Gay Erotic Stories

A Weekend To Remember/My First Time

by Tom H.
15 Apr 1999

Coming Out

A Weekend to Remember My First Time By: Tom & Mike I'll never forget how I was introduced to gay sex. I still remember when I was growing up in a modest home with mom, dad, and let's not forget my older brother, Joe. Although there were many times I would have liked to erase him from my mind, there were still times when he could actually act human towards me and after that infamous weekend our relationship soared to new heights. We lived in a nice rural home with a den, built in swimming pool and everything a kid growing up could want. Down the street were our closest companions. Dad and Mike Sr. and Uncle Frank had been best friends when they were growing up and carried the tradition through our years. So naturally we became best friends. That's not to say there wasn't a few fights, but that's to be expected. The same applied for my brother and I. Joe was the older one, and always had to show his superiority over me. Our friends were JT., Steve and Mike Jr. JT and Steve were identical twins with one slight difference, which made it easier to distinguish the two. JT had blonde hair, while Steve had brown hair. They are Joe's age and were seniors at the time. Mike was just sixteen, while I was only fourteen and a half and we were sophomores at the same high school. We rode the bus and did everything together. Mom would say Mike and I were just like Mike Sr. and dad. Oh by the way I was the junior of our family. We would have been identical families in every way, but mom had a miscarriage with the last baby and could not have anymore children. Anyway I never felt like the others, I always knew there was something different. My jock brother and the others did nothing but talk, eat and sleep with their daydreams about screwing a chick or about how big this one's tits were or how much they'd love to fuck the other one up the ass. As for me, I had no interest in girls what-so-ever. To me, they were nothing but a pain in the neck. In school we shared our gym class with the seniors while the freshmen shared theirs with the juniors. I loved and hated gym at the same time. Loved it because I'd get a hard-on every time I saw the hot bodies on some of the seniors and yes the sophomores too. Hated it because while I was developing a good sized piece of meat, I still had not gotten any pubic hair. In fact I didn't have any hair. To this day the only real hair I have is over my dick. I have no hair on my balls, on my ass, and very little hair on my legs. So picture this if you will a six-foot tall, sandy brown haired, blue eyed kid with a baby smooth ass and balls to match. I had come to especially like looking at JT and Mike although I never let them know how I felt. I would imagine myself making love to them. Sometimes it was one or the other and other times it was with both of them together. I would have the most incredible orgasms while jerking off and making believe it was at the hands of their sexual assaults. Once I even used a screwdriver handle and pretended it was JT's cock working its way in and out of my craving ass hole. This went on for several months undetected. Spring had arrived and Joe, JT and Steve did their usual thing. They got onto the varsity swim team and divers group. This only served to heighten my fantasies about JT and now even my brother, who by the way was the spitting image of our father in the tool department. I had always thought that dad was a "Weapon of destruction". I'll never forget the time he was running to the bathroom to take that morning piss. He thought we were still asleep and attempted to make it to the bathroom and back unseen. Wrong, I was just coming out and caught an eye full of about ten inches of rock solid dick aching to release that first piss of the day. Wow what a sight. If he wasn't my dad I think I would have given him my ass to fuck right there and then. He could have popped my cherry but well. Anyway about the first week in May we had a family discussion. Dad told us that Uncle Frank was getting married for the second time and mom and him were going with Mike and Betty. We would have been allowed to go if it wasn't at the time that Joe and the others were taking finals before graduation. They had decided to make it a double second honeymoon since all three guys had been in each other's weddings and would be in this one. Mom said that JT, Steve, and Mike would be staying with us but there was to be no wild parties. If we were going to have a party, her sister, our Aunt Marie would come over and supervise it. They told us they were leaving Thursday afternoon and would be back late the following Monday. My brother beamed because we had no school on Friday and could deal with Monday, and half days for the exams. I decided that it would be at this time that I would make my move to see just how straight Mike or JT really were. That Monday, before the folks took off, while in the locker room getting ready to shower, I must have been starring at JT's cock a bit too long, and who should catch me of all people was my loving brother. Well he never said a word to me and it wouldn't be until that weekend that he would reveal his awareness about me. He did, however, inform JT and the other two about what he had caught me doing and what his plans were for me for that weekend. It would also be that weekend that I would gather my conclusions as to what really went on when my brother wouldn't let me tag along and also why Mike seemed to have to do other things at the same time. That Wednesday, Mike and I made plans to hang out at SpacePort, an arcade shop in the mall. My brother and his brothers had to get a physical for the upcoming swim meet that following Monday afternoon. JT drove and told Mike he'd drop us off but