Gay Erotic Stories

Mutant XXX

by Delandv
12 Oct 2005

Celebrity Fantasy Fantasy Friends Hypnosis Sci-Fi Fantasy Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex Super Heroes Super Natural Voyeurism Wrestling

Mutant XXX

By Deland Vincent (

Note: This is a work of fiction and some artistic license is used in that the characters do not practice safe sex. When it comes to reality, the author is a strong believer in always practicing safe sex.

A high kick from Jesse barely missed Brennan’s head. Brennan sprang back with a dodge that looked like a limbo move. He then returned a blow which Jesse parried with his forearm. A few more blows were exchanged and effectively blocked or dodged.

“You know”, Brennan said, “I don’t think this is doing that much to prepare us for the field.”

“Why do you say that?” answered Jesse.

“Well, it’s nothing like the real thing. Think about it. We’re not fighting someone who’s out to kill us.”

“Sure, I hear you. There’s definitely an adrenaline rush and an enthusiasm when you’re fighting for your life that we can’t simulate in a practice session.”

Brennan raised an eyebrow and thought for a moment. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“You wouldn’t?” Jesse was perplexed.

“We’re just not afraid of each other. We’re teammates and we’re basically pulling our blows. We need some real stakes.”

“Why Brennan, are you suggesting a wager? Adam definitely would not approve.”

“Exactly, so we have to keep it between us.”

Jesse smiled. “Agreed.”

“But it can’t be just any wager. It has to inspire real fear; trigger the fight or flight instinct. The penalty for losing has to have some bite. Otherwise, how can it compare to fighting for your life?”

Jesse looked perplexed again. Brennan thought it was becoming a habit. Typical blonde. He would make a point to talk slowly.

“You might want to sit down…”

A few minutes later, Jesse and Brennan were slowly circling, sizing each other up and continuing their casual banter. Their tone was mocking now.

“I knew you had a bad boy streak, Brennan, but I never realized you had a gay streak.” “Face it Jesse, you’re prettier than the girls around here. It doesn’t take a gay streak. anyway, you’re one to be talking. I didn’t really think you’d take me seriously, but you accepted the challenge.”

“Why not? I’m going to win. You can challenge my masculinity all you want, but your steroid enhanced, hyper glandular proportions won’t do you any good. After I win, I’ll make you eat your words… among other things.”

“Oh, I see how it is. We’re going to clear the air a little bit. You talk big for a little guy. I hate to break it to you, Jesse, but I’ve always gone easy given I have at least forty pounds on you. Well, now the gloves are off.”

Brennan took a jab at Jesse and clipped him in the mouth. Jesse shook his head and worked his jaw, shocked. But the shock was quickly replaced with a look of determination.

“Forty pounds? I doubt that. Anyway, quit trying to psyche me out. You know what they say. The taller they are…”

Jesse twisted to dodge Brennan’s next blow and used the momentum of his entire body to come from a surprise angel and deliver a blow from his forearm to Brennan’s stomach. Brennan doubled over and was off balance just long enough for Jesse to sweep with his leg and take Brennan’s legs out from under him. Brennan took an ungraceful dive into the floor and his face slid against the hardwood right to the edge of the steps. They were fighting on a raised platform.

“…the harder they fall.”

Anger flashed across Brennan’s face as he quickly got back to his feet. “That cliché remark was more painful than your moves, but it’s good to know we’re really not pulling any punches.”

“What are you talking about?” replied Jesse, smiling really big now. “I’m still going easy on you.”

“You know,” said Brennan between gasps of air, “we never did discuss the rules of engagement.”

“There’s only one rule and you know it: no powers. Anything else goes until one of us concedes. The one who can’t take it like a man has to take it like a woman.”

Hands and feet were flying faster and faster. Blows were landed. Many were blocked. Jesse soon had a small bruise under one eye. Brennan had a similar bruise and a trickle of blood from a split lip.

“Good news.” Said Brennan. “Your beauty has been marred. Now you look a little less girly.”

Brennan did a twirling high kick which Jesse dodged easily, but Brennan expected him to and was already shifting his weight to bring the other foot up to catch him on the rebound. Jesse literally flew back and landed squarely on his back, getting the breath knocked out of him. Brennan looked smug as he politely waited for Jesse to get his breath back. Jesse would soon have another big bruise on one side of his chin.

