Gay Erotic Stories

New Str8 Neighbor, Part 1 & 2

by Kpg111061
28 Feb 2005

Best Friends Coming Out First Time Friends Man Meets His Man Neighbors Romance Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex Surprise

This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories under; section named “authors”. E-mail is Hello from Brandon, FL to all my new penpals and friends, Kenneth.

New STR8 Redneck Neighbor… Part I and newly added part II as of February 2005

Part I (original story)

It’s a typical weekend out in the hick suburbs of Tampa where I live; Brandon, Florida, population, who cares, it’s too many basically. I am attempting to restore the landscaping around the pool and screen enclosure; while the pool, spa and decking are being worked on by someone else.

I hear a car door shut from where I am working in the backyard. I then hear lots of voices, laughing, etc. Nosey that I am, I get up and walk around the house. There are three huge “pickem up” trucks in the driveway next door. Each truck is loaded with “stuff.” As I am walking around the corner of the house, the owner pulls up in that ugly PT cruiser of his. “Hey Padgett,” he says. “What’s up?”

“Not you,” I’m thinking. Now, I’m no Spring Chicken at 43, but this guy is probably in his late 50’s, still not old, but he thinks that he’s hot and around 30 something. Trust me he ain’t. I shake his hand. I like the guy, he’s nice enough. The problem is that even though he’s married; you can sense him scoping you out every time he walks around.

“So what’s going on?” I ask.

“Well, I finally rented it out again. This time, no family though. The guy in the big, black truck is Mark. He’s just transferred down from Knoxville or Nashville or somewhere like that. Those are friends of his that came down to help him move. I hope you two will get along.” (Yeah me too, nothing like that fine family of 3 you had before, huh? They turned out to be a family of about 6, with 12 cats.) “Well, not this one. He’s single, newly transferred, no family, no kids, no nothing.”

About that time, the guy comes out to his truck, his landlord says, “Mark let me introduce you to one of your neighbors, Padgett, Mark, Mark, Padgett.” We shake hands and say welcome to the neighborhood. Mr. Landlord says, “Well guys, I’m headed off, see you both later.”

Mark looks at me and says, “Shit, I know he’s my landlord, but he gives me the creeps.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” I tell him. About that time, one of the guys comes out and hearing us says, “Yeah, ole Mark here caught Mr. Landlord scoping out his ass,” laughing.

“Well, if you had an ass Jesse, he might have been scoping yours too,” Mark said laughing. Jesse grabs an arm load and goes back inside. Mark says, “Sorry about that; little brother and all you know. He and his buddies drove down to help me move. They’re headed back tomorrow.”

“That’s cool, don’t worry. Hey, listen how about to welcome you to the neighborhood, while you guys unload the trucks, why don’t I grill some burgers and potatoes. Can you guys come over in about two hours?”

Mark looks worried; I ask him what’s wrong. He says, “Thanks but I don’t want to be a pain in the ass to you.”

“Huh?” I ask.

“I heard about your last neighbors.”

“Don’t worry,” I tell him; “two hours.”

“Cool,” he says grinning; “we have coolers of beer for the road trip down, mind if we bring them?”

“No, bring ‘em on.”

As he turns around to grab an armload; I can’t help but notice that he has the hottest, bubble butt, huge thighs and biceps. No wonder Mr. Landlord was scoping him out. I’ll have to be careful.

I go in take a quick shower, no gel needed for my hair with the crew cut this short. I set up my new patio area with everything for a nice welcome to the area dinner. I’m just finishing up when I hear the loud voices from earlier. Then I hear Mark say, “Listen, shut the fuck up you guys, and don’t embarrass me.”

“Hey, neighbor,” Mark says, “I hope you don’t mind, I have some snot-nosed punks following me.” Now, snot nosed in attitude is one thing, but these four college studs were anything but that. Damn, I have to watch my hormones.

“Come on in guys, make yourselves at home. The pool isn’t quite finished being restored but it’s working. If you want to use it this evening, let me know.”

