Gay Erotic Stories

Special Night At The Deer Camp

by Pappa Jack
25 Apr 2005

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Bisexual Bondage Camping Discipline Exhibitionism Friends Hairy Man Meets His Man Masturbation Men's Clubs Parties To Remember

Special Night at the Deer Camp

Disclaimer: This is a totally fictional story. Any similarities to anyone are unintentional and slightly humorous. The card hands in this story have actually been played out without any manipulation of winners. If you have gotten this far in this web site and are turned off by man to man sex, then why are you here? Contact me at: with your comments and suggestions.

And now the feature story

Had Thomas been dreaming? A dream had never felt this real before. He was tied naked to the bed at the lodge. His eyes were blindfold covered. He could tell that there was a large foreign object up his rectum. There was a salty taste of cum on his lips and in his mouth. Thomas could hear the sound of someone taking pictures. There was the smell of dripping candles. His balls seemed like they weighed 10lbs. How had he gotten into this situation? How was he going to get out? Had his “friends” done this to him? His mind was so full of questions that he did not know what to think first. All he knew was that this was no fucking dream; he was waking up to a harsh reality of the night before.

The 400-acre hunting camp was the brainchild of Thomas, a 50-year-old lonely self-made multimillionaire. His idea was to create a small hunting club with a nice lodge close to the major cities in the area. Then he would sell memberships and make reservations for weeks at the camp. During the off season, he could book the lodge to corporations for team building events. Thomas had successfully opened the lodge in the spring of 2003 and now has a membership of over 75 men, who loved the outdoors, four-wheel-drive, guns and mud. The hunting camp was located near Hwy. 98 and 49 in south Mississippi. Close enough to Mobile and New Orleans to draw from those metro areas.

There were six total partners in the deer camp, they are: Robert, a 55 year old 6’3” 245lb redheaded big hearted banker; Steve, a 46 year old physician who is 5’10” 190lb former all American running back; Mike, 52 years old and another physician but with Irish background 5’8” 170lbs; Will is the partner’s lawyer and is 6’ tall 180lbs, 50 years old; Phil, the youngest at 43 years old is 6’1” 200lbs sandy blond hair, golden brown tan contractor; and of course Thomas a 5’9” 210lb stocky, hairy baseball loving jock who likes to be (MUST be) in control.

The lodge would hold 12 people comfortably with six bedrooms and three baths. More could be accommodated if needed with sleeping bags. There was plenty of floor space. The lodge was rustic in nature, but had every modern convenience. A huge fireplace at one end of the great room provided the atmosphere as well as the warmth for many of the evenings. A code pad at the gate insured that only invited guests were allowed inside the fence.

Every year, just before the opening of deer season, the partners would gather at the lodge for a couple of nights. They would do minor repairs and maintenance checks on the property. The six had not known each other at the beginning, but over the last two years they have become very close friends. All are married or divorced, for the sake of community appearances. Other than some camp outs with the boy scouts, high school truth or dare pranks kind of things in the locker room, most of them have not had sex with another guy, at least to the knowledge of any of the others. Mike was the one exception; however, he was not open about his homosexuality at this point in his life.

After a long day in their trucks and four-wheelers, it was time to come in relax, eat a good meal and have a beer or two. Phil was in charge of the kitchen for the weekend and there were no complaints about the food, as simple as it was. The front porch was an inviting place to down your first brew of the night and watch the sun set. Conversation was already loud, but how the hell cared in the middle of 400 fucking acres.

When the sun went down, it was Steve who suggested that the group play some cards. Everyone was in agreement. Poker was the game of choice. Will mandated a friendly game of poker. The game would be using chips instead of money. After about 6 rounds of poker and several more beers each and the fun had begun. Mike saw his opportunity to make a move in a different direction. Some of the men were beginning to get sloppy with their appearance and thoughts. He exclaimed that the next hand was going to be “strip poker” for the big boys.

To his surprise, there was not any opposition to his announcement. By now all of the men were familiar enough with each other and not a damn one was modest in the least. Phil asked for the rules and was told that every hand you lost, you would have to remove one item of clothing until you were naked. There would be no winning your clothes back once you had lost them. Once you were stripped naked, you would have to take a penalty or dare (agreed on by everyone before the deal of the cards) if you lost again. Dealer had the choice of the game; 5-card stud; wild card; Texas hold um; high card; Indian poker or others.

A twinkle in the eye of Steve told Mike that he had been waiting for two long years for this to take place. There was a sense of anticipation in the room as they all looked around for one last time at everyone in their clothing. Mike had the cards and called a simple game of high card wins, one-eyed jacks’ wild. 10 of clubs was dealt to Phil, Will got the Queen of diamonds, Thomas go the 4 of spades, Robert got a King of clubs, Steve was dealt the 7 of hearts and Mike turned over the Jack of spades. First hand goes to Mike, the dealer, and the cheater? All made a moan and unbuttoned their shirts and off they came. Everyone except Phil was wearing a tee shirt under his shirt. What a nice filled out chest Phil had. He must workout to keep his body in that good of condition. When he was asked about his tan, he replied that in his line of work, he gets plenty of time to work without a shirt on.

Deal is passed to hairy-chested shirtless Phil for round two. He calls for the winner to be the one who gets dealt the first pair, nothing wild. The cards are passed out face up and once around the table, twice around the table with no pairs yet. On the third round, Steve got a pair of 10’s and you could have heard him shout for a mile. A chorus of “Oh Shit” went around the room. Steve was anxious to see skin as he started chanting “off with it, off with it. . . “All of the tee shirts came off and Mike’s shirt then Phil’s shoes.

