. But Robin was not that easy to be broken. He hang on, despite colossal pain and agony engulfing his whole hot hard bod, he just clenched his jaws and gritted his teeth to complete all the workout reps. The crowds felt so sweaty blamy warm from the tormented sight of Robin, most of them already shot precum and some just ejaculated uncontrollably. Then the lights slowly dimmed down. "Now, let welcome all the cyborg boxers!" Painagony announced again and the applaused exploded in the air. Then the lights slowly returned, the darkness ebbed away and when the whole tent was litted up, they could see 20 huge and bulky boxers standing around the combat ring. In the middle of the ring, there stood listlessly Robin, who braced himself up and stood liked a hero to face another round of tortures and bashings. The first round was one to one. But all of them knew that this would not be a real fight, it would be rather a lopsided bashing where the cyborg boxers were going to be dominant and Robin to be on the receiving side. There was no way Robin could put up any resistance, not even the slightest, he had been heavily, badly, severely abused in the past 72 hours, he was abused and used to the last drop of his sweat and blood, even minutes before the fight, they subjected him to the diabolical forced-workout drills which destroyed his manhood completely, Robin could hardly stand now actually, but he was determined to take it liked a superhero, not a wimp! Each cyborg had 15 minutes to fight, they were not allowed to kill Robin, of course, but they could do whatever they wished. After 15 minutes, the second one will take over and Robin was not given any rest in between. It was already an unfair fight and they just made it more miserable for Robin! So the first cyborg leaped into the ring, with a broad smile on his face. The rest just stood around and jeering Robin with all sort of harsh words. Meanwhile, Painagony just sat back and relaxed while stroking his engorging rod. The cyborg moved so swift that even before Robin could do anything, THUUUDDD! A huge fist already plowed into his abs! The punch was so ferocious that Robin just hunched his body and grabbed cyborg's right arm, his back arched upwards and his face was in a real appallingly shocking state, spittle shot out from his throat and his whole body jerked painfully! From that punch onwards, the sufferings never stopped...... Liked a rag doll, Robin was pummelled and slammed all over the places, his handsome face had become new target as the crowds who envied his dropdead goodlooking face shouted at the cyborg to crush it totally. So the first cyborg just grabbed Robin's hair and crashed his handsome face right onto his knee! WRACK!WRACK!WRACK!..... Robin could feel that his nasal bone fractured and shattered. Then the cyborg slammed the handsome face right on the post on the combat ring. WHAM!WHAM!WHAM!................! But the tough Robin exerted all his strength to protect his face, in spite of mind-numbing pain, there was no gory bleeding on his face, there were only purplish swellings here and there. Painagony didn't want this handsome face to be deformed, so he instructed the face bashing to stop. 2nd cyborg stepped up and he took a look at the sprawling Robin who was lying down on his chest. The undulated and solidified broad and tapered back of Robin caught his eyes. Without a word, he lifted his right foot and BLAMMM! stomped right in the middle of his back, nearly crushing his spinal bone! WWOUUWWWWWW! Robin yanked his handsome face upwards with his whole body arched in deep concavity. This cyborg was just so interested to demolish Robin's hardened back. He stomped about 10 times, then leaped up into the air and dropped both of his knees right on the back muscles again and again! Robin could feel his kidney was hammered to the fullest. After 15 minutes, Robin was still lying on his chest, all of his four limbs were spreaded apart, his back had become a meat slab which was tenderised by the chef before preparing va beef steak! The next 4 cyborgs were particularly jealous with his abs again, this was the most agonizing moment for Robin. His abs had been completely battered and destroyed, but the cyborgs detected the 8- packed formation was still intact and in fact, very much chiselled out from the flattened abs, so they vowed to pound it into a real jello mushy flabby softy mash! Most of them would lift Robin up by grabbing his hair and then used their right arms like jackhammer to plant punches after punches deep into his gut! The defenceless gut couldn't provide even the slightest resistance, it just broke down and gave way to the enormous fists which landed squarely right onto the midsection. POW!POW!POW!POW!............ KAPOW!KAPOW!KAPOIW!KAPOW!.................. 60 minutes of gut-punching session went on liked a split second to the crowds, they craved for more, they could get enough with it, they just thrilled to see how Robin's flexed and contracted his abs to take the punishing punches which dispelled air from his stomach. It was a pathetic sight to look at Robin's abs now, the entire abdominal area was covered in purplish bluish welts and bruises, but it didn't look mushy and jello still eventhough its texture had been completely disintegrated and dismantled. All the muscular fibres which were once so tight and tout, now all snapped and broken, but the most infuriating fact was Robin's abs still looked hard with all the 6 bricks of abdominal blocks still jutting out proudly. So the next 6 cyborgs continued the abs-dmolishing mission by destroying Robin's abs and serratus further! They just freely unleashed their huge fists right into Robin's gut, they knew that Robin couldn't escape in the ring, he couldn't even duck or block, he was too weak and listless to do anything but to disclose his whole abs for more abuses and punnishments. When Robin's knees buckled, the cyborg would supported his body up by hoilding his neck, then without mercy, the rains of punches landed continuosly and randomly on his abs, serratus and obliques. One of them just held Robin in crab-lock position on his knee which pushed out his abs, then he elbowed the protruded abs forcefully! Most of them would punch Robin to the corner of the ring where his body was blocked by the ring post, using the post as the wall, they truly swung the hooks, left and right into Robin's midsection. Robin completely wobbled and his knees completely budged, but then before he could drop down, another punch would lift him up almost off the floor! The 14th and 15th cyborgs envied Robin's biceps and triceps the most, they just pulled out Robin's arms and placed them on the ring mat, then they stomped on these muscles repeatedly! Robins was in shocking pain! Both of these cyborgs just pumnmelled Robin's quail-egg liked biceps and elongated hard triceps into pulp. They were all weakened and in burning pain when they stopped, Robin could hardly lift his arms as the muscles pain was excruciatingly devastating. When the next three cyborgs came up to the ring, Robin just lied down on the floor, motionless and panting heavily