Jesse snapped his body and sprang back to his feet without turning over. Brennan raised an eyebrow. “That was sharp. Sometimes I think you’re more concerned with how you look in a fight than you are with winning.”

“I don’t have to be concerned. Both come naturally. It sucks getting your breath knocked out.”

“Had enough, pretty boy?”

As if in response to yet another insult to his manhood, Jesse dove forward, sprang off his hands, and sent both feet into Brennan’s diaphragm. Brennan was knocked back but managed to keep his footing. He had both hands against his chest and was struggling to inhale.

“See what I mean?”

While he was stunned, Jesse ran past him, kicked off of the wall and landed on Brennan’s back. He straddled his waist and put him in a vicious sleeper lock. Brennan jabbed Jesse in the ribs with his elbow. Jesse let out a whelp but endured the pain and held on. He got jabbed again to no avail and Brennan’s strength was failing him. Jesse was determined to win. Brennan couldn’t breathe and his face was turning purple. The fact that he was supporting Jesse’s weight along with his own wasn’t helping. He knew he had to act quickly before he passed out. He jumped up and kicked his own feet out from under himself.

The room spun around in Jesse’s field of vision and he was looking at the ceiling. Brennan was about to land on his back using Jesse to absorb the impact. Jesse realized what was happening too late to dismount. Now that he was wrapped around his large muscled torso, he thought Brennan probably did have forty pounds on him. This was going to hurt!

Later Jesse would wonder whether it was survival instinct that triggered him to react the way he did or whether he had actually thought it through and made a conscious decision in that brief moment of freefall. Could he survive the fall relatively intact and conscious and recover faster than Brennan would from the sleeper hold? Then again, maybe he would be knocked out with broken ribs to boot and lose the fight regardless.

“Shit” thought Jesse just as he realized he had phased. His ghostly arm passed harmlessly through Brennan’s neck and his body passed through the platform. Once he had cleared the platform, he increased his density just a little so he wouldn’t keep falling. He sank a little into the floor. It was like landing in pudding. He then increased the density in his hands and feet enough to climb out of the floor.

He could hear Brennan above him moaning in pain and cursing. Crap. If only he had been knocked out by his impact with the platform, then he might not be aware that Jesse had just broken the one clearly established rule. By the time Jesse climbed back up the steps to the platform, Brennan had gotten back to his feet and was rubbing the back of his head. He glared at Jesse angrily.

Jesse put his hands up in front of him as if to fend off the anger. “I realize I was out of line and it won’t happen again. I’ll give you a free punch.” Brennan crossed his arms and stood there a moment, his expression unchanged. “Okay, two punches.”

Finally Brennan answered. “I’m thinking back to a time we had a wager going on a fight with a bunch of thugs. We agreed that the first to use his powers had to buy pizza. You remember that wager?”

“I don’t know. We’ve had a lot of wagers.” He was a bad liar.

“Some guy was about to club you from behind. I blasted him just in time and probably saved your life. I thought you might be grateful and let me off but you’re a greedy little bastard. Now do you remember?”

“Oh, that time! I knew he was behind me. I would’ve taken him out if you hadn’t.” Jesse was a horrible liar.

Brennan waved him over. He approached nervously thinking maybe Brennan would be kind enough to take him up on those free punches. Brennan just stuck two fingers to Jesse’s sweat-soaked tank top right where he knew there was a cluster of nerves and released a small charge. He had this down to an art. Every muscle seized up. Jesse’s teeth clenched. Spasms ripped through his body.

He woke face down with Brennan’s knee planted in the small of his back. Brennan had his wrist and pulled his arm back forcing the elbow to remain locked. Jesse gritted his teeth through the pain and remained defiant. He couldn’t keep his eyes from watering but to his credit, he wasn’t sobbing.

“You’re a stubborn little bastard, Jesse. I wish you wouldn’t force me to do this.”

Brennan applied a bit more pressure to Jesse’s shoulder and elbow.

“Ahh! Okay, I concede! I shouldn’t have phased.”

Brennan sat on the top stair and rubbed his neck as he waited for Jesse to recover. The grunts of pain were quickly stifled by Jesse’s pride as he gritted his teeth and crawled over to sit next to Brennan. They sat there recovering for a moment. Jesse noticed a long bruise on Brennan’s neck from his sleeper hold. As soon as he’d caught his breath, Brennan got to his feet and descended the stairs. Jesse followed. When they reached the bottom, Brennan turned and just stood there staring at Jesse.

