Gay Erotic Stories

Blind Date

by Wildman
02 Nov 2000

Friends Summer Adventures True Stories

Blind Date: By Wildman I first met Bob (a blind guy) a number of years ago at a computer trades meeting. Bob specialized in adaptive technology for visually impaired people and he did a little workshop as part of that meeting. I attended his workshop because I have an interest in serving people with all kinds of limitations including visually impaired - though it has never been a very profitable vertical market. At any rate, I made a point to have lunch with Bob and found him to be an incredibly interesting person. He is very talented with technology products considering he has such limited vision (barely light, dark and very fuzzy images) with no real visual acuity. He had helped develop screen readers and a verbal operating system. Anyway, this friendship has grown over the years and we find we have many interests in common beyond technology. Bob loves outdoor activities like boating, hiking, camping, (if and when he can get someone to go with him) and I was amazed that while he is a very outgoing type of fella, his social life was very limited. Most of his social limitations seem pretty much self imposed - believing that if he could never drive a car - he couldn't have a social life! Duhhhhh? And yet with public transportation, he goes anywhere he likes! Go figure! Through the years we've become good friends and shared many professional activities even though he lives two states away. We at least manage to get together a couple of times a year to share some kind of computer meeting. More recently, after a computer meeting, I invited Bob for a boating weekend (aboard my pontoon camper) where we would kick back in one of my favorite secluded coves on the lake and just enjoy a guy’s weekend. Bob had commented before that he loves to swim - which surprised me since many blind people have a particular fear of water. Bob checked his calendar and said he was clear even through Monday. He rode with me back to my house, stayed overnight, and we headed for the lake the next morning, towing the pontoon camper to the lake. We launched the boat, I parked the car and trailer and we headed out on the lake. It was a beautiful bright day and I tried to describe all the visual beauty of this most pristine area that has yet to see much in the way of residential development. Our lake is essentially 150 miles of undeveloped shoreline consisting pretty much of one quiet secluded cove after another with lots of places to tie off and kick back While this is a wonderful pristine wilderness area, I learned long ago that you have to tie a line across the cove and tie the boat off in the middle to keep from being boarded by some kind of wildlife in the night including bears and more frequently raccoons. Both are very pesky on a boat, particularly where groceries are concerned! Well we got to my favorite hiding place, tied off the boat and set up camp on board. Even at mid morning, it was already shaping up to be a nice hot day. In previous conversations I had already shared my preferences for naturism and skinny-dipping. Bob had shown little interest, as if he didn't really have a concept and indeed, I guess it is pretty much a visual concept and yet the feel good for me goes way beyond anything visual. After a cold drink and a snack, I said I was ready for a refreshing swim. Bob said he could go for that too. I stepped to the front of the boat where the boarding ladder was and without fanfare or comment, dropped my shorts having already shed my shirt before setting up the camper. Bob apparently noticed that I had dropped my shorts for whatever image he might have perceived and exclaimed: "Good Lord you are really going to do it!" Well yeah I said! "Getting dressed or staying dressed to get wet was a concept I totally abhorred. Likewise, slopping around in wet clothes was my next most un-favorite thing to do. I invited him to likewise shed his shorts and join me. He chose however to keep his shorts and that was fine with me as long as I didn't have to wear them. We enjoyed a refreshing swim and while Bob did stay pretty close to the boat - he particularly enjoyed jumping off into the water from the front deck. He appeared to be a good swimmer, but I kept an eye on him just the same. We took a break for lunch and Bob noticed I donned little more than a towel until I had dried a bit and then most times even less than the towel even. I just loved the freedom of nakedness and out here in the wide-open wilderness there was just little need for textile amenities since there was almost never anyone to offend (particularly back in quiet secluded coves). I asked Bob if my nakedness bothered him and he said: "Not if it doesn't bother you!" I asked if he had ever experienced skinny-dipping or swimming au'natural and he simply said no. I told him, "you're going to have to try it one of these days - it is incredible really!" He asked, "How is it different from wearing a bathing suit?" and I told him that it just was, beyond most any description except for a profound feeling of freedom. He seemed a bit shy or otherwise unimpressed but at least seemed a little bit curious now. Otherwise, while we were in and out of the water the rest of the afternoon, he kept his shorts on. Admittedly, I was a bit curious to see him naked and definitely