to gasp for air. These three cyborgs worked together for 45 minutes, they wished to tortured Robin simultaneously. So one of them lifted Robin's slender and slim body frame off the ground by clutching his neck. They wanted to see how Robin's handsome fgace grimaced and contorted in agony if he was choked. Robin was lifted liked a toy and his toes could hardly touch the mat. With both of his legs dangling haplessly, another cyborg just blasted his way on the abs, the third one kicked his hard calf muscles as he was so jealous with the beautiful bulging shape of the that muscles. When air was slowly cut off, Robin's handsome face turned reddish and he tried to breath more heavily, then less and less air went into his lungs, he face just tensed up with both of his eyeballs almost popped out, his mouth was wide opened gasping for air, but it was useless and when he was at the verge of passing out, the cyborg loosened the grip. So Robin returned to the reality world of pain, pain and pain. They repeated the feat again and again and when 45 minutes were over, Robin just collpased to the floor, like a breathless eel, wriggling and twitching. Robin had to endure the tortures from the forced workouts, then he faced the powerful cyborgs with his pliant and wornout body. Of course, there was no match, he was thrashed comprehensively from the first second the fight started. He had wuthstood 18 cyborgs and now the last two remained. They went into the right together, they executed the very classic one to two gutpunching session, they could see the abs of Robin was nevertheless destroyed but still showed the subtle formation of 8-packed ripped morphology. Especially the lower abs and groinal area. One of them locked Robin in full nelson to totally expose his abs for further punnishments. The other onw would take a firm stance and balled his fists which were coated with a layer of titanium layer. This titanium layer could dent a block of steel and they wanted to see what it would do to Robin's abs which was human flesh and even worse, already being annihilated badly. Robin knew the layer was titanium, he gritted his teeth, strained his body and contracted his abs to the extreme. The straining initiated a rush of fresh sharpshooting agony, but he knew that he had to do it, if not, he only would be torn apart! THOOOOOOOD!THOOOOD!THOOOD!..................... The grisly punching began. Robin didn't yell, it was not that he didn't want or he was strong enough to refrain from yelling, but because the sensation was too unbearable, just 3 punches and he was knocked out in cold. Painagony stopped the beating. To him, it was pointless. But the cyborg refused, they just kept on pounding his lower abs, Robin's listless body was thrashed and shoved left and right eventhough he was tightly locked, juices and spittle spewed from his throat, dribbling from his lips. Nobody knew whether he could feel anything but sometimes he suddenly screamed out loud in pain and then silent again. So Painagony had to let them used up their 30 miunutes with Robin. The crowds were endlessly boisterous and applauding in euphoric tones. They had the most satifactory entertainment tonight. When all the 20 cyborgs had finished torturing Robin, Painagony announced a breaking news which made the whole crowds crazy! They tied up Robin in the middle of the tent with both of his legs pulled apart in inverted L shape. After being intruded by dildoes and so many giant cocks in the past 72 hours, Robin's rectum had actually be loosened. They could see that his sphincter muscles had more or less given up and very inviting. Then they lowered a platform at the level of Robin's face, so that someone acn squat on the plat form and forced Robin to suck their dicks. "Ladies and gentlemen, now we shall open tender for 100 men and ladies who would like to paly with Robin, each of you will get 15 minutes, you can do whatever you want but don't kill him, he is mine! Hahahaha............." The auction began, the 100 highest bids would be granted 15 minutes to sexually abuse Robin and the response was overwhelming, at the end Painagony who was so greedy accepted 200 bids which earned him about 40,000 usd. Out of this 200 bids, 160 of them were huge men with all the large cocks even in flaccid condition. But there were 40 women who were willing to be raped by Robin as they thrilled Robin's cock to the fullest and then planted their own vaginae to get the sexual climax. They couldn't believe that for such a slender vand slim body frame, Robin's cock could be enlarged up to 10 inches long storng post and the sexual sensation was immaculate and uncomparable. So each time, 3 persons were allowed to start and end together, they could take turn to abuse him, liked some of them would immediately hump Robin's aasshole while the other filled his oral cavity with meaty rod and the third one would rub his cock to the full mast. Somke would want to taste Robin's jism, as they never tasted any superheroes's manjuices before. The lasy bids just watched enviously but they also enjoyed the scenes very much, Robin was obviously in persistent agony because every private part in his body was over-used and abused. He was gay no doubt, but being sexually abused by so many perople for such a long time, the enjoyment turned into a real sexual tortures. So it went on and on, manjuices trinkled from every where as Robin's body couldn't absorb it anymore when half of the bids completed their lewd and torturous acts. Too much juices was pumped into his asshole and mouth, and also from his own cockm so the stricky juices just overflowed and it was a very thrilling sight for all of those pyschotic gays. Robin had lost all the sense of place and time, he didn't know how long it was going on, he only knew that his asshole was always being ground with hard meat cocks, his rods were always engorged and kept on shooting canon and canon of manjuices, then he mouth was also forced to suck all types of dick, the pain was everywhere too, he choked, couighed, spat and threw out sometimes. But the torment went on until the wee hour of the day. When the last three completed, Robin was in shit condition. His whole body was tainted with manjuices, saliva and sweats, it was extremely stink and smelly. The crowds left and Pianagony knew that his time with Robin finally came. Before he sent Robin to the HELL PARADISE tomorrow morning, he still had a few hours left him. So he washed Robin up himself in his private bathroom, then he tied up Robin again in his room, he used Robin as punching bag for 3 hours and in the last 2 hours, he just fucked Robin again and again until he couldn't get his cock engorged again. It was his sweetest victory and revenge so far, he knew that Robin could no longer be a superhero, not only that he would be sent to HP forever but Robin had been physically and cmentally incapacitated. Robin was liked a dumb after 4 full days of inhumane tortures and with all thye money earned, he knew that he had to look for new superhero! But who would be his next victim? Nobody wished himelf to become the target of Painagony....



