Gay Erotic Stories

The Grand Obsession

by Don bellew
10 Feb 2005

Art Form Bisexual Chance Encounters Coming Out Straight Men, Gay Sex

The Grand Obsession ... don bellew

It goes like this: He looks okay, not too damn defensive or nervous. He keeps watching your eyes, trying to tell if he reads you right. He’s not sure. You look right at his crotch, again, smile. Now he’s certain and he either grins or he gets the fuck away from you fast as he can. If he takes off then you keep looking, right? So he grins or he laughs … he’s a little flattered. A little amused … but he tries to keep the grin under control. He doesn’t want to give it away. If he hasn’t had much experience at this then he’s embarrassed but he’ll try and hide it. If he’s done it several times before then he’ll be relaxed, in control. Either way, he’s not gonna make the offer, himself … not unless he’s a pro or he’s desperate for money (read: an addict) in which case you’ll get the hell away from him fast as you can. Pros are high risk, not worth the price; addicts are lousy at sex. You're looking for the adventurous, the bored, or the “ready to try it” new guy.

Doesn’t matter where you cruise, but the more men the better the chances, right? And cruising around a low income, blue collar neighborhood raises your odds. Skip the gay joints, the local tea rooms and the highway rest stops … too many fags. You got nothing against fags, just don’t want to date them and you don’t want to come off like "one of the boys”. You cruise the sidewalks, the malls, the convenience stores, the food marts … the city parks, the employment office parking lot … industrial neighborhoods, supported housing, cheap apartment complexes, dingy beer joints and run down pool halls. IT depends on your taste in men, mine runs to white trash. Don’t overlook video stores and game arcades. Ignore the kids, there’s always a few overgrown guys still hanging out, stuck at adolescent entertainment. They make great targets.

You get out of your car because it acts as a barrier. You feel vulnerable but it works better, increases your odds. Cruising from a car will get you the pros and the addicts. You drift around, fit in the background best you can, watch the faces. You don’t look weird, okay? If you look out of place you'll set off alarms so dress for the set. Nice jeans, a white dress shirt, good boots and leather jacket; upscale the look but stay in the class. And the cologne? Just don't, ever, okay?

It happens almost before you know it … some guy, generally not one that looks anything special … his eyes touch and hang just a second, a micro second… Watch closely but keep it low profile. Do NOT gross him out with a leering stare, okay? Show the same tentative interest he shows you. Move closer, slowly. Do his eyes come back to you? Is he aware of you? Men need attention, acknowledgement, and admiration. You’re looking for the guy that needs it a lot. Skip over the loud, extrovert, showy charmers. They get enough. Search for the quiet, thoughtful guy with an interior life going on. If he stares back at your gaze then avoid him. Trouble there; too needy or repressed hostility, either way, trouble.

His age? Well, younger than you, right? I thought so. Under twenty five is hard ground to work. The really straight ones are often too scared, too insecure to experiment. At that age they're still trying to convince themselves they're a man. They have a herd instinct; if they experiment it's going to be with a peer, not an older guy. Twenty-five to thirty? Good area, just old enough to be bold ... young enough to be a beginner. I like the beginners. Above thirty five? Well, he's not likely to be a first timer no matter what he tells you. Rare to find a guy above thirty who's brave enough but hasn't yet tried it.

You finally identify an acceptable target. He’s slender because his personal image is juvenile, boyish. He doesn’t really see himself as ready for manhood and the required responsibilities. He seems a little inept, a little low on confidence but he’s not quivering in shame and self pity, either. He’s not great looking but he’s cute, quite acceptable! Go up a level.

You get close enough to make the casual comment. Anything from, “Did you see that?” to “You ever tried these barbeque corn curls?” If you can do sincerity without a falter then go for the old, “Didn’t you use to work at Burger-Barn?” or "Didn’t you go to Jefferson High? I know your face, been trying to remember where I’ve seen you."

The thing is, it doesn’t matter much. You’re just opening a line of communication. You’re offering a hook. It’s up to him to bite. Lead him easy, gently. If he's the right one then he's flattered just by getting attention from an older man. He craves male acceptance, male bonding. Too much effort and you look like one of the desperate ones. Don’t smile too much, don’t stare, and don’t touch him. Don’t stand too close. Not yet. If he’s the catch of the day then the rest is easy. Just finding him is the main chore. So you found him, now you’re talking to him … desultory conversation, non-meaningful chit chat. Here comes the easy part.

