Gay Erotic Stories

My Workout Buddy, Part 10 The Shower Trio

by Sidekick1985
03 May 2008

Athletics Bathhouse Tales Bathroom Tales Best Friends Gym Workouts Interracial Jockstraps Muscle

As I was dragged back into the shower room I looked up at Louis and Wayne. Their muscles were rippling and glistening from the sweat. There thick meaty cocks swung from side-to-side like a pendulum of a clock. Their balls were huge and hairy. They had seriously mean looks on their faces. Wayne looked angry about his pure white eyes wide opened and fixed on my like a sniper’s scope. His no bullshit glare made me feel inferior to him, which I was. I could never be as much man as he was. Any woman who got the pleasure of having him ram his slamming giant cock up their tight pussies would never be satisfied with another man ever again.

Wayne had this one rule. He only fucked a woman three time--then you move on. After that they were so stretched out not even he could get satisfied. A lot of times he never got a chance to fuck them twice. It wasn’t that he wasn’t good he was just too good. He tended to be a rough fucker. He liked to fuck bitches hard and make a lasting impression. He knew that the chances were they would be so wrecked up by his mammoth sized slamming cock that would be afraid to have it in them again. So he knew with every one-night stand he got he would just show them a no holds bared slam and ram fuck session. That’s why he made such a three times only rule. He knew that most women only made it threw one night of his flagpole. Some women made it threw two nights. Only they were never as tight as they where the second time. By the third time they were so stretched out they did him no good. His cock was so thick it needed a tight hole to get him satisfied. Most women would need at least a year for them to heal up and get back to a right size.

I once heard that he fucked a married white woman who was angry at her husband for sleeping with her best friend. So she told her husband the only way to make things even was for her to sleep with another man. He agreed on only one condition. The condition was that she had to find them in a gym because there are healthier men at the gym. So she saw Wayne, the manager, and told her the predicament. He agreed to help her out and her husband even got them a suite at a local hotel.

So that night he went to her suite and knowing that this was a one time only deal he was going to give her absolutely no mercy. He slammed her so hard that she screamed so loud other people in the hotel thought someone was being murdered. Once they learned what it really was, they had no choice but to move down the hallway. He fucked her for four hours straight. The next morning she was so sore that she could not even walk. A week later her husband came to the gym and told him that Wayne saved his marriage, but now he could not satisfy his wife. The husband had to ask Wayne how big his cock was so that he could go and get a same sized dildo for his wife. Now that same giant cock that was in her pussy and my throat not to long ago was dangling inches away from my foot.

Louis was looking just as mean. His long hair was tied up in a ponytail and his face looked stone cold serious. He was sticking out his chin and his jaw muscles twitched up and down like crazy. He had a smirk on his face that just made him look bad-ass and cool. His face was the perfect combination of sultry Latino lover, forbidden sex and danger. It’s no wonder he has the best sex stories.

When Louis was fifteen years old he had a summer job as a bellhop in a resort hotel. That summer he grew a mustache and goatee that made him look like he was twenty. That summer he had every woman young and old hitting on him. He had so much sex in storage closets and vacant rooms his cock was aching and sore by the end of that summer. He got so many sex stories from that job.

The best was when a newlywed couple checked in and a few hours later the bride called the front desk for some toiletries. Louise brought them right up to her. When he went into the room the young bride was alone and crying; turns out the night before her new husband was so drunk, that when the reception was over he passed out on the floor in the hotel room. Then in the morning they had to get ready to leave for the resort. Then the moment they got into the room he quickly changed to go golfing and he left her there all alone.

This got Louise so upset he felt like he had to comfort her, so he did. He gave her the best fucking of her life, which was the first fucking of her life. Turns out she was saving herself for her wedding day. Then when her husband ditched her like that she wanted revenge. So she saw Louis when she checked in and wanted him to come up to the room. They were in the resort for a week and every day when her husband went off to play golf she called up for something and Louis went up there and gave it to her.

That was before the tattoos, the long hair and the stacked up muscle body. He has made much more sex stories since then, but fucking the virgin bride was his favorite one of all. Before that it was sluts in parked cars and maids in unmade beds.

I was dragged into the Shower room and I felt the smooth cool tiles slide under my naked ass and back. I was pulled into the center of the room and Wayne shut the door behind up. The sound of the hot water hissing out of the showerheads echoed through the rooms. All five showerheads were at full blast. The only time I knew that Tony had all five on at once was a few days ago when he had two women over from the gym.

With in seconds the room was as warm as a tropical rain forest. Then a few seconds after that, the steam started to fog up the mirrored door; the anti-fogging solution on the mirror started to bead up and drip down like rain. I looked up into the mirror and saw the backsides of three muscle gods shining like polished marble statues before me. Water cascaded down them like they were in a fountain.

“That is one sweet workout room you have there, Bro.” Louise said to Tony as he scrubbed his long dark hair.