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All the names used in the story are mainly for the sake of fantasy only, the content doesn't reflect the character of the real celebrities and no infringement of copyright or personal harm is intended. _______________________________________________________________________ When Juan walked into the locker room, he was drenched wet. The sweat soaked his shirt and silhoutted his 6-packed abs

Defeated Stories (2) -JC Ferrero (2)

All the names used in the story are mainly for the sake of fantasy only, the content doesn't reflect the character of the real celebrities and no infringement of copyright or personal harm is intended. _______________________________________________________________________ The sneak attack completely immobilised the poor Juan who had to sprawl on the floor motionlessly, clutching his back

Defeated Stories (2) -JC Ferrero (3-Final)

All the names used in the story are mainly for the sake of fantasy only, the content doesn't reflect the character of the real celebrities and no infringement of copyright or personal harm is intended. _______________________________________________________________________ Using the despicable sneak attack, Juan was in real peril and it looked as the last ray of hope was dashed after the abs

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin

On the stage, the glaring flouresent light bathed the superbly sculptured musculature - lean, slim, slender but packed with tout and extremely solidified muscles. (Look at photo Robin 1). The dropdead gorgeously handsome face of the stud craved a proud smile, with arms bent and placed behind his back, the deliberate strain stretched every group of his muscles to be as hard as rock,

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin (final)

Robin was forced to execute workouts which further abused his own manhood. To worsen the suffering, the thugs also kept on pounding his already battered bod. They truly humiliated him with various types of mental and physical tortures. But Robin was not that easy to be broken. He hang on, despite colossal pain and agony engulfing his whole hot hard bod, he just clenched his jaws and gritted

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin(4)

Robin's attempt fell apart when he collapsed from the top of the cage fences and savagely torunced by Bane. The crowds had gone totally insanely delighted, Painagony couldn't help it but having a real hard on, he had been fantasizing this moment for a long long time, every night he would stare at Robin's shirtless photo and masturbate while imagining how he would pummel and torture Robin,

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin(5)

The fate of Robin was more or less sealed. He fell from the top of the fences as electricity shocked his hard body, his back was kneed, his abs was elbowed and now he was restrained upside down and the contracted gut was ferociously pounded. Bane threw the left and right hooks with full force, the sharp protruded knuckles hammered into Robin's tightened abs. The punches landed from Robin's

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin(6)

The mission ended with a tragic end for Robin, his intention to rescue the superheroes faltered badly and now he was totally defeated by Bane, it was a complete hopeless situation for Robin and he could only wait what Painagony had planned for him. The crowds waited patiently, they were wondering what was happening inside the covered cage. All the three superheroes were lowered into the

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin(7)

Painagony treated the crowds with one of the most innovative ways of torturing those young and sinewy superheroes, Robin was put on Butt-Dildo-Seat which was connected to the jackhammers that pounded the abs of the other three superheroes. The crowds were simply enthralled and mesmerised with what they saw. After about one hour, Painagony ended the show. But it didn't end for Robin yet.

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin(8)

Robin was totally helpless now, the other captured superheroes were on the way to HELL PARADISE and he was tied up, being brutally abused and tortured by Painagony's thugs. The gangbash continued for almost 8 hours until the early morning of the next day. They just couldn't get enough with Robin's hot hard bod and fantastic asshole endurance. No matter how they pummelled his solidified

Defeated Stories (5) - Robin(9)

Robin was completely under the mercy of Painagony and his thugs. His superlovers had been sent to the HELL PARADISE, he bwould join them soon but before that, Painagony would subject him to more humuliation and tortures. But for the past 16 hours, he had been brutally abused, savagely tortured, severely humiliated, he was raped, again and again, he was forced to suck cocks and swallow tonnes

Defeated Stories(5) - Robin (1)

For the next two days, Jason didn't receive any calls. He was getting restless, he understood clearly that the message was not to be disclosed to anybody, or else he might put the lives of the three superheroes in jeorpardy. He didn't even any any clue who the abductors were. He was all the time stay-put in his room, he didn't answer any summon of job and this enraged Batman. Batman knew

Defeated Stories(5) - Robin (2)

Before Painagony left the cage, he launched a sneak attack by stomping Robin's lower back to shove him toward Bane, who immediately grabbed the golden chance by lashing out a ferocious powerful fist squarely into Robin's midsection! The crowds went hysterical, they loved the dirty trick, they knew that Robin stood slim chances of defeating Bane ALONE this time, but they wanted to see him

Defeated Stories(5) - Robin (3)

From the brink of disastrous defeat, Robin managed to turn the table against Bane by planting two hypnotic darts into Bane's manhood. Bane was temporarily knocked out in cold but he was again outnumbered as Painagony's henchmen swarmed over him. But then with the emergence of extraordinary strength and will when he thought of the consequences of being captured, he finally grounded all of

Elite Secret Agent in Peril, Final

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Elite Secret Agent in Peril, Part 1

Scott finally got the final clue, the code number to enter the Security Room of Black Dragon Society. He had been working as undercover for this society in Hong Kong for almost 10 months. He acted so meticulously and carefully that Park Lee, the leader of this Society trusted him completely. He probed the information bit by bit, he risked his life to wipe out other resisting underground

Elite Secret Agent in Peril, Part 2

Slowly the senses returned, he regained the consciousness to find himself being tied up in a dimly lighted room. His shirt had been removed; both of his wrists were shackled above his head and his slender body was totally disclosed. Under such restrained position, his abs was strained to be in real 6-packed, the serratus were cramped into layers, both of his pecs were thinned up but stretched

Elite Secret Agent in Peril, Part 3

The ability of Scott to keep mute under aggressive abs assault showed how defiant and tough he was. His handsome face was turning redder and redder as he restrained from yelling even a slightest grunt. Both of his arms were corded with snakes-like veins and arteries, his thighs flexed with a few groups of his muscles bundled up. He had to strain his abs to be as hard as steel, the first guard