we had to be at the drop off point in two hours or he'd leave us behind. Mike and I agreed and the plans were set. I told Mike I'd be at his house at three thirty like JT said. I got there about twenty minutes early and JT answered the door. "You're early. Mike's at the store with mom, but should be back in a few minutes. He ran back up stairs leaving me standing in the entrance so I picked up a magazine and as I started leafing through the pages, three very shocking pictures fell out and spread on the floor. As I bent over to pick them up, my mouth nearly hit the floor. There was my "Macho all- American jock" brother naked and on all fours. In front of him was Mike, with his dick shoved all the way down his throat and meanwhile JT was behind him packing his ass with his own warhead. In the second picture Joe was stuffing his cock into Mike's sixteen year old butt while Mike was sucking off Steve. And in the last picture Steve had replaced JT's dick up Joe's ass while Mike was cumming in my brother's mouth and all over his face. Well that answered my question about what they do when I wasn't allowed to join them and why Mike seemed to "Have to do something important and couldn't come out or go to the mall with me. Although Mike was with his mother, the others had already filled him in on their game plan and were watching me from the balcony at the top of the steps. As they suspected, I carefully put the pictures in my jacket pocket and continued reading the magazine like nothing had happened. About five minutes later my brother came down stairs and did something he'd never done to me. He tousled my hair. Usually it would be a light punch or shove to move me out of "His Royal Highness' way. He never showed any signs of affection or love towards me until that day. One part of me was scared that he and the others had seen me grab the pictures. The other side of me was becoming very aroused at the thought that maybe we would finally develop a special bond. Then he went back to his normal self when he went back up, bumping right into me as much as to say, "Move it". I relaxed some but still had the tingle of excitement over what I was now holding on to. If I couldn't make it with JT or Mike in real life, I could at least have the pictures and fantasize about it with them. I could imagine it was I instead of my brother getting my brains fucked out by JT and Steve and even Mike. I could dream of Mike coming in my mouth and all over my face while JT filled my virgin ass hole with his own man milk. Then I could imagine even my brother lovingly packing my boy-pussy with his weapon of destruction and giving me the thrill ride of my young life. I couldn't wait to return from the mall so I could go up to the confines of my room and jerk off with these pictures. I was so careful I even brought plastic cardholders to cover them with so they wouldn't get ruined especially if I accidentally came all over. It was at this point that I also decided to try and taste my own cum to see what my "Cum Swallowing" brother found so great about it. Mike returned with his mother about ten minutes later and we were off. Mike kept looking at me different than he used to and I asked him what was wrong. He very simply said there wasn't anything wrong. Then he asked me what I thought of "Fags". I looked at him puzzled and he defined it as "Guys who like other guys". I asked him if we were fags because we liked each other. He said he meant sexually. I just said they don't bother me, "To each his own". So he dropped the subjected and we continued having our usual fun. Sure enough two hours later JT returned to the exact spot where he had dropped us off. We got out there ten minutes earlier because, like my brother, JT could be a real prick too. He said if we were not there when he came by to get us, he'd leave us and we'd have to find our own way home, and he meant it. Mike and I learned from first hand experience. He'd dropped us off one other time and we were just late enough to see him peeling out of the parking lot. My mother could have killed me for that because I had to take her from a house sale to get us. "It's both your faults, next time be out there like you're told or you can call your father. I'm sure he'll love that idea". Then she grounded me for a week. We got back and JT dropped me off in front of the house. Joe continued on with the others, probably to make their plans for me for that weekend but at the time I didn't know it. Dad was pulling up and yelled for me to get changed. We were meeting mom for dinner because she had good news and wanted to celebrate and share it with us. She'd made Realtor of the Quarter. "Where's Joe?" dad asked. So I told him and he called over. Joe told him they had to practice for the big meet and dad naturally excused him from being present at dinner and told him what had happened. Being the big suck-up that he was Joe got mom a dozen roses and brought them home when he came in. Rah rah . Anyway I said I would tale a quick shower. "All right, but a quick one, we have to meet your mother at seven" was dad's response. Although I knew I couldn't use the pictures now and hid them under the mattress of my bed, I then just about ripped off my clothes to get at my cock and give it the thrashing of its young life. I jumped in the shower, lay on the floor and threw my legs up over my head. While I couldn't reach my dick with my lips or tongue, I was still close enough to catch a couple of shots in my mouth. As I started jerking off I became so entranced by the precum oozing out of the head that I smeared it on my finger and swirled it on my tongue. Not bad I though, not bad at all. All to soon I felt the tingle of excitement envelop in my groin as my nuts drew closer to me and I blasted five very powerful shots, three of which went