“It’s more than just a workout room. That’s a Gym!” Tony replied.

“So what’s next? I am up for slamming some sluts. I need some real pussy tonight!” Wayne said as he lathered up his long thick black cock with body soap.

“Yeah I’m always up for fresh tight pussy. I am going to take this cock of mine and wreck some smooth poon.” Tony said as he placed his hands up and the wall and thruster his hips on the wall like he was fucking a girl. His tight wet muscular ass pumped in and out on the wall.

Wayne and Louis started laughing at the sight of Tony humping the wall.

“That is the shit right there! You are going to turn some sluts out tonight,” Wayne said.

“I always do” Laughed, Tony.

“We should go to Finish Line’s tonight. After a game like this all the college bitches should be out looking for some townies to slam them,” Louise retorted.

“That sounds like a good idea” Tony gurgled as he spit out some water.

“You check this out!” Louise said as he pushed me out of the way.

I pulled myself up onto one of the side benches since my legs were still sore and hard to operate.

“You think you’re sore now, wait until the morning” Wayne said to me.

Louis did a handstand on the shower room floor. Then he started to do push-ups then followed it by doing one hand.

Tony and Wayne clapped in applause.

“Wait I’m not done” Louis grunted.

Then Louis did the most amazing acrobatics I have ever seen. With one hand he pushed himself off the floor and caught some air. Then in mid-flight he spun around and split his legs open just like Van Dam. But then the most impressive thing followed after that. He caught the sides of the benches with one foot on each bench at the same time. There he was suspended in mid-air with both legs spread out all the way. He just sat there with his arms folded and his long wet hair draping over his face like a wild naked muscle-bound Tarzan. His physic was amazing to me. I could not believe that was possible. All of our jaws dropped with shock and amazement.

When Louis was younger he was an Olympic gymnast. He never got to compete due to a back injury but he could not get the gymnastic bug out of him he trained and trained as much as he could. He regained the strength in his back and became stronger than ever. He never returned to the Olympics, but he got into martial arts and the wrestling team. He was the best wrestler in high school and had sex with every single cheerleader. Some of his best friends even let him sleep with their girlfriends; one even let him sleep with his mother who was the MILF of the town.

Louis looked at me and told me soon I would be able to do that same move. I thought to myself that being able to move like that would be cool. All three of them were perfect examples of what a man should be. I wanted to be just like them. I wanted to have Tony’s attitude and power, Wayne’s intimidation and presents, and I wanted Louis’ charm and style. I wanted my muscles to be just as big as their muscles. I wanted my cock to be as big as their cocks, maybe not Wayne’s cock. It’s way too big. That thing should be licensed as a lethal weapon.

“Speaking of moves, what were those moves you did on Wayne?” Tony asked me as he lathered his chest and abs with soapsuds.

I went to open up my mouth and talk, but nothing came out. My voice was shot and all it made was tiny little squeaks. My throat felt like it was on fire as I tried to speak. When I tried to swallow it made sharp pains. But I was still able to breath. Tony looked concerned and walked over to me. He grabbed my head with his huge meaty muscular hands and tilted my head back and he pulled me towards him. He shifted my head from side-to-side so he could get a better angle of light. He peered down my throat and examined it.

“Holy shit! Wayne you really fucked up it’s throat.” Tony scowled.

“Let me see that mother fucker’s cock hole” Wayne pulled himself out from under the showerhead and came towards me. His giant cock swung side to side like a limp leg. He looked down my throat and laughed.

“Don’t worry man! I have seen this before. I week from now it’s throat will be just like it was before. I knew a ho back in college that some guys and me fucked her throat and it was way worse than this. A couple of days later that bitch was flapping her lips like she was always was doing. Look man that entire hole is good for is sucking cock. It has no need to talk, right?” Wayne replied.

Wayne’s words made me reassured and like a whore at the same time. Then again being a whore for these perfect examples of what a man should be was worth being a whore. Tony looked at me and grinned. He squeezed my jaw tighter and looked down his nose at me. He pulled me down onto my knees. For a little while I felt like I was one of the guys, but this look that Tony, my master and owner was giving me made me feel like I was a dog. I started to like it.

“Yeah you’re right. I have no need for it to talk. I wonder what I could do to make it never able to talk again.” Chuckled Tony.

“Well I could come over here once a week and slam fuck it’s throat for you. That will shut it up.” Wayne barked out.

Wayne walked up to me and swung his hips from side to side. His giant girthing meaty cock slapped me in the face, over and over.

“Damn man how many times are you going to milk that thing!”

Save some for the real sluts tonight!” Tony laughed.

“Fuck, have you seen the size of my balls? They’re like two big black tennis balls. I got to milk this mamba every fucking day. Shit, I need six hands just to get a good grip this monster!” Wayne replied as he grabbed the base of his cock and shook it like it was a giant rubber hose.