“What?” asked Jesse.


Jesse was appalled. “Now? Here?”

“Why not? Adam is gone. Emma and Shalimar have been in bed for an hour. Of course I wouldn’t blame you if you need a few days to recover. You took quite a beating.” He knew exactly how to push Jesse’s buttons.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m fine.”


“Yeah!” Jesse answered defiantly.

“Good to hear.”

Jesse peeled off the wet tank top. After he unbuckled his belt, he paused. Brennan was staring intently. Though he had resigned himself to this fate, he was suddenly embarrassed. He felt like he was performing under a spotlight. He knew Brennan would get immense pleasure from his humiliation.

“What are you looking at?” Brennan just ignored him and kept watching. Jesse turned his back knowing he’d have to turn around eventually and continued stripping. Brennan’s eyes dropped to Jesse’s smooth ass and he smiled.

“Don’t you need to get undressed too?”

“I’ll let you help with that. Get over here.”

Jesse turned and reluctantly obeyed, his hands covering his crotch. Brennan knocked his hands to his sides and took a look at his equipment. He then pushed on Jesse’s shoulder, signaling him to get down. Jesse stared right back at Brennan defiantly and resisted the pressure for a moment before slowly spreading his legs and dropping down into a complete split that put his face level with Brennan’s crotch. It looked like it should be painful but Jesse seemed fine.

“Showing off again…” said Brennan.

As usual, Brennan was in all black. His black tank top was glued to his thick torso by fresh sweat. Jesse unbuckled Brennan’s belt and lowered his zipper. Wow, big surprise. His briefs were black too; 2xist brand. His cock was already struggling to escape its’ small confines. Losing had made his own cock much less responsive, not that it mattered right now.

Jesse finally managed to dig the plump, semi-hard cock out of the dark briefs and it plopped against his face. “Great” he thought. Brennan was larger than he in this department as well. He looked up expecting to see an arrogant smile but was surprised to see Brennan looking intent. The cock grew quickly, becoming impossible to ignore. He stared at it, intimidated. He thought back to when he had watched Fear Factor and remembered thinking about whether he could eat some of the things the contestants had to eat. This should be nothing by comparison. Of course it wasn’t really about whether he could stomach having a dick in his mouth. What bothered him was just how much Brennan was enjoying putting him through it.

Brennan waited silently. He almost wished Brennan would do something to get it started. He was leaving it to Jesse. Jesse started by giving the head a quick lick. Not much taste. He licked his lips and brushed the bulging mushroom head. It was quite a bit thicker than the shaft. He had to strain his mouth open all the way to get his jaws around it. It felt much bigger in his mouth than he thought it would.

“You may as well do a good job and get it over with. As soon as I cum, you’re done.” Jesse suddenly stopped and looked up, worried. “You’re going to warn me, right? I mean, you’re going to pull out before… you know.”

“You mean am I going to show mercy? I’m going to show you the same mercy you showed me in that fight.”

“Fear Factor” he thought. How bad could it be? When the time comes, he would just swallow quickly and go get something to drink. He squinted his eyes shut as he forced the girth back into his mouth. He gripped Brennan’s hips and pushed his head back and forth, up and down on the shaft. As he went down further, the fat head was close to gagging him.

“Come on, Jesse. You can go deeper than that.” Brennan roughly pushed Jesse’s hands off of his hips and gripped Jesse’s head with both of his large hands. He started thrusting deeper. Jesse’s eyes started watering. Finally he could fight it no more and gagged. He coughed from deep in his throat and spit spilled out and dripped down his chin. Brennan pulled out and let him catch his breath.

“That’s much better! Your gag reflex will get suppressed after you’ve done it a few times.” Jesse started to , “After a few times?! I’m not…”, before Brennan silenced him by hoving it back in and thrusting some more. He eventually gagged again and Brennan gave him another break. He was gasping for air. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and his lips and chin were covered in spit.

Suddenly there was less resistance and it started feeling really good. Jesse was easily going way down on him all the way to the hilt. Brennan looked down and saw something poking out the back of Jesse’s neck. It was the tip of his dick. A moment of panic hit him as he irrationally imagined he had impaled Jesse’s neck before he realized what was happening. Jesse was phasing the back of his throat and neck so he could easily go all the way down on Brennan’s long dick. He went all the way down and then pulled back to suck on the tip.