“Padgett you met my little bro, Jesse earlier; these other guys are Tom, Greg and Matt, his friends from college. Guys this is your host Padgett.”

I tell them, “Listen, I only explain this once. There are no guests in my house. Here is the kitchen, here is the back bathroom; if you need anything and can’t find it, ask me. Otherwise, make yourselves at home.”

The dinner goes well, they eat like college students. They drink like college students. Mark thanks me. During dinner I learned that Mark had been engaged and that she dumped him. Per, Jesse, it broke his heart and was the reason he put in for the transfer. The guys thanked me and head back to unpack. I tell Mark that if he needs anything to let me know.

Next day, I see the other two trucks pulling out and the guys wave at me as they leave. The next week comes and goes. Nothing to write home about ever happens. I work then come home, have a few beers and then go to bed; starting the cycle over each day. I see Mark coming and going; waving as we pass each other. Mark cleans up pretty damn good, as I can tell from when he leaves for work in the morning hours.

Next Saturday arrives; there I am back out in the yard again. It’s my stress release, my escape. I hear a mower start up next door. There’s Mark in shorts, tank top and sneakers; looking fucking hot. He sees me looking and waves. He shuts down the mower and yells, “I figured even if I’m only renting, I’d better keep up the yard, huh,” laughing good-naturedly. After about three hours of hard, hot yard work, I see him sweating bent over his water hose, washing off his face. I yell over, “Mark, grab something to swim in and come on over. This time I’ve got the beer.”

“Thanks,” he says grinning; “I’ll be there in a minute.”

He shows up in a few minutes wearing boxer brief style swim shorts that hug those massive thighs. He’s still in a tank top and now a ball cap. “Shit,” he says.

“What?” I ask.

“I forgot a towel.”

“Hey, come on,” I say, “don’t you think that I’ve got a towel or two?” I go in and retrieve several and put them out on the towel rack by the pool. I also, bring out a small cooler with some beers in them.

I turn on the stereo and put on my new Tim McGraw CD. Mark says, “You don’t have to put on country for me.” I tell him that I didn’t, that I like all kinds of music. We sit and have about a six pack a piece; no food (hint, hint). As the sun goes down, I turn on the pool spot light and Mark looking contented says, “Now that’s nice.”

We talk, compare stories, talk some more; then I refill the cooler and move it to the side of the pool. “Let’s get in,” I tell him. He takes off his tank top and cap; setting them in the chair. We both jump in like kids; floating awhile, then drifting over to the swim out bench. Now it’s not that big an area and both of us are big guys. There we sit, talking and drinking; I say, “Mark can I ask you something?” Shoot he says. “What exactly happened back home? Jesse told me a little but not the details.”

“Shit,” Mark says, “that big mouth.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell him “if you’d rather not…”

“No, no problem. I was engaged to a beautiful lady. We were high school sweethearts. After years of dating, I asked her to marry me. She said yes. Then the week before our wedding, she dumped me. She dumped me for the bastard that was supposed to be my best friend and best man.”

“Shit, I’m sorry,” I tell him. Mark starts talking about the two of them; both his ex-fiancé and his ex-friend. He can’t seem to stop. Then out of nowhere he bends over for minute and starts crying, softly and gently. “Padgett, I’m sorry.”

“Why man for being human?”

As he’s crying, out of habit, I put my arm around his shoulder and pat him on the back; telling him how much better off he’ll be. He turns around and puts his head on my shoulder, thanking me, but still crying. I lift up his head and tell him, “Now listen you; I will not have my new friend let some bitch and asshole get to him like this.” Then without thinking, I lean in and kiss him. Mark’s eyes get wide as saucers.

“Oh shit, Mark, I’m sorry, man, I’m so sorry, I forgot for a minute.” Mark starts shaking and looks like he’s going to cry more. “What now?” I ask him. He looks up through tears that are shining, smiles; then Mark kisses me back.

I pull back, “Mark do you know what you are doing?”