Play passed to Will for a serious hand of 5-card draw. Leave it to the damn lawyer in the group to play by the rules. In the end, Robert won with a three of a kind hand. Mike took his tee shirt off to show his hairy body. Phil had to remove his socks and wave them in the air to stink up the lodge. Shoes came off of the others except Robert. (Robert and Mike are now tied and give a wink at each other)

The fourth hand was the call of Thomas. He wanted to play it cautious and called Indian Poker where the cards are dealt out and the player places their card on their forehead for all to see. Then wagers are places as to additional items of clothing. The hearts of Mike and Steve were pounding faster and faster. First card goes to Robert-3, then Steve-Queen, next Mike- another 3, followed by Phil-6 and finally to Will-9 and Thomas himself –2. Looking around at all of the low numbers, Robert ups the bet to his shoes and socks; Steve follows with a double bet of socks and pants. Will, Mike and Phil fold but Thomas is hanging in for all he has. He bets a triple bet of socks, pants and underwear, “Call.”

Everyone is smiling a huge grin, as they already know he has lost it all. Robert takes his shoes and socks off, and Phil drops his pants with no emotion. Mike takes his shoes off while Will has to take his socks off; now for everyone to watch Thomas strip. Socks first to come off, then his pants were slower to unsnap and unzip. He slowly lowered them over his hips to his knees and then to the floor. Standing there like a little boy in Jr. High, you could almost see him blush. OFF with your shorts, was the crowd’s demand. He was so embarrassed but down they came to reveal a beautiful cock that took the breath of most of the men at the table. 8 inches of uncut thick and hairy meat had been hidden inside his pants for far too long. Another beer was passed out for the men to take a break and think of what they wanted to do next. Poor Thomas, the night was still young.

The dare for Thomas, if he should lose the next hand was determined by the men. Thomas did not have much to say about what it was, but he was hoping for his luck to change. He would have to get down on his hands and knees and crawl around the room barking like a dog for the hand after this one.

Robert’s deal and he called high card for a quick result. The cards were dealt and not one face card was turned. A 9 was the high card and that belonged to none other than Robert. Phil is the next to have to strip and he stands up with pride and removes his boxer shorts and to everyone’s surprise, he turns around in a circle for all to see Dick and ass. Will have to take his pants off, Steve and Mike are down to their pants as their socks come off. Thomas gets on his hands and knees and starts crawling and barking. Will thinks that Thomas might be thirsty and pours a cup of beer in a bowl for him to lap up.

The men agree that Phil should do the same if he should lose this hand. The cards were kind to Phil and he won the hand. Thomas was invited back into the game as Robert got up to take a piss break. Mike told him to piss in a cup and save it for another dare. Everyone go piss in a cup right now.

“Dr. Mike” they questioned, “Isn’t piss bad for you to drink?”

All that got in reply was a very evil grin. This was the first clue that some of the men had of what kind of night it was turning out to be. With the urine samples on the counter the game continues until everyone had been stripped and barked like a dog. Now was the ultimate test of their fear factors as men, the piss cup. The deal was Mike’s and he was showing now mercy. He called high card duce wild; all losers had to drink a cup of piss, but not theirs. The cups were mixed up and sat in front of every player so they could chug-a-lug as soon as they had lost. Phil-7, Will-King, Thomas-4, Robert-2 (WILD), Steve-8, Mike-10.

Robert was relieved to learn of the victory. The others were not so happy, except for Mike (WS was his favorite event). Down it went with looks of disgust and request for another beer.

Things turned ugly to get even with Mike for the next several hands. One hand of “Kiss the Winner’s Ass” was played followed by “Pinch the losers tit” on your left. A theme was developing as Thomas was never a winner, and was getting drunker by the hour. His condition made it easy for the group to cheat and make him lose. Steve made the suggestion that, because Thomas was so out of his natural position of control, they take him upstairs and take some pictures of him. We could use them for our advantage later on.

Robert got the rope and tied him to the bed in spread-eagle fashion. Steven found a couple of candles in the kitchen and brought them to drip hot wax on Thomas’s naked body. Will took a hunting vest, cut it into several strips and tied them over his eyes. Mike said “got the camera ready?” then he climbed on top of Thomas like a motor cycle and put his Dick up to Thomas’s mouth. “Take this one” SNAP! As they all laughed, Thomas opened his mouth and took the head of the Dick. He licked it and rose up his head for more. “Okay buddy, here you go,” Mike offered him more of his thick Irish cock and before long it was all in Thomas’ mouth.

Robert said, “I want a turn too.” They all got in line as pictures were being taken one by one. Except for Phil, who went to the kitchen for something. When he came back, he had the largest cucumber he could find covered in vegetable oil. “This is for the fucker’s ass,” Robert and Steve held his legs up and Phil pushed the huge item into the land of no return. Then Phil tied a two-liter bottle of coke to his nuts and let it drop off the end of the bed. Thomas was unaware of any of this, at this time.

Mike and Will lit the candles and dripped hot wax onto his tits to cover them and then onto the head of his now rock hard Dick and balls. All five men were stroking their cocks around the bed of Thomas for one final humiliation to their leader. One after another they all took their best shot to hit his mouth or face, they covered his chest with their cum. SNAP, SNAP went the camera.

“Hurry and shower before he wakes up and beats the shit out of all of us,” Robert ordered As they left the room, Steve took six more pictures, just for the record.

Thomas did not know why everyone was asking him to do things the next day, but he did do them because he was reminded by the sore tits that someone knew something more than they were saying.

All the partners are eager to come back when they are the only ones there again. Robert stated that he had fun and they all should try to relax more often like that.

A new tradition was started.


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