“Okay, enough of that! That’s just too bizarre. Damn, Jesse. What if your neck phases back with my dick in it?”

“I have excellent control over my powers, but if we’re done already, that’s fine by me.”

“Oh, you wish. You’re just going to take it a different way after that stunt.”

Brennan swept his arm across a nearby desk and sent papers and knick-knacks flying. He leaned over and picked up Jesse’s naked form and laid him across the desk. Then he pushed Jesse’s leg up out of the way and pulled him to the edge of the desk, leaving him in a very vulnerable position. He finished stripping himself. Now they were both naked.

“Oh, come on Brennan! I’ve been a good sport. Just let me finish what we started! I won’t phase anymore.”

Brennan ignored him and ran his finger tips down Jesse’s torso, starting at his shoulders and going all the way down to his hips. As he did, he released a slight charge from his finger tips, just enough to create little spasms in Jesse’s muscles. His fingertips went up and down, all over Jesse’s sweat-soaked body, down his arms and then his legs. There was a strange eroticism to having his muscles manipulated and controlled and it felt good. Jesse’s breath began to get irregular. His average-sized dick slowly squirmed and came to life. He was actually glad for it in a way. He was a grower and he was concerned that Brennan would only see him soft and underestimate his potential.

Suddenly Brennan squatted down and buried his face in Jesse’s bubble butt. “What the Hell are you…” Jesse gasped as Brennan’s tongue brushed lightly against his hole “Oh, Jesus! I’ve never… Oh my god!” After a few minutes of this, Jesse’s hole was getting very relaxed. The resistance weakened and Brennan buried his tongue deeper. His lips pressed against Jesse’s hole as he struggled to get his tongue as deep as it could go. His thick stubble scratched Jesse’s smooth ass. Jesse let out a moan of ecstasy. Neither of them had been paying any attention to Jesse’s dick but Jesse couldn’t ignore it any more because he suddenly realized he was painfully hard. Jesse thought Brennan was lost in his task but when he reached down to stroke it, Brennan reached up and gave his forearm a painful shock. He reflexively jerked his arm back.

“Brennan?! What the hell?” Brennan just ignored him and continued with the rim job, making sure the hole would offer no resistance to his cock. He alternated massaging the hole with his tongue and his large fingers, calloused from lifting weights. Once he could easily get three fingers in and work them around, he stood and pressed his fat dickhead gently against the hole. It was just a tease. He pressed a little and backed off. Then he repeated the motion a few times without entering. Jesse looked into his face, confused. Brennan’s precum was dripping steadily, mixing with his saliva to lubricate the hole.

“Well?” said Jesse. Brennan continued with the silent treatment, just wearing a wry smile. “What are you waiting for?” The humiliation began to show in Jesse’s face. He knew what Brennan was waiting for. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to say out loud what he was already thinking. The words were on the tip of his tongue and then something seemed to forcefully push them out. What the Hell had come over him? He couldn’t stand it anymore. His hole was primed.

“Fuck me. Please, fuck me.”

“Music to my ears!”

Jesse knew that would come up again and again. Brennan would never let him live it down. Brennan’s wry smile broadened and the pressure against Jesse’s hole increased. Jesse gasped as the fat dick head forced its’ way past the sphincter. After that, it was nearly painless. The head put pressure on his prostate forcing a steady trickle of precum from his dick that pooled around his belly button. Brennan again seemed distracted so Jesse made one more attempt to ease the pressure building in his dick but Brennan intercepted his hand, grabbing his wrist and pinning his arm to the table. Brennan grabbed his other wrist and pinned that arm as well.

He was leaning over him now, fucking him deeper. With each thrust, Jesse would let out a little grunt as the dick stabbed his guts. He felt the large head of Brennan’s cock stretching his insides. Brennan was leaning over him now. Sweat was dripping from Brennan’s brow onto Jesse’s face, occasionally into his open mouth. Jesse tasted salt but hardly noticed it. He was lost in the sensations bombarding his brain. Brennan’s face crept ever closer to Jesse’s until it was buried in his neck. The scratchy stubble woke up every nerve ending in Jesse’s skin.