have him discover the joys of skinny-dipping. I wasn't going to push it or strip him of his shorts. He would have to part with them all by himself. Frankly, I don't know how he could stand to sit around in wet clothes when we were out of the water! By late afternoon, I had enough swimming and decided to put supper on to cook and enjoy a beer. Bob stayed in the water until supper was ready. I did note he dropped his shorts and changed into dry shorts for supper, exhibiting little shame or modesty in the process, so I figured well, it might not be shyness that was precluding his nudity. During and after supper, we shared much conversation about any and everything, as Bob was very excited to be enjoying this boating adventure. I didn't fully realize until now just how limited his life experiences had been. At age 32 he might have actually had the social maturity of barely a 15 year old. Poor guy! He really opened up and conversationally at least he was becoming an open book, commenting that I was the first person he ever felt really comfortable with socially and not even with his family could he really share things about his feelings about his life, limits or experiences. In time the subject got around to sex and Bob admitted that had never had any opportunity beyond a little masturbation to even explore or develop an awareness of his own sexuality or sensuality. Likewise, never having had a clear vision of anyone else beyond a blur he had no concept of physical beauty or how he might compare to others. Poor fella? I was nearly blown away by his innocents and inexperience and suddenly wanted to help him explore his reality any way I could. We talked about naturism some more and he shared that blind or visually impaired people are commonly brought up in a very sheltered environment by their parents and because as children they might be more vulnerable to predators, almost any kind of nudity is, if not particularly discouraged, they are definitely trained to keep themselves dressed in some fashion at all times to preclude embarrassing situations since most blind people might have less natural inhibitions than sighted persons. Hummmmm? This was interesting stuff indeed! Well at some point up in the night Bob said he would indeed like to experience skinny dipping and I said, well - in the morning you can try it for yourself if you like. He smiled and said how about now! With that he stood, dropped his shorts and headed for the boarding ladder. I said: "In the dark?" And he said: "makes little difference to me!" He was already in the water. I turned on the boat headlights just so I could keep an eye on him for safety sake. Man - he was like a kid with a new toy! He exclaimed time and time again: "I can't believe there is such a difference between swimming with a bathing suit and without." No doubt, I had another convert. Indeed, I had introduced many to skinny-dipping thorough the years and while all seem to enjoy it, Bob was the most enthusiastic ever! I thought I was never going to get him out of the water and in fact it was well after midnight before I convinced him it was time to turn in. Finally he agreed to get out and dry off and kept raving about how wonderful naked-swimming was! Skinny-dipping Bob, I said repeatedly! After Bob was dried off I asked him how he felt about sleeping in the nude and again to my surprise he said he's never tried it before! Duhhhhhh? Never? Nope - Never! Well that feels good too I told him and allowed how I couldn't stand to sleep in anything even from infancy. Again he found this curious and reached for a dry pair of shorts. I asked him if he minded sharing a double bunk or did I need to inflate another mattress. He said the double would be fine. We turned in having pretty much talked ourselves out for the night - which was now quite early in the morning. The next morning Bob was anxious for more naked-swimming even before breakfast. I had a time getting him back out of the water to even eat something once breakfast was ready. I noted he only wore a towel for breakfast and lost that pretty soon as he was ready to get back in the water! I had to think: "I've created a monster here!" Bob didn't get out of the water until lunch time and only reluctantly then! What a fish! I suggested he might want to try a little nude sunning - since he was beginning to look like a soggy prune and he just laughed. I said, well at least dry out a little bit. He consented reluctantly and we talked some more over a beer or two. Bob had so many questions about life - things I rarely thought about - just taking so many things for granted really. He made me feel like a world authority on life and living. By comparison to him, I guess I was. At some point in our conversation, Bob looked more directly at me and said: "I'd really like to see what you look like?" I stood up and did a turn and said well that's it - not much to look at, but it is all I've got. Bob laughed and said, "No, I really want to see what you look like!" Bob seems so comfortable with his visual impairment - I tend to forget that he is legally blind and in fact, I'm never quite sure of what he is really seeing. I was surprised when he noticed when I first shed my shorts after we got here and I had just assumed that he had a good look, ya know - how guys check each other out. But Bob had indeed, missed the details and