Tony Put his hand on top of my head and turned my mouth towards Wayne’s cock. Wayne leaned forward and pressed his meaty cock head onto my soaking lips. I gently opened them up and he slid his head into my gaping hole. I tightened my lips around it and started sucking. Hot water ran down it and I could taste the hot water that cascaded down his body. The water mixed with his salty sweat. I felt the water running down my stretched out cock throat. It felt soothing. His shaft felt smooth and rubbery and it was drenched with water.

Suddenly I felt something tapping my left cheek on my face. I opened my eyes and looked down and saw Tony’s massive hard on bobbing before my eyes. I pulled Wayne out of my mouth and sucked Tony’s cock. It was just the right size. Enough meat to feel like a mouthful, but not enough kill. It was wonderful having his cock back in my mouth again. I had not had it all day. I sucked a little harder for Tony. I gave him all I got. But just when I thought it could not get any better, it did. I felt another cock slapping the back of my neck. Before I knew it I had three cocks slapping my head.

I looked up and saw Louis looming over me. His long hair hung down his face like leaves of a weeping willow tree. Water dripped off his hair like rain. Louis walked around to Tony’s side and they pressed cocks together and shoved them into my mouth.

“Stretch those lips out Gymboy!” Tony commanded me.

It was great having all three of these tube streaks slamming my mouth. I tasted so much testosterone from them. Suddenly Tony pushed me to the floor. I slipped on tiles. I looked up at them as they looked down at me. Their mega sized one-eyed monsters were aimed right at my face.

“I think that’s enough cock teasing for us,” Tony said.

When Tony was going out on the prowl on a Friday night for fresh sluts to damage he always did what he called a Primer Jack. What that is, is when you get yourself all worked up and jack your self off, then stop just before you came. The reason for that is to build up your drive and juice for the real game. This was what all three of them were doing with me. Only I was the primer jack. I was not getting any more man juice tonight.

Suddenly a hot stream of piss came out of Tony’s cock and hit me in the face. It was hot and pungent. Then another stream followed him. It was Wayne shooting me like a super soaker. Then came the latten golden shower from Louis. For thirty seconds I was soaked with the smell of stench of three real men. I opened my mouth and let them aim down my burning throat. It tasted odd to me it was sour, salty, bitter and even sweet. I let it dance on my tongue and fill my cheeks. I could not tell who tasted better since they all pissed in my mouth at the same time. Then I let it fill up my mouth and I took a big gulp.

After they were done drenching me in piss. Tony stuck me under the showerhead and told me to shower off. I did as he said. A short time later they left the apartment to go down town to celebrate their team winning. While they were gone I cleaned up the apartment and washed the dishes and did the laundry. After I was done I walked into the gym room and curled up in the corner. I could still smell a hint of their sweat in the room. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

A few hours later the front door to the apartment opened up and Tony came walking in. I could tell he was a bit drunk. The entire apartment was cold. The heater was on the fritz again and the entire apartment was an icebox. Tony hardly ever noticed since he always had high body temperature. Ever since he hit puberty he had this problem. That’s why he always slept in the nude. He hardly ever used sheets. I heard him fall into his bed. There was no other noise. I never heard so much silence coming out of his room on a Friday night. Usually there are the sounds of women moaning and screaming. Yes I said women. To Tony one woman is foreplay. Something must have happened tonight, I thought to myself.

Thirty minutes later I heard him stirring in his room. The springs on his box creaked as he tossed and turned.

“Yo Gymboy, get you ass in here now!” Tony commanded.

I got up off the cold hard rubber floor and walked out of the gym room and into Tony’s bedroom. There was Tony still fully clothed and laying face down on his bed.

I’m too drunk to get undressed. Come in here and do it for me.” Tony order from his pillow muffled face.

To be continued...


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My Workout Buddy, Part 6 The Boys Meet Gymboy

It had been three weeks since Tony made me sign that contract and I became an indentured servant to him. It said indentured servant but we both knew that I was his slave, his property. I read that contract at least twenty times when he wasn’t home. There were no loopholes anywhere in it. He owned me hook line and sinker. For three weeks my cravings for my old life started to fade away. I

My Workout Buddy, Part 7 Party With the Boys

Okay I know I left of with a big cliffhanger and you probably were thinking I read that whole freaking chapter and just when it was getting to the sex it ends. Well let’s just say that last chapter was worth it. I’ll just call if foreplay. Now on with my story! As I sunk my pink fleshy lips on to Wayne’s Wang, sorry I just had to say that, I intently tasted his saltiness envelope my tongue.

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Dark Side

I could hear a commotion going on outside in the gym room. I could hear them walking around room and moving things around. I heard a loud clacking of the latch snap shut on the running machine as it was folded up. I could hear them still talking about the football game as well as their experiences shoving their manhood’s down what I heard Louis calling it a snake pit. Something told me he used

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Latin Snake Tattoo

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