“Oh god! I’m close. Please let me touch it!” he begged. Brennan kept his weight on Jesse and his wrists, rendering him helpless and vulnerable. Jesse’s orgasm felt so close and yet just out of reach. With each thrust, more precum was pushed out of his dick from deep in his prostate. It began oozing down his side onto the desktop. He thought his dick would explode. He tried to squirm against Brennan’s body, hoping to rub it just a little on his abdomen. It would be enough. But Brennan lifted a little to prevent it. Jesse was in agony now.

“Are you ready to cum?” Brennan asked.

“Yes! Oh God! Please!”

“Keep your hands at your sides and I’ll make you cum.”


“You promise?”

“I promise!”

Brennan let go of Jesse’s wrists. Jesse held the edges of the desk in a death grip. It was all he could do to resist grabbing his cock. A thick web of clear precum had formed between his cock and his abdomen. Brennan held Jesse’s hips, pulling back for leverage, and leaned back. His dick arched up into Jesse’s prostate. A spurt of cum escaped from Jesse’s dick, just the beginnings of an ejaculation, but he was still on the edge.

Brennan put his hands together and an arc of lightning appeared between them. He swirled it around just as Jesse had seen him do so many times right before blasting a thug unconscious with a bolt of lightning. Jesse’s jaw dropped three floors. He was terrified of what would happen next, but something told him to trust Brennan. Deep down, he had always trusted Brennan, especially when it came to his safety. Instead of releasing the energy in a bolt, he suddenly clinched his fists together and small arcs of electricity began to travel down his shoulders, and then danced down his torso toward his crotch. Jesse was hypnotized by the display. He watched them travel down like little crawling creatures with a growing sense of dread. The first arc vanished and he felt a jolt from the dick head that pressed against his insides. His entire abdomen clenched up in a spasm. A powerful tingling sensation traveled all through his body, including his dick, and was following by several others. The waves of pleasure overwhelmed him so that he hardly noticed the ribbons of cum escaping him and splashing his body. When it was over, his pleasure centers seemed overwhelmed and his body went limp with relief. He was conscious, but only barely. He could hardly even feel his body. It was like his spirit had expanded far outside the boundaries of his flesh.

He finally returned to the awareness of his own body and to the feeling of Brennan’s powerful thrusts. He looked down and saw that he was drenched in his own cum. It was on his face and in his mouth. He flinched at the bitterness of it but swallowed. Brennan was close now. He pulled out of Jesse’s ass with a plop and grabbed Jesse’s legs by the knees. He pulled his legs together, sandwiching his dick, and finished by fucking Jesse’s thighs. Soon Brennan’s cum was mixing with Jesse’s on his chest. A couple of spurts hit his face.

After a few moments to catch their breath, Brennan pressed his tongue to Jesse’s stomach and licked all the way up, scooping up the mixture of their cum. He then planted his tongue in Jesse’s mouth, feeding it to him. Jesse eagerly reciprocated the kiss, and sucked Brennan’s tongue so hard that it tugged at the root making Brennan wince.

Brennan pulled back and looked into Jesse’s beautiful blue eyes. He smiled as he ran his fingers through Jesse’s hair. Jesse looked down at his cum-soaked body and felt a level of humiliation like nothing he’d ever experienced. Brennan had not only beaten him. He’d given him the most intense orgasm of his life and his dick remained untouched.

“Get cleaned up and come to bed. I’m exhausted.” With that, Brennan turned and walked out. He said it very naturally like they had been lovers for years. That wasn’t part of their agreement!

“Let it go. Just let it all go and follow him”, he thought. But it didn’t make sense. It was such a foreign thought; an intrusive thought. Where did that come from? He can’t just let it go! What does all this mean about him? What will people think? How will the others react?! “Let it go” he thought again.

And then he did just that. Suddenly, he felt like everything was ok; more than ok. Endorphins from the intense sexual act still coursed through his body. He was euphoric. He just didn’t care, at least not right now. He decided to deal with the ramifications later. Right now, all he wanted to do was get into bed with Brennan as soon as possible. He was weak and cold and shivering in his nakedness and he wanted to be warm. He wanted to fall asleep against Brennan’s hairy chest. This was a private experience. He was sure Brennan wouldn’t tell anyone for the same reasons he wouldn’t, so why let it bother him?