It goes like this: He looks okay, not too damn defensive or nervous. He keeps watching your eyes, trying to tell if he reads you right. He’s not sure. You look right at his crotch, again, smile. Now he’s certain and he grins. He tries to hold back the grin but the corners of his mouth twitch. His eyes shift quickly. He’s flattered and amused, intrigued. If he’s here alone then it’s target acquired, zero in. “Let me buy you a beer …” (or a coke, or a coffee, whatever), a reason to extent the contact … substitute any line as needed … but best if it involves you as host, the payer, the authority figure, the daddy. Set the role, see if he plays along. We’ll say this one does for the sake of the essay.

A table, the bar … a corner of a counter, a booth … any place still public but semi-private: open the relationship…. Ask about him … ask for his status, background, name, anything… just show interest in him. Let him talk if he will. If he’s reluctant, talk about yourself. Build intimacy, trust. A slight arm touch or mild leg contact is now appropriate. This will confirm the reality of the situation to him. He IS being hit-on, he shouldn’t doubt it, shouldn’t be allowed to deny it in his imagination. Go slow, no intimate reference or ass grabbing, no slobbering lust, okay? You allow surface rationalization, especially if you’re in a public place. But your interest in him is primarily sexual. His interest in you is your interest in him. He’ll be calculating already. He’s wondering if he can get it up for you, wondering what you want him to do for you, he’ll be wondering if he can make a financial profit from this. His biggest concern is, “Do you think he’s gay or what?” He might mention a girlfriend, an interest in sports or some other macho area … give him what he needs, say the right thing … “You look like a married guy …” or “I figured you for a jock, you look like one” or “I’m surprised some woman hasn’t already dragged you to the altar, you look like wedding bait!” He needs that, an assurance of his maleness. Skip it and pay the price later. Give him any indication you see him as “less” than male and he’s got to prove you wrong. Pay up front. He’s a man, tell him. “Wish I was tall as you …” or “Damn, you've got thick shoulders …” or “You lift weights, don’t you?” … admiration is the process that leads you to the next level … It’s now or never, go for it or move on to a new target.

Two methods to the next level, direct or indirect. Choose wisely. If he’s not too damn nervous and he seems pretty open, go for the direct: “I’d sure like to get a taste of your dick!” is about as direct as you can go. "Man, I'd like to rent your body for an hour" or the more subtle, "I'll bet you're hung like a bull." Play it as it seems appropriate … funny or serious. Then go right to the negotiations and make the arrangements. Indirect is more chancy, “We ought to get together and party sometimes, have a few drinks … get crazy …” It’s necessary if the guy is nervous and clings to denial but it prolongs the real, allows for miscommunications … See how he takes to the idea and move it to the present tense if you can … “Let’s go to my place and hang out, kick off our shoes … do a joint?” But if the indirect seems best accept that your target may take some time to come across with the goodies. He needs the attention but fears the sex. Are you ready to wait? Want to turn it into a slow seduction? Is he worth it?

I go for the direct pitch even if it’s a little questionable because I hate to waste time. If it runs him off then I keep looking. Say he laughs, acts cool or otherwise stays by you … Negotiations will naturally follow … “I was thinking fifty bucks?” Opens the terms. He might go higher if he’s not comfortable or if he needs the additional motivation. A quick “Okay, sure.” means you found a good one! He might have gone for free but you would have lost the role of “man in charge” and I like to keep that.

He’ll be nervous about going to your place, offer supportive treatment. “Hey, I’ll bring you back or drop you off where ever you want …” helps. Give him specifics, he’ll be wondering. “Nobody else there, we’ll have complete privacy … It’s just a ten minute drive … I live alone” … try and imagine what will comfort him, help him relax.

Once inside he’ll relax, anyway. Inside, private, alone … it all works to reassure him. Close any curtains or blinds, lock the door … all the signals of privacy, nobody will ever know. Low lights, quiet music? A drink? Time to look around himself, get his bearings, locate the bathroom, etc… Unless he seems very affectionate or willing, touch only below the waist at this point. A hand on his thigh is a nice transition, a signal to get ready, no surprise attack … easy move to his crotch, undemanding … gentle…. Gauge his level of readiness … more touch or the zipper? Whatever he needs. He may open his pants, himself … a signal to hurry up and do it!! Or he may lay back and let you control the situation (much more likely) … don’t go too damn slow, okay? Just telegraph the next move, give him a second to slow you down if it goes too fast, don’t panic if he seems reluctant but move on, slow… try again, it’s okay. As long as he sits still, keep going even if he shows nervous… He’ll relax more when his pants are down. Before his dick comes out is the tense time … He’s worried about what you’ll think of it. Tell him, “Damn, it’s bigger than I thought … God, it’s so hard! Man, a really thick one, huh?” Whatever flattery he’s likely to believe… It’s no cost to you, so give. Make him feel good. That's what he needs. Be generous with praise and adoration, he craves it. Feed his ego and his passion will grow... hold back and his confidence will wither.