“I only know that for a little while the pain stopped and someone that I like liked me back,” he tells me.

“Let’s get out of the pool so we can talk.” As we both are drying off, I look at him thinking what a number was done on this guy. God, the man is hot as hell and he’s worried about being loved.

After we dry off and wrap up in the towels, we go inside, grabbing a few more beers and sit down to talk. “Mark, I’m gay; not bi, not confused, but gay, pure and simple.” He tells me that he’s never had these feelings for another man or anything like these feelings before, but that for me he thinks he does.

I tell him to stand up and lean in to him kissing him again. As I kiss him, I feel it being returned, tongue and all. Then I feel his hands exploring my back and my ass. “Are you sure about this?” I ask him.

“Please Padgett lets go to your bedroom; I need to feel love, lust, like, anything but hate, sadness or regret.”

We get into my room and the towels plus the shorts hit the ground. I tell him that he is handsome, hot and fucking sexy. He grins and says thanks. He says that he’s noticed guys and how they look, but not in this way. “You’re very attractive,” he tells me.

I take his hand and lead him to my bed. There we kiss, hug, and I let him explore my body. We compare one another to the other. I then go down on that horse dick that I’ve been watching. He moans, arching his back and says, “Oh God that feels great!” Mark turns around in a 69 position; I tell him, “You don’t need to do this.”

“Yeah, I do,” he says. Then before I can say anything else, his mouth is on my dick. I let him explore again; my dick, my balls, my stomach, my thighs are a playground for him. Then I clamp my starving mouth down on those huge nuts of his. We both go to town on one another. Just as I can tell we both are close to cumming; I stop him. I turn around and tell him that I want to see his face while he’s cumming.

(Sorry guys it’s not the 80’s anymore, I play safe out of respect for myself and the person, I’m with at all times.) I grab that monster dick in my hand and start stroking. While I’m doing that I lick his tits and then start kissing him. I love this part, I call it soul kissing when a man starts cumming and he’s kissing at the same time; it’s fucking awesome. Mark arches and tightens up while I’m kissing him; I hear him moan and then geyser central. I mean a fucking load gushes all over that hot, sexy chest and stomach.

Gently, I milk the cum out and keep on kissing. When Mark is finished he lays there with his arm over his eyes. Now I get worried that he’s going to freak out or I might lose a great new friend.

“Padgett,” he says softly; “Yeah,” I say back. “Thank you,” Mark says. Mark reaches over taking my hard dick in his hand. He says, “I want to watch you next.” He strokes me and due to our hot action, I tell him here it is. I shoot like a rocket; all over me, him, the bed, you name it.

Mark chuckles and says, “Was that all for me?”

I get up, go to the bathroom and get a nice, warm, wet towel and clean us up. Tossing it onto the floor, I lay back down beside him. “Mark, are you okay?” I ask. He’s still laying there on my bed, naked, all 6’ plus of him stretched out, relaxed.

“The best I’ve felt in a very long time,” he says. “I think that for the first time in a very long time, I’ve felt wanted, loved, sexy, everything.”

“Mark, I hope that this isn’t going to fuck with our new friendship.”

“Padgett, I promise you that our friendship is only going to grow from this. I’m not sure if I like men or not, but I know that I like you; more than like you. I also, know that this supposedly straight, redneck wants to spend the night with you; if that’s alright.”

“Alright? Trust me, just try to leave. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” I cuddle into him, with Mark wrapping his arms around me for the night.

What a great way to welcome my new str8 redneck neighbor into the neighborhood and into my life.

Part II

The next morning, I wake up with someone spooned back into me; causing the usual piss hard-on to be something more than normal. I slowly pull myself back from the lean, muscular back that I am facing and see that it’s Mark; my new neighbor. Then all of last night comes back to me; the beer, the pool, the conversation, the crying and the hot man-on-man sex that we both wanted.