Elite Secret Agent in Peril, Part 4

OUUUUCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! The yelling was ear piercing. Mr. Park grinned broadly as he could feel the pain inside Scott's abs. It was such an arousing sight to see the black titanium rod sank deeper and deeper into the highly compressed abdominal muscles. Nobody could suppress the feeling of sexual ecstasy watching such a drop-dead gorgeous stud being flogged savagely on the chiselled 8-packed

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Euroboy--Painful Ambush, Part 2

Euroboy felt the his superpower slowly resumed inside his body, he knew that the first massive electrocution had temporarily robbed away his super strength but as time passed by, he would gradually regained the lost supremacy. Unfortunately, this fact was also well understood by Eurotric who had studied and researched Euroboy meticulously. He said to the other villains, "Hey, guys, this super

Euroboy--Painful Ambush, Part 3

Eurowhip covered the whole abdominal zone comprehensively as the mallets kept on landing exactly on each and every slab of the protruded muscles. After about 45 minutes, he already shifted to the lower abs where the defense dropped tremendously. The handsome face of Euroboy's twisted in painful knots, his yelling hiked to an ear-piercing pitch, as the upper abs and midsection were all reddened

Euroboy--Painful Ambush, Part 4

While Euroboy was desperately supporting the weights to avoid butt-electrocution which would not only inflict enormous amount of pain but also further reduce his super strength permanently, the jackhammer which was placed right in front of him truly instilled chilly scare in his mind. It was a U shaped jackhammer which contained 13 pounding arms, four on both sides which would target at his

Euroboy--Painful Ambush, Part 5

The prone body of Euroboy was dumped on the floor, the megavoltage of electricity which intruded his body through his rectum had more or less robbed away all his superpower. Euroboy was turned into a normal human being with normal body strength which was obviously no match against all these super villains. Furthermore, the hardness of his muscles had been smashed to almost zero level, apart from

Fallen Birdman

Birdman was fighting with his old time enemy again, Eagle devil, who nearly defeated him in their previous combat. Nobody could ever forget how Eagle devil bashed Birdman on the stage set up by Eagle devil accomplice, Falcon man. Falcon man who used to be Birdman's ally turned hostile due to envy as Birdman was much more handsome looking and enjoyed much higher popularity than him. He also

Fallen Birdman , Finale

Eagledevil finally shot numerous cannon of juice loads into Birdman's throat, he forced the superhero to swallow the villainous intoxicated semen which would further weakened his body and mind. Birdman at first tried to spit it out but Eagledevil jumped up and crushed his stretched abs a few times and he just swallowed it all in a gulp. "It is my turn to feed him my poisonous juice,

Fallen Birdman, Part 1

Eagledevil and Falconman both grinned at each other, after watching this perfectly sculpted body and handsome face for a while, they clamped the pectoral muscles near the armpits with their metallic claws which they donned inside their hands. Then they squeezed with much joy as they knew that they were twisting a bundle of sensory nerves which would shoot up tremendous pain into Birdman's brain.

Fallen Birdman, Part 2

Birdman knew that his abs was totally gone when Falconman and Eagledevil stop pummelling the once majestic abdominal bricks. He couldn't feel the existence of his abs anymore, he only felt unbearable and nerve-wracking pain grazing every bundle of his muscular fibres. Sweats beaded on his forehead and drenched his whole body, he was totally listless and drained, he knew that if he was not tied

Fallen Birdman, Part 3

On the wooden bench, Birdman was laid down on his back, both of his wrists were locked to the legs of the bench, both of his legs were pulled apart and pushed forwards to pry open his buttock. There were two metallic posts on both sides of the bench, Birdman's ankles were shackled to the posts and his whole body was immobilized firmly. Falconman grinned when he saw the tightened anus which

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JunLong had been an orphan since he was a baby, his adopted father was a martial art teacher, he was poor but he brought him up and taught JunLong all the martial skill he possessed. Because JunLong was too poor to go to school, he didn't study much and when he was 12 years old, his adopted father fell sick, so he had to go to the port and worked as a hard labourer. He was 22 years old now; he

JunLong - Vs. Drugpushers, Part 2

After the first round of gruesome thrashing with bare fists, elbows and knees, JunLong still stood straight although his upper body had been battered and badly bruised, pain was burning liked wildfire but it failed to raze away his wish and toughness to get the role. But the second round of beating would be even more vicious and savage, as all the four henchmen picked up the wooden bats and

JunLong - Vs. Drugpushers, Part 3

Poor JunLong, he was actually attacked by the drug addict who he tried to rescue, but the addict was too desperate to take a few doses, so his presence made him even more desperate. Now with both of his arms locked in full nelson, he was too pliant to retaliate, the crushing knees kept on bombarding the mutilated abs, he was practically lifted off the ground every time the blow hit his gut!

Kesengsaraan Malayman (1)

Kadar jenayah di Kuala Lumpur kebelakangan ini turun mendadak sejal kemunculan seorang penentang jenayah yang dikenali sebangai Malayman. Malayman terus menjadi topik hangat setiap hari dalam laporan suratkhabar. Gambarnya tersebar luas and menjadi idaman semua gadis dan juga lelaki homo. Wajahnya to tutupi dengan topeng mata tapi hidungnya yang tinggi dan rahang muka yang diasah tajam

Kesengsaraan Malayman (2)

Hayunan pemukul keluli ke arah organ kelelakian Malayman berhenti selepas lebih kurang 30 minit. Masa itu, Malayman sudah perpeluh lebat, kebasahan peluh melincirkan setiap kontur garisan ototnya yang seperti diukir dengan pahat itu. Hero yang terseksa itu sedang mengerang kesakitan, tarikan nafasnya menjadi deras, wajah kacaknya kelihatan dalam kesengsaraan sebab organ kelelakiannya sudah cedera

