Gay Erotic Stories

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 5

by Johnny.manipulator
16 Sep 2006

Exhibitionism Hypnosis Straight Men, Gay Sex Voyeurism

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 5: Nick’s Rugby Mates

Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs.


The following evening Nick had invited some mates over. When Peter had got in from work, Nick asked him if he’d like to get on the floor and examine his big dick. Peter was aware that his flatmate’s cock needed constant attention and was happy to help. But when he knelt before Nick, and Nick lowered those trackies, Peter wondered why Nick was so bothered about it.

Nick looked down at his big cock. God, it made him happy. Peter looked a bit lost down there though. He asked Nick if that was it. Nick confirmed that, yes, this was his penis, and it was very large and needed examining. Peter got up close, eyeing it, his breath lightly tickling the loose skin. Sure, it was a big, if Nick said so, thought Peter, but it just didn’t seem substantial somehow; big but insignificant.

He told Nick, who was confused. He had a big cock. They were never insignificant. But somehow, as Peter described at great length and detail to Nick about how big and fat his cock was, and how that didn’t matter because there was something not right about it, not big or manly enough, Nick began to nod in agreement. And his cock began to respond. The more disdainfully Peter described it, the bigger it got. And the bigger it got, the less impressed Peter was.

As the muscular man knelt before him and explained how inferior his cock was, Nick was completely stiff and aroused. It didn’t make sense. His big cock couldn’t be a bad thing. It couldn’t be a weakness. It was a thick club to beat people with; it was the heavy security between his legs, the gun in his trousers. Had the world changed so much that such a thing was an embarrassment? Perhaps, and even though it was being abused, it strained eagerly from his crotch like a big dog needing affirmation.

Nick was curious to ask Peter about his behind. He turned around. Did Peter think his big, newly shaved backside was okay? Peter didn’t really know much about men’s arses. It looked big and round and smooth and muscular. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for. Nick was despondent. There was something wrong with him, his cock was worthless and his flatmate couldn’t examine his arse properly to put his mind at rest there.

The doorbell rang. Nick pulled his trackies up, and Peter headed to his room to read. Nick’s mates were always loud, lewd, drunken and annoying. Peter didn’t want anything to do with them – well, okay, so he secretly wanted to be accepted as one of the lads, but that didn’t seem likely.

Soon the noise of the group of them laughing and burping their way through buckets of takeaways and crates of lager had filled the flat. Peter felt vulnerable when they were around; they all ganged together and were predatory if you showed one sign of weakness. He hated being the butt of their jokes, and Nick was no help and never looked out for him. Easier just to stay in his room. They were mates from rugby, apparently, which would explain why they were all so big and blokey. Like a lot of rugby guys he’d met they were all well-off management consultant-types, public schoolboys playing at being rough; the worst sort.

Hours passed, and there was no sign of them going. Peter needed a piss, so got up. Then he remembered he was just in a jockstrap. He smiled and shook his head. Imagine going out there dressed like that! He’d have the piss ripped out of him. So he pulled on a tight t-shirt. That should do the trick, he thought. When he left his room there were the usual jeers, insults, wolf-whistles. He nodded politely and went to the toilet. For some reason they were still reacting to what he was wearing. What was their problem? Maybe he was overdressed he thought, but then decided not to cave in and remove his t-shirt in case they saw it as a sign of weakness.

When he returned to the lounge the lads were listening to Sinatra CDs and seemed to have chilled out a little. There were four of them, including Nick, on the sofa, armchair, sprawled on the floor. They didn’t jeer this time, they just asked him questions about himself, his job etc. Peter was flattered. Perhaps they weren’t so bad. He asked a few back, so as not to be rude, and before he knew it he was sat between two of the biggest, hairiest guys on the team on the sofa. Yes, it was a squeeze, but they insisted. No-one made any jokes about his jock or anything at all, he felt really at home. Well, he was actually at home.

So he joined them for a drink. He’d never realised that Nick was the butt of so many jokes. All of them laughed about him mercilessly. Peter even began to feel a little sorry for him, especially as he knew how much Nick’s cock needed attention and how pointlessly big and stupid it was. He considered telling the others, just so they’d lay off him, but thought that Nick should tell them in his own time. As it happened, Nick was feeling pretty insecure. Usually he could take the jokes because he knew having a big cock counted for more than all the one-liners in the world. But now that he knew his cock wasn’t the right sort of big, he was disturbed. He needed affirmation, the respect of his mates. He needed to know he was alright. And there was the unanswered issue about his bottom – Peter had been useless at making him feel okay about it. Maybe his mates … nah. No chance. They’d just laugh at him, wouldn’t they?

Nick watched Peter, who was sandwiched between Nick’s two biggest and most wicked mates, and saw that the two guys had got Peter to spread his legs and drape one over each of their meaty thighs. In fact, they seemed to have moved together and Peter was virtually sitting in their laps. They were laughing and joking with him, big hands rubbing his washboard tummy, way too nicely, really. Nick was a bit jealous. Not of the rubbing, but the friendliness.