Emma zoomed in with the digital camcorder. She panned down Jesse’s body getting a close up of the mess. She then panned back up and zoomed in on Jesse’s confused face. He was deep in thought, clearly struggling with feelings he didn’t know he had. For weeks she had been working carefully to remove the barriers in Brennan and Jesse’s subconscious minds and tonight her plan had finally come to fruition. She followed him with the camera as he got up, gathered up his clothes, and left to follow Brennan. Just before he left he cast one last nervous glance around. For a moment, his eyes were looking right at her, but his mind was blind to her presence.

Shalimar and Emma were reclined on Emma’s bed while the video played on the plasma screen. The boys were putting on quite a fight.

“Isn’t this great?” Emma said. “I burned it to DVD so it won’t degrade.”

Shalimar suddenly was appalled at something Brennan said in the video.

“Jesse is not prettier than us!”

Emma just giggled and told Shalimar she was definitely the prettiest. The fighting continued as they watched. “Oh, for crying out loud, the sexual tension between those two has been unbearable. Isn’t it odd how men deal with such things? I’m so glad you did something about it.” said Shalimar.

“They couldn’t make the feelings go away so they channeled them into something else. Don’t try to understand men. Just fast forward to the good part, will you?”

Shalimar pressed a button on the remote and zoomed past the fighting. Now Jesse was stripping for Brennan.

“That’s more like it!” Emma exclaimed. She watched for a moment and then started pulling Shalimar’s pants down. Shalimar continued to watch the video as Emma went down on her.

“Oh, you’re so much better at that than Brennan, and your face doesn’t scratch my pussy.”

Emma stopped for a moment and looked up at Shalimar.

“Well, clearly it just wasn’t his calling. He just needed the right inspiration. Look at Jesse’s face. Clearly, he thinks Brennan’s pretty good at it. And Jesse likes the feel of his stubble a lot.”

The camera was zoomed in on Jesse’s face as Brennan was licking his hole. “He does? How do you know that?” Emma looked up from her task for a moment, annoyed at Shalimar’s ignorance.

“You got into his head while they were fucking! You bad girl!” Shalimar laughed.

“That’s okay, I would have too. Still, I’m so proud of you, Emma. With your help, those boys are finally dealing with their true feelings in a healthy manner. Maybe the acting out and the endless challenges will finally let up.”

“Let’s hope so.” answered Emma.

“Okay , no more talk.” Shalimar turned the volume up and wrapped her arms around Emma’s head. They made love, lost in the sounds of the boys love-making.

When they were done they went to the kitchen for breakfast. As they approached, Shalimar’s sensitive hearing caught the muffled voices of the boys. She signaled to Emma and they softened their steps and peered carefully around the corner. Jesse was seated and reading a paper. Brennan was leaning over him and whispering something in his ear. His hands were squeezing Jesse’s shoulders. Jesse smiled in response to his touch and whatever it was he said.

The girls entered suddenly. “Hi guys. What’s for breakfast?”

The boys were startled. Brennan jumped back from Jesse and tried to act natural. Jesse fumbled with the paper like he was looking for some obscure article.

“When will you be done with the sports page?” Brennan asked with exaggerated mock anger. “I’m sick of trying to read it over your shoulder.”

Shalimar took two bottles of orange juice from the fridge. The girls smiled knowingly.

“Isn’t that the sweetest thing you ever saw?” asked Emma.

The boys looked at each other, confused, then at the girls. The girls walked out, but Shalimar peeked around the corner to fire off a remark like a sniper.

“Oh and Jesse, I’m glad you two are getting along, but don’t let it go to your already fat head. You are not prettier than us!”

Jesse’s jaw dropped and Brennan swallowed loud enough for Jesse to hear. They were both bright red as they stood there, stunned. The sound of the girls’ laughter gradually faded as they walked down the hall.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Delandv

Gender Gap, Part 2

The captain had a beautifully furnished room. I was chained by my collar to the headboard on the captain’s bed and I quickly discovered a mirror facing down from above and another large mirror on the wall behind the bed. The bed had four posts and a canopy overhead. The above mirror was on the inside of the canopy. “How vain,” I thought. The guard then left without any comment or

Mutant XXX

Mutant XXX By Deland Vincent ( Note: This is a work of fiction and some artistic license is used in that the characters do not practice safe sex. When it comes to reality, the author is a strong believer in always practicing safe sex. A high kick from Jesse barely missed Brennan’s head. Brennan sprang back with a dodge that looked like a limbo move. He then returned a


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