Kesengsaraan Malayman (akhir)

ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Kasihan Malayman, sekali lagi terjaga dalam kesakitan yang membara dan membakar seluruh tubuhnya yang tertegang akibat dari lubang punggung disumbat dengan rantai berbola. Ketua penjenayah yang bengis mengarah kuncunya menyumbat masuk rantai besi yang terikat 30 biji bebola keluli ke dalam anus Malayman. Setiap sumbatan mengembangkan kolon Malayman dan

Robin Defeated by Bane

For the next two days, Jason didn't receive any calls. He was getting restless, he understood clearly that the message was not to be disclosed to anybody, or else he might put the lives of the three superheroes in jeopardy. He didn't even have any clue who the abductors were. He was all the time stay-put in his room, he didn't answer any summon of job and this enraged Batman. Batman knew that

Robin Defeated by Bane (prologue)

On the stage, the glaring flouresent light bathed the superbly sculptured musculature - lean, slim, slender but packed with tout and extremely solidified muscles. (Look at photo Robin 1). The drop dead gorgeously handsome face of the stud craved a proud smile, with arms bent and placed behind his back, the deliberate strain stretched every group of his muscles to be as hard as rock, especially

Robin--Fucking Torture (Final)

Robin was completely broken, the rectum was intruded again and again, under such diabolical bondage position, he was helpless to do anything but to let the cloned villains do whatever they want to do After filling up his anal canal with fluid and then squeezed it out by inserting various types of tools and dildo, they found that Robin's rectum remained slightly opened. It was so inviting and

Robin--Fucking Torture, Part 1

Robin was totally helpless now. He couldn't fight anymore, the villains were simply too many, they kept on coming. He already grounded more than 10 villains, but there were another over 20 of them, fully armoured, extremely strong and martially skillful. Robin dropped to the floor. His serratus was badly stomped. His undulated back was kneed again and again. He was lifted up and his arms were

Robin--Fucking Torture, Part 2

All the cloned villains returned next morning. Robin was helplessly strung up against the iron cell bars. He was totally soaking wet due to heavy perspiration as the air was highly warm and stuffy. After a whole night without food and water, Robin was quite worn out and exhausted. One of the villains lifted his chin and another villain stripped away his shirt. "Wow, what a lean hard body."

Robin--Fucking Torture, Part 4

When the cloned villains started to hump their enormous rods deep inside Robin's loosened asshole, some of them just couldn't stand watching Robin's shredded abs which overlapped and cramped up into razor-sharp muscular edge. They held a metallic bat and forcefully pounded the yummy abs vertically. THOMP! THOMP! THOMP! “URGHHH!... AARRRRRGGGGG!... YYYARRGHHH!...” Robin just screamed

Robin--The Fucking Torture, Part 3

Robin's abs was completely battered under the onslaught of the cloned villains. The flattened, hardened but rippling abs was pulverised with continuation bombardments of bare fists, metallic tools, wooden instruments and etc. The muscular fibres snapped and torn again and again, the hardness melted after every punch and hit, it was a great torture to Robin who had never been brutalised as bad

Siamboy - Painful Love

It was a hot and humid evening when I noticed him at the Sky Train in Bangkok. He just wore a half length singlet and stonewashed jeans, exposing both of his real hard solid arms and his abdominal zone near the navel. The arms were not huge and buffy like what bodybuilders had, but they were slender and rolled up and down like waves. The deltoid bulged out roundly, the biceps were ovals and

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 1

It was a complete darkness, fathomless darkness which allowed us to see nothing at all, not even our own fingers. There was a chaotic commotion, ladies shouting, kids crying and somebody were pushing around. I still sling tightly to the hardened body of this cool handsome guy, partly have to but partly on purpose as the feeling of hugging steel-like muscles made me feel so good. When the

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 2

When the train stopped at the last station, it was almost 6.30 pm already. Both of us got down from the train, I found that he was walking in the same direction and with further communication, I discovered that he actually stayed in the same residential area. I was extremely delighted as I expected to meet him frequently from now on. He also seemed very surprise and he promised to call me again.

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 3

THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! They vented their anger by bludgeoning every ridge of Siamboy's abdominal brick, while one of them lashing out a barrage of ferocious punches the others just cheered and applauded. CHUD! CHUD! CHUD! CHUD! Every fist was planted with full force on his gut but Siamboy just stood there holding up his arms behind his head without moving an inch. He showed how firm and

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 4

Before they started the onslaught, they pinned Siamboy against the wall in the spread-eagle position and with ease, they manacled both of his wrists and ankles to the wall with metallic rings. When they ensure Siamboy was restrained on the wall, they started to rub their metallic fists. Siamboy was now tied up completely with his whole body exposed, abs and pecs were stretched to the fullest,

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 5

I was thrown away and being locked up by another tired army. Some of them took a look at me and started to fondle my ripped abs too. My abs was quite hard as well, and they tore away my shirt. But before they began to hurt my gut, Siamboy shouted at them, "Leave him alone, he got nothing to do with this, I am willing to endure all the pain for him." Siamboy's heroic reaction irked them greatly

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 6

One of the army held Siamboy's chin up and when they were sure that he was totally knocked out in cold, they just disappeared into the air as swift as they appeared. I quickly dashed towards Siamboy who was hung up there motionlessly. I was so afraid that he would be killed but no, he was still breathing normally. I tried to remove the manacles but they were simply too strong and too tight. Then

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 7

Siamboy put his right arm across my shoulder for support; he could hardly walk in proper manner. I grabbed his right arm with my right hand, and then I hugged his waist with my left hand. I could feel the genuine hardness of his muscles and it already made my rod erected again. His handsome face was soaking wet with sweats, he moaned slightly every time he made a step as his swollen manhood was