really didn't have a clue about what I really looked like beyond a blur. I asked him if I stood closer to him, could he make out my features and he said no, not really. Further and he was reluctant, choosing his words carefully, he asked if I minded if he touched me since that was the only way he could really see me. I said: "Well, since I've seen you in all your naked glory - I guess it is only fair that you get a good luck at me." "Where do you want to start?" He said: "Is head to toe alright?" I said, well, sure! So I pulled a chair over and sat right down in front of him so he could check me out. He started at the top of my head and said: Nice hair! Then as he felt around my head he said: "You got big ears!" I said, "well how would you know?" and he laughed and said, "Well I have felt my own ya know!" Ahhhh, well, upon this, he at least would have some basis of comparison after all. As it turned out, beyond his Mom and Dad, he had never had a good look at anyone else before other than a few art statues in museums. I suddenly wished I had a much better body - you know like a hard-bodied God or something besides Buddha! Ohhh God he was going to detail and comment every single feature! I felt like I was being physically critiqued which is what sighted people probably do all the time without even thinking about it much! Likewise, with as much time as he was spending on my facial features - I had to think: "This is going to take quite a while!" He felt my neck, chest and back running his hands and fingers over every detail and I had to think, boy this is going to get interesting as we head south. I almost couldn't wait to see just how much of my man-hood he might be curious about or if he would skip that area all together. But if indeed, he was to see me - I was prepared to have him see all of me! He did say head to toe after all. After checking out my arms and hands - yeah right down to my pinkie finger, he finished up my chest and ventured to my stomach. I offered to stand and did, so he could keep looking at me in detail, which seemed to be his plan. As he began checking out my stomach, I tried not to tense up - and his comment:" hummmm - a little too much beer I see!" That did break the tension a bit, though I decided to suck it in a bit. We laughed about that too and he said: "Don't bother, you can't hold it in for ever! Which was true! Man this was like getting a thorough physical! And I was still curious as to just how much of me he expected to see. Didn't have to wait long about that! Just as he slid his hands into my pubic hair, he paused and said, is this alright? I took a deep breath (wishing I was a few inches longer) and said, sure - I've seen yours! He paused and said: I've always wondered how I might compare to others having only seen my own dick and of course my Dad's just once. I told him except for diameter, most men hang pretty much the same (with some rare exceptions) and otherwise everything pretty much evened out with an erection. By now he had seized the opportunity and was checking me out real good! Whew - like I said it was like a physical exam except perhaps a bit more erotic! For me anyway. Bob detailed my balls and scrotum saying he thought his were perhaps bigger! I laughed and said: I wasn't sure about that since I hadn't examined his quite so thoroughly! He laughed and said: "Well you'll just have to check them out for yourself in a while! And then you tell me which of us has bigger balls!" Except that he seemed so innocent about it - otherwise, I might have felt a little propositioned for some serious touchie feelie! That was encouraging! Man he spent an awful lot of time on my dick and balls - and admittedly, I was getting turned on by all this attention to my man-parts! He had to notice that I was firming up and even commented: "How big is this thing going to get anyway?" We both laughed! I told him, you keep that up and you're going to find out! I guess he presumed permission and really wanted to know cause he began to stroke me a bit and of course, I rose to the occasion. Pant, pant, pant! Once I peaked and was hard as a rock - he did finally move on to butt, legs and feet, which thankfully were a bit less intense. I think his eyes (fingers) were getting tired! When Bob was finally through looking at me, I told him that if he had spent much more time looking at my dick - I might have had to jerk off. He laughed and apologized and said he really was glad to get to see me better and had always been curious about other men - but just never had any opportunity. I thought that was understandable but really odd considering he was 32 years old. Otherwise, had he been jerking my chain (literally), it was an excellent come on! But I was pretty sure Bob was too naive for that, seriously! I still couldn't resist asking Bob, so now that you have seen me - which one of us has bigger balls! Bob immediately stood and said, I don't know - see for yourself. A closer look revealed that Bob's balls were drawn well up into his scrotum for the moment and not very visual. I reached forward saying, I'm not sure I can even find one - so Bob separated his feet a little and said well check'em out cowboy! If he had any reservations or inhibitions towards hand-to-hand male bonding they were obviously gone now! So I fished his scrotum a bit and did find two fine balls about the size of