Peter couldn’t remember the last time he felt so happy. These guys were hilarious, and really friendly. To the point where his bare, jock strapped muscular arse was sat on the two guys’, Harry and Thomas’s, laps, and they kindly kept him balanced and safe with big hands rubbing his chest and abs for security. They’d even started whispering jokes into his ears on either side, dirty jokes Peter didn’t really understand but he laughed along with anyway. He just felt so good and safe and innocent, on Harry and Thomas’s laps in his jock as they played with his big, muscle-boy body. He leant back, spreading his thighs a little more, and put a muscular arm around Thomas’s and then Harry’s shoulders, relaxing and snuggling in.

Nick had beads of anxiety on his head. He couldn’t keep it in any longer. He decided to confide in his nearest mate, Steve-o, quietly so that no-one else could hear. Nick was stuttering and nervous, but found the whole story came out about his big cock, how it wasn’t right, and about how his arse might be the answer somehow but that he needed some support. Steve-o was really understanding. Nick was touched. Seemed like Steve-o would help Nick in any way he could to explore his bottom, and it also sounded like the other guys might help too. Nick was embarrassed that Steve-o told everyone about his arse, but instead of taking the piss they all seemed so serious and supportive. They hadn’t known he was so concerned about the state of his backside, and were eager to be good friends and lighten his load. Nick couldn’t believe how good his mates were. Peter tried to get up to comfort Nick, but Henry and Thomas gently but firmly pressed his body to theirs, so he gave up and melted even further into them.

They suggested Nick strip off to show them his arse so they could tend it for him. Nick was a little embarrassed, but pleased his mates were being so cool. He was naked in seconds. Big hands turned him around and the guys all shuffled round so they could observe his arse. There were lots of warm comments of praise. Nick was so pleased. He felt like he was reclaiming some of his lost manhood. This was respect from the people he had the most time for. That they were all staring at his arse was so kind and generous. At their request he climbed on all fours on the coffee table and wriggled his big muscular buttocks like he was a happy doggie wagging his tail. They commented on how good the smooth shave looked. Steve-o reached out and gently tickled him between his smooth cheeks. Peter noticed that both Henry and Thomas kept making small groans and growls as they watched Nick’s eager arse squirm and their big hands were on his inner thigh, tickling back towards the elastic straps on his jock.

Steve-o wondered if there was something inside Nick’s arse that needed probing further for a more thorough result. Nick wasn’t keen on putting them to a lot of trouble to find out, but they all insisted that it was no trouble for a mate. Touched by their concern for his behind, he gave them the go ahead to explore the problem. Steve-o got up and returned some minutes later with some lubricant from their bathroom which Peter had recently bought just in case, although just in case of what he couldn’t remember.

When Steve-o gently applied some to Nick’s troubled arse the coldness made him gasp, and Peter noticed that Henry and Thomas were watching very closely now. Thomas took the lubricant from Steve-o and applied some to his fingers too. Henry did the same. Peter wasn’t sure what was going on, but they seemed very sure of themselves and he trusted them. In moments big fingers were tickling his bottom and making it all slimy with lube. He wriggled about on Thomas and Henry’s laps, but these big fingers were quite persistent and direct. Peter asked them if his bottom needed attention like Nick’s did. Thomas and Henry both agreed that it did, much to Peter’s surprise. Pleased to have such a manly and notable butt, he settled there and allowed them to tickle his hole with big, slimy fingers.

Meanwhile on the coffee table Nick’s big arse was being explored by Steve-o. He had slimed it up and now he was pushing a meaty finger at the hole. Nick was concerned that this wasn’t necessary, but the rugby players were all insistent that this would expose the bottom of his problem. Steve-o pushed his digit in deeply, and Nick whimpered and squirmed on it. Steve-o patted his arse with his free hand, telling Nick what a good boy he was. Nick pushed his bottom back eagerly, enjoying the praise. Steve-o began to work on a second finger.

Peter felt both men playing with his hole with increasing strength. He asked them if they wanted him on all fours like Nick – would that make pushing their fingers into his tight muscular arse easier? The men agreed that it would, so Peter got on all fours on the floor and the two rugby guys got down and sat ehind him, praising his tight arse. A competition ensued over who could elicit the most respect with their arse, but no real winner was reached, as by the time Steve-o had three fingers wriggling inside Nick’s big tight butt and Henry and Thomas had a competitive finger each in Peter’s innocent hole both Peter and Nick were concentrating on other things.

The flatmates caught sight of each other; their arses penetrated by the rugby players’ big fingers, and grinned. Who would have thought they would have been so highly regarded by these guys? They asked politely if the men could insert more fingers. This felt manly and good and assertive to them. How kind of Nick’s mates to be so eager to help. They pushed their tight arses back to accept more fingers, moaning a little as they did so. If only they could have pictures of this, Peter said. Or a video, Nick added. They were sure people would be interested to see them being probed like this. Peter was enjoying it so much he wondered if the rugby players had anything bigger to probe them with. The big rugby guys looked at each other, a look of lusty disbelief on their faces as they fingered these beautiful tight arses. They told Nick and Peter that they would think of something.

If you have any comments or feedback I’d love to hear it at:


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