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part 9

The worm was no longer to be seen, I thought it was all over, but suddenly Siamboy twitched his handsome face again and said hastily, "Can you rape my ass? At the same time, please rub my cock, I need to ejaculate." I was petrified to hear his request, it seemed as the torture was not enough, I asked in disbelief, "Are you sure? You have suffered so badly and now you…" "Please do

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part10

Over breakfast next morning, I deliberately sighed in front of Siamboy. He looked at me and asked, "What is the matter?" "Nothing, just thinking what we are going to do to support our living," I said, pretending to look depressed, "Now I have to be with you all the time, I have to quit my job, so have you, but we need to earn living expenses..." "It’s okay," Siamboy said, "I can provide any

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part11

My empowerment over Siamboy came a full circle, I realised that he wouldn't be able to survive without me, he knew that he always needed me to treat the worm and most important of all, for some reason, he truly had a crash on me. I took full advantage of this to further abuse him for my own benefit, I was not sure whether I really did love him, I liked him, this was undeniable, but maybe

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part12

Three of us were so amused watching the hunky superhero torturing himself up and down with the Dildo Saddle. His handsome expression was always in grimacing contortion, his mouth was always wide opened with trembling tongue, sticky fluid dribbled from the rim of his anal orifice due to over sensitisation of the anal tract. After 30 minutes, I got bored and asked my two gym partners to slug the

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part13

In order to multiply the suffering for Siamboy, I made a devilish proposal and the fitness models just loved it. I proposed them to have simultaneous sexual orgy with Siamboy, it meant all of them would act at the same time, so Siamboy had to do a blow-job, then rape one of them and had his asshole raped by the other. They would take turns to enjoy all the acts. As a consolation, I whispered to

Siamboy - Painful Love, Part14 (End)

Time flew and one year finally passed by; 365 worms were at last disposed from his body, he was now free from the worm torture. When I had become a 250 pound big fat guy with huge flabby gut, Siamboy had turned into a genuine stud – after 365 days of continuous torture, physically and mentally, in the hands of thousand and thousand of male and female customers, friends and superheroes, he

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 1

Jason was just a plain 20 year-old college drop-out due to inability of his family to support his further studies. He was a bright student in the college and excelled almost in everything he took part, including his favourite sport, the marathon. But when his father suddenly passed away due to cancer, he was forced to stop schooling to allow his other younger brothers and sisters to attend

Slenderkid, Lost and Tortured, Part 2

Jason's grandfather passed away peacefully and before his last breath, he scribbled his last sentence on a paper, it was to Jason, he said he had one last gift for him. After the funeral, Jason opened his grandfather's small cabinet which nobody touched when he was alive. There were not many things inside the cabinet; there were only some old items and money. Jason didn't really know what gift

Slenderkid, Lost and Tortured, Part 3

While Slenderkid started to make headlines almost everyday on the local newspaper, Jason started to feel some negative changes inside his body. He began to sense the gradual fade of his super power; he also noticed that the gold colour of the amulet was getting greyish. He started to be very worried as he was afraid the super strength would desert him at the end. One night after busting two

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 4

Sometimes he wanted to stop, but once he stopped for about 3 nights consecutively, his strength level dropped to almost at layman’s level. So he had to ask the workers to work over his shredded abs for hours after work. The brutal continuous gut pounding did hike the power quantum but it was not enough. Most of the time he took the gut-punching until the pain was too overwhelming, until he

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 5

After the boss raped him for three times, Jason was left sprawling on the floor, clutching his abs and groaning in distress. "He’s yours now." The boss told the worker who was willing to take, and then he left with satisfied grin on his face. "Hey, stud, time to shoot." The worker teased Jason by taking off his pant. Jason stood up miserably and let the worker stimulate his super-cock by

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 6

Jason was still unaware that his true identity was more or less disclosed. The boss still pounded his abs liked mad but much softer now. He also instructed other workers to pummell Jason's abs lesser and softer. When the gut-punching session was over, the boss said they were not free tonight as all of them had to go for annual dinner. Jason was also invited but certainly he couldn't go as

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 7

Slenderkid braced himself up to encounter the Bulldog who was almost doubled his size. He had no fear to anybody, he had fought all types of villains even without his superpower, he had confidence that he could win. But he didn't know that all these 8 fighters had been drugged and they were like muscled zombies. Their action was quite slow but they were exceptionally strong, their muscles were

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 8

Slenderkid took the chances to throw a huge fist right into Bulldog's groin. It inflicted substantial pain and with a growl, Bulldog withdrew a few steps and grabbed his manhood. Slenderkid spotted the good opportunity, he used the rope of the ring as leverage and hurled a forceful double kicks towards his chest. Wrong move! Bulldog was too tough to be hurt by his assault, insted he gripped

Slenderkid, Lost And Tortured, Part 9

Slenderkid was totally defenceless now! There was no way for him to do anything but allow Omnigod to do whatever he liked. Sprawling on the floor, moaning in mind-numbing pain, all the 8 fighters and Joshton was already inside the ring. He was dragged to the centre of the ring, 4 shackles were pulled out from each post at every corner, the pliant Slenderkid was restrained at his wrists and

Slenderkid, Lost and Tortured, Part10 (Finale)

URGH! Slenderkid made a groan with every part of his body muscles constricted with painful spasmic trebles. KAPOW! KAPOW! The other two fighters also lashed out the punches right on both of his obliques; the combination of strength of the impact aggravated by the sand-roughened surface truly inflicted optimal throe to test the mettle of Slenderkid. URRGH! It was another painful moan with his

Superboy - Shameful Act

Superboy received a distress call from Jimmy that there was a fight in Blue Gym. Immediately, he flew into the sky from apartment and within seconds, he landed in front of the gym's door. As usual he would use his special eyesight to check around and it was true that somebody was fighting in the gym. So without hesitation he entered and separated the guys who wrestled on the floor. But he