As I lay there thinking about what happened last night; Mark turns over slowly, stretching, and then ever so slowly reaching down to do that “jock/crotch” rub, scratch thing that guys tend to do in the morning. Then he relaxes, turns over and sees me watching him. There is a blush that creeps into his cheeks as he realizes where he is and who he’s in bed with this morning. “Good morning,” we both say at the same; then grin at each other. “How are you feeling?” I ask.

“Best night’s sleep that I’ve had in months,” Mark says.

“How about some breakfast? I make mean biscuits and gravy.”

The grin on Mark’s face tells me everything; “I’m starved,” he says, laughing.

“Me too;” I wonder why I ask.

I lean over and kiss him without a thought. Mark doesn’t react for a micro second; then the kiss goes from a peck to hot tongue in mouth, dick hardening heat. I climb back into bed and tell him; “I hope that you can wait on breakfast.”

“Definitely,” he says. Now let me tell you straight guys (which there shouldn’t be any reading this) something; there’s nothing as erotic than a man’s “five o’clock” morning shadow during a morning kiss fest. During the kiss Mark had at some point grabbed hold of my morning wood and started jacking it with his one free hand. The other hand was on his hard, beautiful dick and jacking it. I flipped around so that we were ‘69ing” in position to each other. The next move was perfect, we reached and took each other into our mouths; tasting, licking, exploring. Sorry for you who get off on it, but there was no funk or stink; just a manly smell, like raw, unadulterated sex. At one point I almost felt like our minds and bodies were one and the same. Each and every move, emotion and touch were duplicated by each of us. What one did the other did. As I clamped down on his beautiful, hard dick with my mouth even more; I felt Mark tense up with that toe curling orgasm close like tenseness that men get. Then I felt the same reaction within myself.

At the same time we both unloaded what felt like my entire being into each other. I knew that there would never be another single moment in my life where utter and complete happiness was felt simultaneously by two people as it was at that moment.

When we were through, I turned back around and moved up to Mark; I wanted, no needed to see his handsome face at that time. There were tears streaming from his eyes. I asked him if everything was okay. His face beamed with joy and contentment. He told me that never in his entire life had he felt so totally complete.

We kissed, snuggled and held each other for quite a while after that. I then suggested that we both clean up. We climbed into the shower together and washed each other in the hot steam that surrounded us. We held each other, kissed and washed until I thought that we might grow fins. We dried off and wrapped towels around ourselves like sarongs. Mark went outside to sit by the pool, enjoying some bird watching, while I started a pot of coffee and made a quick breakfast. Out on the patio on a beautiful Sunday morning; we enjoyed the food and coffee. We made small talk and realized that something was developing very rapidly between us.

After breakfast Mark and I talked about the feelings that we were both having. Both of us agreed that we wanted to see where this would go. During the week, we would see each other as time allowed and leave the weekends for our quality time together. Mark said that he wanted to tell Jesse, his brother about us. They had agreed to share all things in their lives. I asked did he think that there would be a problem. He said not that he knew; Jesse had some gay friends and seemed to be pretty open minded. I told him that he would have to decide and let me know.

As the saying goes, time moves on. A couple of days passed and Mark came over one evening to tell me that he had called Jesse and invited him down the next weekend. Seems that he had a four day weekend and wanted somewhere to go anyway; plus he and one of his moving buddies would be traveling together.

On Friday, Mark went to the airport to pick up Jesse and Greg. While he was gone, I grilled out shiskebobs and filled the pool cooler with plenty of beer. They arrived just as I was finishing everything.

Dinner went without a hitch. They enjoyed it all. The guys put away some major beer. Mark kept trying to talk to Jesse but just stumbled over his words. Eventually, I stepped in and suggested that Mark and Jesse go over to his house to talk while Greg and I swam. Jesse and Mark left. While they were gone, we grabbed some beers and jumped into the pool.

“Padgett can I ask you something?” Greg says.

“Shoot, what.”

“What’s up with Mark? He’s never been at a loss for words or unable to talk to anyone; especially Jesse.”

“Not my place to break confidence,” I tell him.