into my mouth. As I mused myself with the taste, dad knocked on the door telling me to hurry up. I cleaned myself while still savoring the flavor, and then I rinsed my mouth with scope mouthwash so mom wouldn't smell the aroma of man juice on my breath. Thursday came and my excitement was really generated now. I had all I could handle to restrain myself. The very thought of having these guys under one roof and the multitude of possibilities was enough to drive me insane. I did it though. We got home from school and our parents took off about an hour later after the usual lectures and ground rules. Mom interjected her own comment to my brother while Betty did the same to JT about Mike. "If you pick on your brother I'll kick your ass". It was like an echo chamber with Betty chiming in a few seconds behind mom. So we said our good-byes and closed the door behind them. We watched them drive down to Mike and Betty's to get their luggage then drive past the house again on their way to the airport. As we turned to go back to the den, Mike reached around my waist, pulled me to him and planted a kiss right on my mouth. Not knowing how to react, I pulled away and he grabbed me more forcefully bringing me nose to nose with him. "I know all about you and we have big plans for you this weekend. If you're a virgin now you won't be when we get through with you. By the way I've always liked you the Fag way, I just wasn't sure if you felt the same way towards me until yesterday". With a sly wink he slapped my ass cheek and we headed to the den. Once we got there I just about fell over. There was my brother, JT and Steve were already stripped and jerking each other off. As I turned to tell Mike to check out the action I was greeted by an eight and a half-inch fat cock being waived in front of me. Mike grabbed me and reached for the buckle of my belt to release it and then unzipped and unsnapped my pants. They fell to the floor and my own now rock hard dick poked out through the opening in my boxers. He then hitched his thumbs inside the waistband of my shorts and in one smooth quick motion had them around my ankles. As I stepped out of them Mike announced to the others that the "Virgin Sacrifice was ready to be indoctrinated into the club. My wonderful brother then came over and waived the pictures in my face that they'd planted for me. He said they were duplicates of what I had hidden. Then he grabbed my hard-on giving it a gentle squeeze and escorted me into the den. Now I was going to have my wildest dreams come true. It was at this point that Joe said, "If you really want us that bad we'll do everything your little heart desires, only JT is mine and don't get any ideas about moving in on me or I'll beat the piss out of you. Once you've had us today, you'll never want anything else trust me. Let the lessons begin. He brought me to the center of the den and had me lay with my legs spread wide apart. Then Mike knelt in between my legs and started licking at my balls. At first it tickled but when he sucked them into his mouth I just about jumped out of my skin. JT came over by me and told me to go ahead and touch it and stroke it. As I started massaging his shaft, my brother came over and told me to grab a hold of his and work on it. With that he grabbed my free hand, placed it on his throbbing manhood, bent over and kissed me full on the mouth. As I attempted to pull away he grabbed the back of my head, pulling my face close to his. He whispered, "Don't be such a pussy, we are brothers you know. If I can't kiss my own brother, who can?" With that he started invading my mouth with his tongue and it made me all the hornier for him. Meanwhile, Mike started working his way up the under-side of the shaft of my cock making me feel like I never felt before. I was now in ecstasy, and felt as if I was floating on cloud nine. By now Mike had reached the head of my dick and started darting his tongue at the piss slit taking all my precum that was oozing from it. He swirled his tongue around the head and on the underside sending me into a wild frenzy. I thought, if he keeps this up, I'm going to wind up cumming too soon and all the fun would be gone. Mike was too much of an expert to let me blow my nuts. Every time I felt like I was going to cum, He'd stop short, bringing me back down a couple of notches and suspending me on the wildest thrill ride of my life. My balls were aching for release. Joe released his lip lock on me and JT told me to start sucking him off. I was afraid I would not do it right and Joe sensed it right away because he told me to just copy Mike's cock love making and I'd do fine. I knelt on all fours and started first at the base of JT's balls licking each one at a time then sucking them into my mouth. I was genuinely surprised that I liked the taste of his nut sack. I then followed Mike's path and started up the underside of his shaft, tonguing my way up to that beautiful mushroom shaped head. Mike had now moved away from my dripping wet cock and got behind me. He first rubbed and played with my ass, kissing and nibbling at the cheeks, sending new shock waives up my spine. Gradually he spread my cheeks revealing a pink, virgin rosebud pucker just winking at him. I heard him say, "Hey you guys, he really is virgin, not one spec of hair on his ass or in and around his pussy hole. And I can tell you he doesn't shave because there's no nubs or stubble. Joe just beamed and replied with an, "I told ya so didn't I"? I kind of liked the idea that I could make my brother beam with his "I told you so's". I started working up JT's shaft when all of a sudden I felt Mike's face bury in my ass crack. Then I felt his tongue swirl around the outside of my hole, occasionally darting and probing in and out forcing my hole to open a little bit with each tongue