Superboy - Shameful Act 2

Once they started to pound the rippling abs of Superboy, there was no stopping for Superboy to suffer! All these bodybuilders were so strong and stoic, every punch was like a grenade exploding inside his abs. Under normal circumstances, with Superboy having super strength, he was totally immune to any kind of punching from a human being. But now, as he inhaled more and more kryptonic spray into

Superboy - Shameful Act 3 (Final)

After another hour of sandwiched bashing, they stopped and Superboy was allowed to just collapse to the floor, sprawling and groaning in pain. But the kryptonic spray just did something very damaging to himself, he felt the enormous pain inside his gut, but at the same time he felt the urge to have his abs pounded again, the worse part was he truly needed his ass to be raped, his mind had been

Superboy Abused by Robin

Robin was always jealous of Superboy's fame, he always played second fiddle to Superboy, no matter how excellent he was in busting crimes and defeating enemies, media always paid more attention to Superboy. We couldn't blame the media, both of them were equally handsome but Superboy was simply dropdead gorgeous, physically both of them were equally tight and hard, but Superboy had 8 packs of

Superboy In Pain

Superboy rushed to the site where a monster's assault was reported. When he arrived there, he saw it was quite a small human-like monster. Instantly he fly-kicked the monster's head and sent him reeling. The crowds cheered when they saw their highly admired hero defeated the monster. The monster was really no match to the agile and martially skillful Superboy. The monster was punched all

Superboy Payback

By Robin, WARNING:This page is a parody and contains many works that are intended for 18+ years or older. Superman had gone missing for days. Superboy was looking for him everywhere liked crazy but in vain. There was no clue at all. He contacted all the other superheroes, but nobody knew where Superman had gone. One night, he returned to his apartment after another fruitless search.

Superboy-Voluntary Submission

The door was slowly opened, Clark was slightly startled to see his customer, very tall, bulky and looked very much hostile. Before he could even greet hello, the hugely built guy grabbed his collars and tossed him inside the room. He just had to comply, with his valued customers, he couldn't do anything fooliwh to irate them. They were not alone in the room, there were another four men

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(1)

The greenish oilment was actually made of kryptonic mud. It would not kill superboy or superman, but it was strong enough to tenderise their super-enhanced muscles and inflict some horrible agony which would create endless tortures to them. While the henchman was rubbing superboy's shredded abs with this oilment, Lex continued to interrogate him with some very humiliating question which he

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(2)

Again Superboy was reluctant to tell. THUD!THUD! Another two punches sagged into his oil-rubbed abs. URGH! He made a soft moan, the pain was discernible now. "You are not that follish to risk losing your fee, are you?" Lex threatened. "We..we make love whenever we meet in SuperLair.." Superboy said. WHRACCCK! "HOW!" Lex plowed another upperhook deep into superboy solar plexus. "Ouchh..we

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(3)

AARRGGHHH! Superboy truly got the shock of his life when Lex's palm contacted his abs, that kind of pain was beyond his imagination, there were no words to describe it, he just felt that his abs instantly melted away liked dropping an ice-cube in boiling water! Superboy had fought countless villains and gone through numerous perillous and tormented moment, but never in his life he

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(4)

Superboy had been actually completely broken, his abdominal muscles were completely mashed and disbanded, his whole aerratus and obliques were severely bruised and lacerated, most of the abdominal welts had turned blusih purplish due to excessive repeated slammings. Limpily slumping in his bondage, he drooped his head with spittle and saliva drooled uncontrollably from his gaster through his

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(5)

Lex's frustration was comprehensible as he was so confident that he would make superboy beg for mercy this time, but at the end, besides hapless yelling and moaning from superboy, Lex didn't get what he wanted. Although the sight of suffering was equally arousing - superboy's body was in constant contraction as he had to flex his muscles to endure the perpectual pain emitted by each and

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(6)

All of them halted simultaneously, the last henchman quickly retrieved the dildo from superboy anal tract. Superman was all wet with the sweats which oozed out profusely, the overly massive agony cause heavy perspiration. Once the manical beatings stopped, superboy just slumped limpily under the bondage, his whole body was in fiery flame, every square and cubic inch of his muscles was

Superboy-Voluntary Submission(7)

Lex looked at both of the superheroes who were totally defenseless and forced to a complete submission. Superman was tied up firmlt on the rack, superboy knelt down with both of his hands pressing the floor, head drooping in despondent and dejection. They were waiting Lex's next diabolical move. They knew that the suffering would go on, but for superboy he still had to endure all the

Superman Near Death

Over the colossal grayish clouds in the sky, the ominous lightning’s sparkled intermittently with scary intensity, the sound of the roaring thunders slipped into his ears from afar, subdued but full of threats of doom. Superman was determined to erase Lex Luthor once and for all from the surface of the earth. He already had had enough with his criminal acts, he thought Lex would have turned

Superman Militarial Torture

Superman was instructed by the president to demolish the military base funded by Lex Luthor in Nicaragua. This underground military had launched several assaults on Nicaraguan government facilities and they even held a few ministers as hostages to demand the release of their arrested rebels. The president felt that justice needed to be done and Superman was sent to reinstall the chaotic situation

Superman's Disgraceful Downfall, Part 1

It was a routine encounter for the heroic Superman to bump into a few thugs who tried to mug a lady at the back lane. Once he landed from the sky, all the thugs just eloped without any threat as they knew there was no way to fight a superhero even with M16. She was a very pretty lady, once the thugs released her; she rushed towards Superman and hugged him affectionately in fear. "It’s okay

Superman's Disgraceful Downfall, Part 2

Superman's mind was under total control of the lady, he knew that it was humiliating and disgraceful to do so, but there was nothing he could do to fight her telepathic instruction. “ARRRR...OOOHHHHH...EEEEEIIIIIAAA...” he just moaned in the purest joy while driving the dildo in and out wildly. "You seem to enjoy this extremely," the lady said, "but you are supposed to suffer, not to