“Well…” Greg starts to say, “I hope it clears up soon, Jesse and I need to talk to Mark about something.”

At the rate the conversation are going; I’m betting Jesse never does. My “gaydar intuition” spikes. “Let’s compare notes Greg; what does the talk have to do with?” I ask. “I can tell you that Mark’s has to do with him and I.”

Greg looks at me, mouth open, and then laughs saying, “Padgett, I think that it’s the same thing.”

I tell him that, “Yeah, I think that it is the same thing. How long have you two been seeing each other?”

Greg says, “Only since the trip down to help Mark move” that during the trip they bunked together and things just happened. “What about you guys?” Greg asks.

“Since that same weekend,” I tell the story to Greg and he looks over at me and goes wow. “Yeah, pretty much wow,” I tell him. “Some weekend, huh?”

Then we hear the brothers coming back; you can tell from the tension that they have not spoken about the main topic. Greg and I decide quickly not to say anything unless we have to intervene.

After about 30 minutes of the tensest time we have ever spent; Greg and I say to both of them, “Okay, enough is enough.”

“What are you two talking about?” they ask us.

“Okay, I want all four of us to stand up here on the patio facing each other. We’re going to play a little game.” You can see looks of worry on the brother’s faces. “Okay, now it’s like musical chairs; I’ll ask a question, if the answer is no, sit down, if yes stay standing. Has anyone on the patio ever slept with anyone else on the patio? Well all of us are standing, interesting. Has anyone ever had sex with anyone on the patio? Well, here we are all again.” The brothers are looking at each other now.

Greg finally says, “For God’s sake you two, get over it; Jesse, Padgett and Mark are seeing each other like you and I are.” Both brothers look at each other and go, “You too?” and then all of us start laughing.

Then Greg and I walk over to our boyfriends and put our arms around them. “Thank God that’s over,” I tell Greg while winking. We sit around having some more drinks and let the brothers swap stories. I look at Jesse and say, “How would you and Greg like to have Mark’s house tonight for some private time; while Mark stays the night with me.”

“Perfect,” they both say; they both have roommates back home and get little privacy. We send them over to Mark’s with a bottle of wine and tell them that breakfast is at 10 on my patio.

That night as we are going to bed, Mark says, “Do you know how lucky I feel. I have found a new home, a new neighbor, a new friend and new love. Plus the changes in my life, I’m able to share with Jesse who is very important to me and now he’s having the same blessings.”

“Mark I believe that everything happens for a reason and at the appropriate time. We all found each other as we were supposed to find each other.” We decide that for tonight simply to hold each other, snuggle and to have sweet dreams.

“Now tomorrow morning,” I think to myself, “is another story!”


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This story is not intended to be read by minors. If you are, please do not read, and close this window. This story is the property of the author. It cannot be duplicated in any way without the author's permission. A giant thank you all for the e-mail compliments. Toby Keith fans, those stories have not stopped and for the Tim McGraw fans, I'm working on that. So far under Celebrity I have

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories under; section prolific authors. E-mail is

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This story is not intended to be read by minors. If you are, please do not read, and close this window. This story is the property of the author. It cannot be duplicated in any way without the author's permission. A giant thank you all for the e-mail compliments. Toby Keith fans, those stories have not stopped and for the Tim McGraw fans, I'm working on that. So far under Celebrity I have

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories

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This story not intended to be read by minors. If you are, please do not read, and close this window. This story is the property of the author. It cannot be duplicated in any way without the author’s permission. Get real people this is fiction, made up, not trashy tabloid article material. This is in no way based on factual knowledge of the author. I wish though. If you happen to resemble

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This story is not intended to be read by minors. If you are, please do not read, and close this window. This story is the property of the author. It cannot be duplicated in any way without the author's permission. A giant thank you all for the e-mail compliments. Toby Keith fans, those stories have not stopped and for the Tim McGraw fans, I'm working on that. So far under Celebrity I have

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). E-mail is Hello from Brandon, FL to all my new penpals and friends,

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories


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