two fine oval plums! Pulling them down for a good feel, I decided I didn't really need to get out a measuring device - I concluded that I thought they were about the same as mine. Bob reached forward and taking one of my balls in his hand while feeling one of his own said he agreed but thought I might have a bigger dick than his. I might have had him on diameter a little bit, but length wise, I told him I thought we were about even at least in the natural state, and perhaps only because he had seen my erection did I seem longer! He said you want to see mine and began to stroke his meat! Talk about uninhibited - another monster turned loose! Within moments he had stroked himself into a nice full erection and was sporting it proudly! Actually, I think I might have had an inch on him, but said: "Yep they are about the same size when erect." Bob admitted that self-stroking had been the extent of his sexual fulfillment and asked if I "did it" much. I told him that I thought masturbation might be common among men and that indeed, I wasn't about to let a little sexual tension ruin my day. Bob laughed and said: him neither as he kept stroking a little saying he didn't know if there was a formal way of masturbating, but that he had just learned what felt good purely by experimentation on himself. Never having had much if any social life, he said by age 15 he felt like he was going nuts and this was the only thing that helped. I'm not sure he even connected it with a sexual act beyond it just felt good and he liked it. I asked him if he had ever discussed the more intimate details of man-hood with his dad and he said, well he had asked some questions, but he didn't think his dad was very comfortable talking about stuff, so no, they really had never talked about "guy stuff" hardly ever! Incredible!!! , I thought! I asked Bob about girls in his life and he said: "Nope - not much really! His dad had told him to watch out for them however!" I said how so? Bob said: "Well once when I asked about girls, dad said to be very careful because, one might try to take advantage of me one day and just left it at that, particularly when I asked how?" " He didn't seem to want to discuss the how?" I asked him: "Didn't you ever see your mom naked?" And he said: "Ohhh - not really - just her face!" "But I knew she was shaped differently when she would hold me close!" "Beyond that - I've not even had a chance to see men other than you!" "Well what did you think about me?, I asked" "It was great really! I have wanted so much to see what other people look like besides a blur but never gotten up the courage to ask until now and then that one other time in school when I asked a schoolmate if I could see him and he (also a blind guy) just said "get real" which I took that as a no and have been reluctant to ever ask anyone again until now." He concluded by: "I hope you don't mind but I would like to see you again sometime." I suppose I was supposed to be flattered, so I simply said, it was ok with me!" Bob confided that he had never had a really close friend before and that it felt so comfortable and nice to be this comfortable with someone! (God what a responsibility!) This kid had so much to learn and so much catching up to do! (At least socially!) Bob just went on and on about how great it was to talk about "guy stuff" and he had seemingly millions of questions. Interesting too, the mutual nakedness just seemed to bring down all the barriers between us and indeed, I've never really felt like I really knew a person until I had seen them naked. One reason perhaps, why I like naturism, and the aspects of social nudity. It is just so much more honest. Interesting too that Bob, a blind guy, even picked up on this saying that he had never felt so normal in a relationship with anyone before and everything else had just seemed so abnormal and distant. (This after feeling me up to near orgasm!) Except for Bob it wasn't really a feel up - he after all was just getting a good look the only way he knew how! Needless to say, I did let him have another look see ( Cripe! he wanted to see me almost all the time! - a LOT!!!) before our weekend was over. And Lord, the conversations we had! Whew - this was male bonding like I had never known it before! One several occasions, our talk would get a little stimulating and more than once Bob would reach over to see if I was having a similar reaction. Ohhhh yeah, I was becoming his brail mirror on the world it would seem! Beyond that - now that he had discovered the joys of skinny-dipping, it was about all I could do to get him back out of the water, morning, noon and night! No doubt Bob was going to want to see more of me and we intend to enjoy many more adventures as we explore the world and each other. I must admit that it is a bit of a challenge being Bobs best and only close friend and I worry about him falling into the wrong hands so to speak or vs. as the case might be. Bob and I have become a lot like brothers really and while we are the same age, I like having a little brother and being his big brother so to speak. What a shame we don't live closer or we could see each other so much more often than a couple times of year. At least I wouldn't mind Bob seeing me more often! He at least seems to enjoy looking at me very closely! (A lot!)


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