Superman-Militarial Torture, pART 2

Around 8 am, the commander entered his tent to find Superman still being tied up on the table. The soldiers had left, but now he was surrounded by the male workers in the camp, they were having the best time in their life as never before they had the chances to torture such a handsome and muscular stud. Poor superman was still in hypnotic situation; both of his hands were busy fondling the

Superstud Being Raped

When I woke up, I found that all my four limbs were locked to titanium shackles in spreadeagle position. The last thing I could remember was a heavy knock at the back of my head once I entered my own apartment after a long night of crime fighting. The hit was accurate as instantly I lost my consciousness. I had no idea how long I had been restrained in this poorly lit room. It looked

Superstud Being Raped 2

Superhunk had been my crimebuster buddy for two years. I always trusted him to be my best pal but that's all, nothing more than that. I knew that he had a crush on me since we first met, but I already had a superpartner, Supertwink, who was my lover for years. It was out of my remote imagination that Superhunk would betray me. Only last week I disclosed to him where I stayed which I was not

Superstud Being Raped, Part 2

Superhunk looked much more stunning after a week of absence, but I knew that I looked like shit. I had loss weight terribly after one whole week of no solid food, only manjuice, manjuice and manjuice. But thinner body made my abs more prominent with all those lean muscles jutting out, and this was not a good sign to superhunk. After being bashed continuosly and raped again and again, I started

Tennis Revenge

Andy Murray had just been defeated by Richard Gasquet, he had been continuously humiliated by Richard for their last 5 meetings. I n the changing room, he looked at his shirtless body in the mirror, slim, slender but ripped, but compared to Richard, he looked like a stick. He saw Richard's upper body a few times during training session, his body was chiselled and truly sculpted from granite.

Tennis Revenge( Final)

The cruel Tommy just pushed the dildo with rough protrusions deep inside Richard's anus, although it was quite loosened already, but the enormous size of the dildo just ripped apart his anal orifice and anal tract! AAA..OOOUUU...IIIIGGGHhhhhhhhh......... The screaming was at feverish pitch, but Murray just enjoyed it so much, it was such an ultimate satisfaction for both of them to

Tennis Revenge, Part 1

Andy and Tommy called up Richard to invite him for a drink at one of the most hyped bar which was newly opened. Richard always treated them as good friend, so before he left for Paris tomorrow with the championship trophy, he was more than happier to go with them. They picked him up from the hotel, wow; both of them instantly had a rage of envy as they saw Richard wearing a sleeveless

Tennis Revenge, Part 2

Murray and Tommy started to vented their vengeance and anger on Richard by insanely pulverizing his hot hard muscles. They just couldn't stand watching how handsome and muscular Richard was. BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!... Fists and kicks flew in the air and landed with full force on Richard's abs, pecs and obliques. Richard flexed his abs and tensed up his whole torso to absorb the poundings, he

The Degrading Robin, Part 1

Takizawa had been trained as Japanese Robin for 3 years, he had become a very much feared crime buster and very highly admired by the Japanese public. But being a superhero didn't promise high income, although the Japanese Superhero Council covered all the expenses for Robin, but not his next of kin’s and Robin still had to look for proper job. But lately he had a double whammy as both of his

Tokyo Maskedrider-Duped and Tortured

Takeshi had been Tokyo Maskedrider (TM) for about 3 years, he was only 22 yro and with his brilliant crime busting records, he still had a very bright future to be the superhero who governed the security of this city for a long, long time. But then his biggest foe, Turga, had a different idea and waited for the perfect time to launch the biggest revenge of his life on TM. On one sunny

Zul - Tortured Under Threat

Last night, when Zul was helped into his apartment, Jamal almost shed his tears looking at the pathetic state of Zul's heavenly built body. Zul had been practicing kickboxing for more than 15 years since he was 5 years old. 5 years ago, he met Jamal and they instantly clicked and became training and gay partners. Zul was gifted with a natural long slender and lean body frame, his muscles were

Zul - Tortured Under Threat, Part 1

Junaidi truly enjoyed his sweet time thrashing the handsome and hard-bodied Zul. In order to stretch Zul's abs to the limit, he even tied up Zul's wrists and ankles to the ring's ropes. Then he unleashed horrible punches after punches squarely into the tightened abdominal muscles of Zul. THUID!THUD!THUD!THUD!..,...for one whole 3 minutes of a single round, Junaidi's bare fists ploughed deep into

Zul, Tortured Under Threat, Part 3

Zul was drowned in total agony but Junaidi was still not satisfied, he had already ejaculated three times in a row watching Zul straining himself on the paraller bars having his hardened abs worked out severely by 30 thugs. "Stand him up." Junaidi ordered. With brute force, a few thugs tossed him up by gripping Zul's biceps and hairs, then they pulled his arms apart to expose his pecs and abs.

Zul, Tortured Under Threat, Part 4

While Zul was suffering by holding up under such a torturous forced workout posture, Jamal was hoisted up and tied to a chin-up bar not far from the bench. Jamal was restrained in a spread-eagle position with his abs fully stretched and tightened. Two thugs stood besides Jamal holding a wooden baseball bat, they were so keen to bash Jamal's abs if Zul couldn't sustain his body at 45 degree

Zul, Tortured Under Threat, Part 5: Final

The mayor was actually much more vicious than Junaidi, he had been operating illegal activities for so many years by abusing his own status as the mayor. Since he was filthy rich, he bribed all the officers in the state government to keep on re-electing him as mayor year after year. But then Malayboy began to crush his empire part by part, federal government started to take notion of what was

Zul-Tortured Under Threat, Part 2

One of Junaidi's thugs placed two big bags on the floor, insides those bag were all the beating and torture tools and instruments. Then Junaidi saw an adjustable bench press nearby. He adjusted the seat of the bench press to about 30 degree in angle. Zul was asked to lie on the seat. Then they tied a 300kg weight on both of Zul's wrists and asked him to grab it as tight as possible. “Now I


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