darting. Meanwhile I had worked up enough courage to taste JT's precum covered head and was ecstatic to discover how sweet it was. I then held a strong glimmer of hope that his cum would taste that fine. By this time Steve had hitched himself behind my brother and was eating his ass hole like it was a pussy while JT was in a full cock sucking motion on Joe's purple helmeted worrier and Joe was talking me trough my first cock sucking experience. Suddenly Mike stopped eating and darting at my hole and grabbed a tube from the table. He smeared some on his finger and a big glob on my craving-winking hole. With his middle finger, he began invading the depths of my canal wiggling in and out telling me to relax and it won't hurt too badly. When he finally broke through the locked chamber, I bucked and he just held it firmly in place until I started pushing on it to get it deeper inside me. Then he added a second finger and before long had three fingers inside me working and stretching the inside of my ass hole in preparation for the gang fuck of my life. By this time JT was so hot and horny from watching his brother working on my hole, he just couldn't hold out any longer. He grabbed the back of my head and started riding my mouth, forcing the head of his throbbing, drooling cock to strike the back of my throat. He was face fucking me so hard that I didn't have time to notice that my brother had switched places with Mike and was now slathering the lubricant on his engorged rod to fuck my brains out. As he placed the head of his cock at the entrance of my quivering hole I said, "Please don't hurt me Mike". He leaned forward and whispered, "It's not Mike little brother and if you relax it'll only hurt for a couple of seconds". With that he gave a swift shove popping the head inside my ass ring causing me to tense and lock his dick head inside me. At first the pain was so intense, all I wanted him to do was pull it out. "Oh no little boy You wanted this and now you've got it. What's the matter, can't hang with us big boys". Over and over my brother degraded me. Well I was not about to let him think I was a wimp any more so I gritted my teeth and sure enough the pain started to subside and I started drifting into cloud of ecstasy again. This assault on my hole drove JT over the edge and he gave one last thrust. He must have signaled his ready orgasm to my brother because he told me to get ready for the sweetest man juice I would ever taste. I felt JT's cock meat swell in my mouth and felt the hot and yes very sweet man juice blast in the back of my mouth and throat. It was so good, I didn't want to loose a single drop. As he continued dumping his load Joe started riding me like I was I wild bull, fucking me and striking my prostate with every thrust. He maintained that rhythm and eventually had me pushing back to meet his thrusts. He'd pull out to just the head and slam it back in again, each thrust drawing him closer and closer to filling my insides with his own spunk. Mike in the meantime was under me in a sixty-nine position, and I started making love to his cock and balls like he'd done to me earlier. As I started, he hitched his legs under my arms exposing a lightly haired pucker to Steve's cock. As I sucked his cock and licked at his precum, I watched his older brother invade his hole with an equally as large piece as my brother. So there we both were the two younger brothers sucking each other off while having our pipes reamed by our older brothers. The sight of this sent Joe over the edge and as his cock swelled up I thought it would rip me wide open. Then I felt the blasts of his load in my ass. He must have saved it for a week because when he released it, I thought he would drown me. At the same time Steve was now plowing Mike's ass and was blasting his own load into Mike. This sent us both into frenzy and we began dumping our loads in each other's mouths. Mike's cum was only slightly saltier than JT's but I still took it all, making sure I didn't waste a single drop. When Joe had finally deflated he slapped my ass and proclaimed that I was now one of them and could enjoy all the benefits of being a member of their group. After a quick break to get something to drink we were back at it. This time they stood behind and in front of me each taking turns fucking my mouth and ass hole. I must have gotten fucked four more times before we called a quits. Mike then grabbed me, kissed me full on the mouth. This time I didn't back away and we spent the remainder of the weekend fucking and sucking. The others did their own thing while Mike and I slept, ate, showered, and did everything together most of the time in the nude. My brother was delighted that we got together that weekend, and even more so that we remained together. Mike knew and still knows that I am the bottom and dubbed himself the dominant top. In case I haven't told you before now, Mike and I have been together for almost twenty-two years now. In fact this June we'll celebrate our twenty-second anniversary together. While I have had a bit of a struggle accepting the fact that I'm gay, Mike has been very patient, understanding, and supportive for me. He's been my rock through the rough. He is my best friend and my Lover. He's my life and my anchor. He's my heart and soul. I Love You Mike. The End


More Gay Erotic Stories from Tom H.

A Weekend To Remember/My First Time

A Weekend to Remember My First Time By: Tom & Mike I'll never forget how I was introduced to gay sex. I still remember when I was growing up in a modest home with mom, dad, and let's not forget my older brother, Joe. Although there were many times I would have liked to erase him from my mind, there were still times when he could actually act human towards me and


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