Once you get it in your hands he’ll be okay … he’ll be more turned on than he expected, more than you expected. Get your mouth down there fast, take that submissive posture and give him some great feelings. Now he’ll relax the defenses, open himself to the sensations, sigh in relief. It’s better than he thought. It’s okay … it’s pretty damn good!

If this really is his first time (as he said) then he wont last long, not at all. I’ve measured more than one first blow job in under ten seconds! No use trying to make it last, they can’t. Better to tell them you’re impressed with the quick results, else they think they’re a disappointment. Just enjoy that surge of passion; it’ll last longer next time.

If the guy is feeling confident and relaxed then he might just get into it, ride a while, sail on the wave… great! In that case the groping and caresses will increase and he'll search for increased stimulation (my kind of guy!) including squeezing your shoulders, massaging your neck, holding your head, feeling your hair …. In this case you slow the blow job, make it last and get into some lingering play … this is good stuff, work it! Get his pants off, if possible, his shirt up … off? Nipple play, bites? Gentle. If he allows free access to his chest try for the neck, the shoulders … his face is the final frontier. He’ll feel most vulnerable about a touch on his cheek or a kiss on his face. Never, never kiss his mouth unless he offers it. Many guys will stop cold at that, slam a mental door and it’s over, Bam! Don’t go that far without provocation, okay? If he let’s you move your lips close to his mouth, good … If he lets your lips slide across his, excellent … If he allows that touch to linger then, Yes, go for it. Some perfectly straight guys love kissing, it’s a natural high for them … don’t miss out on it from lack of exploration, he wont tell you, okay? Discover by slow steps.

Once a straight man is in this mode of extended sexual pleasure, riding the crest of sensations, this is when he will experiment with his limits. If his hand strays to your thigh give him access to your dick … he may want to touch it, feel of it, at least … he may even want to fondle it, enjoy the texture and the sensation of it … Doesn’t mean he’s gay, just means he’s brave and not afraid of his role limits. If he plays with your ass he may want to fuck you … not necessarily, but give the opportunity if you want it to happen … and if he allows you to squeeze his ass, caress the hard cheeks? Explore the crevasse between; see if he wants anal stimulation … he just might. Again, don’t think this makes him gay and a total slut, he may be fighting his inner voices to let it go this far or he might be discovering new sensations, reveling in new and exciting tensions … at this point it’s important to allow him that freedom, allow him to discover and map new territories. Back off only when he lets you know it’s gone far enough … I’ve had a finger deep inside a guy before he finally squirmed and whispered harshly, “Hell, No!” But it didn’t spoil the mood; we went on until we both made it, anyway. Yeah, WE made it. Even straight guys should be considerate enough to allow you a climax, too. First timers might cringe at the sight of you spurting off but not all of ’em. I knew one guy that got WAY turned off by touching cum but he didn’t mind seeing it, not at all. Let him tell you how far he’ll go, don’t set his limits for him, okay?

I’ve actually fucked several straight guys, they just got into it and enjoyed it … one of them told me it was the only way he could get off with another man … Nothing else got him hot enough. He had no problem with getting off with a woman but a man didn’t really turn him on unless he gave him that ultimate stimulation. But, Hey, Jess was weird in a lot of ways.

Straight men suck your cock? Yep. It happens, man. Few want to eat your cum but plenty of straight guys do the oral thing, yeah. One man made me cum in his mouth but he spewed it out through pursed lips onto my belly and laughed about it. He said, “I tried, man… I tried! Just couldn’t swallow it!” He was pretty special, yes he was! A very straight man that was perfectly willing to please me anyway he could. A golden guy. But he loved women SO much, a real weakness for them. He told me once he wished he was gay so he wouldn’t have to let women run over him. He knew he had that weakness and it bothered him … too bad he wasn’t gay. Hell, he tried. Give him credit for trying. Anyway, I think Ronald just liked sex, any kind, anywhere. Probably a true pan-sexual creature.

But straighter guys than Ronald have sucked my dick. I don’t even think of it as anything special, anymore. Some do it because I press for it, others (the best) just because they want to do it, to please me or to please themselves. If a man is naturally oral then he’s likely gonna do it (is he messy? Creative? Into music? Food? Does he smoke? Suck on a beer all the time? Love tits?) … if he’s anal then he has other priorities ( is he obsessively neat? Concerned with order? Math? Keeps his car clean and shiny? Loves a woman‘s legs?)… not all guys are focused on their genitals for their stimulation. You’ll discover the wide range of human activities doesn’t divide easily along gender identification lines.

But by whatever route you take it ends up with both of you panting for air. It was good, very good! Your release was moving, powerful. Your lungs quiver, your belly sighs. For a few minutes while you both regain strength you share the weakness, the pleasurable sense of completion. Share, connect, bond ... however tenuous.

Thing is, to make sex good for you, you make it great for him. You’re giving, okay? Sure, you’re taking something, too … fond memories and a new connection, but to make the most of that you gotta give him a lot of pleasure. Especially if it’s really his first time with a guy. He’ll need all the positive reinforcement you can dredge up. Remember, there’s something else going on, here… something beyond the simple joinery of bodies … that’s just the physical metaphor for the deeper psychic need we (me and you) have inside… it’s that inner need that sends us out scouting for the next straight guy to hold and touch … we need to erase the line, dissolve that boundary, make him over in our own image, right? Why do you think the straight guy is so fucking attractive to us, anyway? Because we want to BE him, know him, touch him, commune with him, side with him, team up with him, share his magic power … right? Duh. And we want to own him, use him, manipulate him, manage his power, and over come that little cosmic fear we have: his rejection.

It all started with daddy, you remember? Or some daddy like figure … we wanted to make him stop being mad… wanted to make him smile and laugh and play with us … we wanted his approval and attention, we wanted to please him …. Sure we did. Work through the denial, we did. Now, whether we accomplished that goal or not (likely not) we still go on spinning the machine, gunning the engine of our trained response. Find a substitute “us” and reverse the roles (gives us the power, right?) and go through the set piece. Act out the psychodrama …dance through all the carefully learned steps … repeat the ritual. But then, how many other obsessions deliver such pleasure?

It goes like this: find the target. Acquire the target. Assign the roles, act the play. Take your bows.

“So, uh … can you run me back downtown? I got some stuff to do …” He ties his shoe laces.

“Sure. Wish you didn’t have to rush off, though …”

“Yeah, but I got this, like, thing … you know? Gotta run.”

“I understand. Yeah. But it was great … can I call you sometime?”

“Well, uh … let me call you, okay? I can’t give you my home number.”

“But will you? Call me?”

“Sure, sometime. You said fifty bucks, right? Remember?”

“Oh, yeah.” (Sigh) “Here you go.”

“Thanks, man!” He kisses the folded bill. “I really needed this, you know?”

“I know what I needed … you were really great …”

“Look, I gotta go, okay?”

It goes like this, most every time. Still, better than nothing. Nothing is like, uh, dead? For a few minutes there, I was alive. Felt alive, anyway. Or, felt like I would feel if I was alive. Driving him back feels shitty though.



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When the poker game broke up Wallace was still sitting there, leaned over his fists. I thought he was about to cry or something. "He's wrecked, drunk as a skunk!" Somebody muttered. "That damn scotch, he was okay with the beer. Never should have started with the scotch ..." "Don't let him try and drive home, Donnie ... make him sleep it off." He roused up about the time everybody

Weak In The Knees

Weak in the knees ........... don bellew It had been cloudy all day, a dull silver sky that was growing dark in late afternoon. July it usually stayed light until nine but here it was only six-thirty and I was yawning. Too quiet, I guess. Quiet was the very reason I’d moved out to the country when I retired. I wanted to get out of the city and away from the sight of constant people.

Working Stiff

I was staying late one evening at the office, just hanging around to use our great system to surf the net. My home PC is okay, just slow. The boss is cool. He knows what I’m up to. I don’t get paid by the hour so he doesn’t care how long I stay. He actually benefits because I answer the phones and take messages until I leave, maybe eight o’clock on a good net night. When the crew of janitors

Writer's Camp

Writer’s Camp ... by Donnie D Bellew He wasn’t spectacular. Not even pretty, just an average face with an interesting ... uh, aura? persona? How do you label it? He was on the large size, not his hips but his long bones. He’d need a double x large sweater just to cover his wrists. Belt too high, shirt too plain for him to be gay. He didn’t have the look, either. Maybe that’s what drew my


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